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Christine Lakin Has A Theory On Why She Was Fired From ‘Fuller House’


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Christine Lakin Has A Theory On Why She Was Fired From ‘Fuller House’

I think I read some time ago that Christine Lakin had a planned role on that show, but she was let go. Now I know why. Candace and Kirk are such butthurt pieces of sh*t, I swear. The ironic thing:  people who think like those two are the same people who pick on people like me for "being unable to take a joke" when something racist or anti-LGBT pops up, yet when those same people are actually satirized, they cry like b***hes. All Christine Lakin did was call out Kirk's bigoted bullsh*t, and Candace had her fired for it. Seriously, there's a special place in Hell reserved for Kirk and Candace.

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2 hours ago, Tamara said:

I never saw Christine Lakin in Fuller House. 

There were plans for Christine Lakin to appear on that show, but they were kiboshed because of Candace c**t Bure.

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