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Cosmic Dimensions


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About CreatorLuther69

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  1. First Twitter. Then ISS. What next? Mars, before we have a chance to move there?
  2. When I see someone wear a huge COVID19 facemask, I wonder how long their brain has been deprived of oxygen.

    1. Claire Redfield

      Claire Redfield

      The other day I saw someone wear a huge gas mask in Walmart. So was the child with her. She couldn't have been more than 9 or 10.

    2. Goldenforce772


      That is child abuse.


  3. Welcome to McDonalds. Would you like to pay with an arm or a leg?
  4. McDonalds in California "Welcome to McDonalds. Would you like to pay with an arm or a leg?"

    1. Vanessa Redlynn

      Vanessa Redlynn

      Do you accept any other major organ?

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