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Vermont urges everyone to replace ‘son' and 'daughter' with 'gender-neutral' terms in schools


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I am all for being inclusive, but this is going too far. It will only serve to bring more hate on the LGBT community and more people crying "WOKE! WOKE! WOKE! WOKE!". The types that will use this to create more of a bad aura for wokeness.

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35 minutes ago, Vanessa Redlynn said:

I am all for being inclusive, but this is going too far. It will only serve to bring more hate on the LGBT community and more people crying "WOKE! WOKE! WOKE! WOKE!". The types that will use this to create more of a bad aura for wokeness.

Those people crying that can go cry in the corner somewhere. This is definitely another positive step in the right direction. We need more inclusive methods like this.

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18 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Those people crying that can go cry in the corner somewhere. This is definitely another positive step in the right direction. We need more inclusive methods like this.

I don't think you read the article. Only the response you replied to.


I am all for being inclusive. But to shame people for saying son or daughter is not right and will only create more anti-LGBT hate. It will create more Riley Gaines people out there. It's also going to cause many good people to be wrongly labeled as granspbobes, homophobes, anti-LGBT, and "othering".


I know you've said son or daughter before. I know you. According to this you're not inclusive and you hate LGBT community. While it doesn't say it outright, it's very much implied.


While I'm all for being inclusive, I am against making people feel like they've committed some terrible sin (shaming) for saying something that's as old as time.


This will also cause alot of grief. More grief than relief. Some people may get harassed for saying something as simple as "My son bought his sister a jacket today" and be labeled anti-LGBT.


This is why alot of people are raging about "woke". It's because some people take being woke too far to the point it creates more hate and a rebellion against being woke.


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19 hours ago, Vanessa Redlynn said:

I am all for being inclusive, but this is going too far. It will only serve to bring more hate on the LGBT community and more people crying "WOKE! WOKE! WOKE! WOKE!". The types that will use this to create more of a bad aura for wokeness.

Some people taking it too far is why so many are rebelling against being more woke; inclusive. These people act like those saying son or daughter is not being inclusive. It can earn them a false label of anti LGBT.


If some people didn't go too far, we wouldn't have so many people complaining that things are too WOKE. Too much going overboard is a huge reason there is much unjust LGBT hate.


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4 hours ago, Angie said:

I don't think you read the article. Only the response you replied to.


I am all for being inclusive. But to shame people for saying son or daughter is not right and will only create more anti-LGBT hate. It will create more Riley Gaines people out there. It's also going to cause many good people to be wrongly labeled as granspbobes, homophobes, anti-LGBT, and "othering".


I know you've said son or daughter before. I know you. According to this you're not inclusive and you hate LGBT community. While it doesn't say it outright, it's very much implied.


While I'm all for being inclusive, I am against making people feel like they've committed some terrible sin (shaming) for saying something that's as old as time.


This will also cause alot of grief. More grief than relief. Some people may get harassed for saying something as simple as "My son bought his sister a jacket today" and be labeled anti-LGBT.


This is why alot of people are raging about "woke". It's because some people take being woke too far to the point it creates more hate and a rebellion against being woke.

I just now read it, and yeah, the only way saying "son" or "daughter" can be considered harmful is in the name of transphobia. Look at Elon Musk. He has a trans daughter who he STILL dead-names. Hell, the reason why that f**ker changed "Twitter" to "X"? The X stands for his trans daughter's dead-name. Like I needed another reason to never call Twitter "X." But the Vermont law doesn't even mention that. They're basically saying to use gender-neutral terms just because. Do they really even care about inclusivity? Based on the article I read, they're just acting like they care about inclusivity just to look good.

Yeah, this will definitely cause people to pick on anything LGBT and to pick on the Woke movement. Vermont dropped the ball here.

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On 8/31/2024 at 1:22 PM, CEDAvsFan said:

Those people crying that can go cry in the corner somewhere. This is definitely another positive step in the right direction. We need more inclusive methods like this.

These people aren't being inclusive. They want to look that way while causing others to be shamed for saying what they disagree with. 

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On 8/31/2024 at 1:22 PM, CEDAvsFan said:

Those people crying that can go cry in the corner somewhere. This is definitely another positive step in the right direction. We need more inclusive methods like this.

This is not inclusive. If anything, it's more exclusionary. Those who say "son" or "daughter" could end up labeled as antiLGBT or harassed. They could be excluded from jobs and events on top of being labeled not inclusive enough. People could get "cancelled" and lose their livelihoods.


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