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The abusive Amanda Larusso


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Last week I watched all the Karate Kid movies and the entire Cobra Kai series.

I've taken notice of some abusive behaviors, and less than honorable traits, with the Larusso family. Much of which are because of Amanda Larusso.


Daniel Larusso- Quick to temper. Chose to break Anthony's device right in front of him. Take it away. Disable it. But to break a kid's things Infront of them is something abusers and bullies do. He's also spoiled his kids. When Daniel doesn't get his way, he treats the outcome as if it is wrong and the wrong way. He's instigated quite a bit of the feuds throughout the series.


Amanda Larusso- Terrible spouse! She shows very little support for what Daniel has, and is, going through. When things aren't her way, it's treated as if it was wrong. That's obviously rubbed off on Daniel. See above. She's shamed Daniel for things not his fault with little guilt trips. She belittles him and what he's gone through. Half the time she acts so clueless to his past with Kreese and Terry Silver. I'm sure he's told her. I swear, she's obviously let it in one ear and out the other. She's treated Daniel like his past is his fault, when it wasn't. She's frequently over critical of Daniel. She puts down Daniel's family members like it's her right and makes him feel guilty for speaking up. 


Anthony Larusso- He bullied Kenny, which lead to him joining Cobra Kai. Which turned Kenny into likeable. For much of the series, Anthony has been lazy and entitled.


Sam Larusso- Very entitled. Nasty jealousy streak. A "forever victim" complex. When Sam messes up, somehow it's always someone else's fault. She was very nasty and rude to Tory when they first met. She accused her of stealing without reason. She's bad mouthed her before trying to know her. Sam has referred to Tory's home life as a sob story, which is very cruel considering her mother is sick and she is raising her little brother. She's picked fights with her and played victim. That rivalry with Tory is 100% Sam's fault. Oh! Let's not forget how she chose to keep quiet, and not come forward, about Yas hitting Johnny's car. That was the nail in the coffin that reignited Cobra Kai to happen. In season 5, she showed a lot of selfishness. She treated Miguel like he had to have her permission to leave the country in search of his father. She showed him very little support and thought mostly of herself. She treated him like he was wrong. She's gone on about karate drama like everyone else is always pulling her into drama. She overdoes it with playing the victim. 



In summary...........

The Larusso family is very problematic and the center of it all is Amanda Larusso. She is what is wrong with that family. Her mental abuse of Daniel has affected him. She's rubbed off on Sam in a bad way. She's been a bad wife and a bad mother. If she wasn't the way she was then Daniel, Sam, and Anthony wouldn't be better people.

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100% agree about Amanda Larusso. She is why her kids are spoiled and entitled. She's mentally abusive to Daniel. Which is why I don't totally blame him for the fights he starts. 

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2 minutes ago, Elektra said:

Take Amanda LaRusso out of the picture and the rest of the family will be more decent.

I second that. The series needs to end with Daniel leaving her, I'm serious.

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6 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Brec has more class than that, but Sam is very problematic. However, the only reason why Sam's the way she is:  Amanda. Plain and simple

Same regarding Daniel. To a point.

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11 hours ago, Elektra said:

Same regarding Daniel. To a point.

Definitely. It's to a smaller extent, but Daniel is part of this problem, too. I really hate that he really doesn't stand up to Amanda. Against big bad Kreese and big bad Silver, Daniel's a warrior, but when it comes to Amanda, Daniel's a jellyfish.

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