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Amber Mera

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Everything posted by Amber Mera

  1. "D’ough! NYC named priciest pizza city — as average pie cost rises to $33.65" https://nypost.com/2024/02/15/lifestyle/nyc-named-most-expensive-pizza-city-in-2024-pie-now-costs-33-65/amp/ Considering this is New York City, I am not surprised. Especially considering inflation, rising costs, and higher minimum wage.
  2. until

    This movie was very impressive to say the least. The character "Violet" was very well developed and well played by Alissa Filoramo. While I did not like the character Garret Hawkins at all, Matthew Pohlkamp played the role very well. Daisy was one of my favorite characters. Very lovable. Aryè Campos truly brought life to the role. The movie, overall, was wonderful. The acting was superb.
  3. "Dead Island 2 launches on Steam in April" https://www.eurogamer.net/dead-island-2-launches-on-steam-in-april That's good news. Especially for friends whom have the game in a different place.
  4. "We owe Amber Heard an apology" https://berkeleybeacon.com/we-owe-amber-heard-an-apology/ There was a lot of evidence in favor of Amber Heard that was shown during the trial. There was even more, but it was hidden and never seen thanks to Camille Vasquez. That entire jury was biased from the get to. So was the judge. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. All those whom have doubted Amber Heard and hurled insults her way, owe her an apology. It's not hard to do.
  5. I think I see where you're coming from. In simple terms, you decide for yourself. You don't swing one way because of this political side or that political side. Your choices are your choices. In regards to a woman's right to choose, I agree with you. Mostly because when our right to choose is taken away, it creates chaos and discord on an epic scale. It creates a war of beliefs. You've heard of tragedies happening during protests when the right to choose was taken away. Also I think we would have less abortions if we had the right to choose. People tend to rebel more when something is taken from them. In regards to Trump, the only thing I appreciated about him was foreign relations. They were a lot better when he was president. Biden does have a lot of issues, but he has done some good. He's made a lot of mistakes. I believe he has some good intentions, but maybe the job is a bit much for him at this time. As for skyrocketing prices, I noticed it's gone up a lot more in recent years. I remember about 6 years ago I could get a Big Mac meal large sized and 2 McChickens with cheese for $20. Now it would cost a little closer to $30. Minimum wage has just about doubled. Bulls have gone up. People are now in the fight for $20 and $25 an hour. Too bad we don't have a president like the one portrayed by Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact when he froze prices.
  6. There's no doubt in my mind that Johnny Depp is the abuser. The very way he went after Amber Heard during the trial was a very telltale sign. Her behavior while she was with him, was another. Johnny Depp shouldn't be roaming free. He should be in prison.
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