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Cosmic Dimensions


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Posts posted by Yas

  1. 6 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:


    Simone does have a point. The #1 cliché thing that people ask athletes after they won something is "What's next?/What are you going to do next?" Whether it's a gold medal in the Olympics, or winning the Stanley Cup, World Series, and especially the Super Bowl, talking heads always give that "What's next?" question. There's really no right answer to that, because tomorrow isn't automatically promised to any of us. To me, that's what Simone's trying to say:  the focus should not be on the future, it should be on the moment, the here and the now.

    She may have a point, but she chose to be a sketchy b***h. She's shaming for what's normal. 


    If she wasn't so into herself (self centered) shed know when an athlete is asked what's next it is celebrating their current achievement and wanting to know how they will celebrate and how they plan to progress. But no. She chooses to be wrapped up in herself.

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  2. On 7/18/2024 at 9:00 PM, ND Refugee said:

    Devon Lee does not deserve to be at the Sekai Taikai! She sabotaged Kenny with Mitch's laxatives!

    She's always been so sketch. She'll get her karma.

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