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Cosmic Dimensions

PF Gym Rat

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  1. Indeed she does. Instacart has no business trying to demand she remove what she posted about her experience. I hate to ask how many others this has happened to.
  2. I stopped using Instacart when their white shopper called my black neighbor a n**g*r when she asked why they parked on her lawn.
  3. This is not inclusive. If anything, it's more exclusionary. Those who say "son" or "daughter" could end up labeled as antiLGBT or harassed. They could be excluded from jobs and events on top of being labeled not inclusive enough. People could get "cancelled" and lose their livelihoods.
  4. SAGAFTRA nearly ruined movies and TV. Their greed has played a big part in entertainment prices going up. Watching as game prices begin to go up. f**k YOU FRAN DRESCHER!
  5. Visit the one near my uncle Mike. It's worse.
  6. until

    I can tell the actors werent I to this movie. To say the title was misleading would be an understatement.
  7. Blabette is easy to sum up. Pretends to be for Amber Heard, but really isn't. She is one of those Johnny Depp fan girls with a fake pro-amber account. The fact that she's teamed with many Depp fans to attack Amber Heard fans over them not siding with Jonathan Majors, says a lot. When she is wrong, she will only admit so if she can find a way to make it benefit her. Otherwise she will distract and deflect by attacking others and finding reasons to say they're wrong. Self serving. She doesn't care about supporting Amber Heard. She cares only about the clout it brings her that makes her seem like some champion of the downtrodden.
    Stale plot. Overused theme.
  8. So many are uneducated about the transgender community. Riley Gaines is taking advantage of that and influencing transphobia.
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