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Simone Biles reveals she's been blocked by former teammate Mykayla Skinner


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MyKayla was out of line. Her apology is not genuine in the least. It only happened to avoid possible further backlash. I wonder if she would have criticized the USA gymnastics if they weren't mostly minorities. 

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I'm not going to fall into the trap of using the race card here. Because from what I saw, it was Mykayla who started the whole thing by running off at the mouth and criticizing the current team. From my perspective, however, this is a case of an annoying blonde causing trouble. It is a theme I am all too familiar with. 

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On 7/31/2024 at 11:23 PM, CEDAvsFan said:


From what I read, Simone spoke facts and Mykayla couldn't handle the truth. Watch a gaggle of racists try to blame this all on Simone. SMH.

Simone Biles is an elitist diva that acts like her medals is special privilege to be the elitist diva she is. 

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On 8/3/2024 at 1:26 PM, Philip Gipson said:

Mykayla Skinner is a whole lot worse than a Karen! :angry3:

Simone Biles is mean girl and nasty. Mykayla Skinner blocked Simone Biles for a reason. A blog I just read proves it. Simone Biles is a self absorbed person.

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