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Killer dad Chris Watts now blames ‘control freak’ wife for affair that led him to murder her and their two young daughters


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Killer dad Chris Watts now blames ‘control freak’ wife for affair that led him to murder her and their two young daughters

WHY IS THIS MOTHERf**kER STILL ALIVE?! Why hasn't some Good Samaritan SHANKED this piece of sh*t?! He's a hideous misogynistic c**t! He blames his wife for the affair, and then he verbally skewers his mistress. Umm, dumbass, aren't YOU the one who decided to kill your whole damn family for that woman YOU were f**king around with?! YOU chose to literally destroy your family to be with your side piece! This motherf**ker blames everyone but himself! The sad part:  I'll bet $$$ there are some morons who actually feel sorry for him just because he's White. Seriously, Watts should have been executed or shanked in prison. 

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