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Amber Mera

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Posts posted by Amber Mera

  1. 2 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:


    THANK GOD! DeSantis' act was his way of trying to say that there is no racism against marginalized communities, even though there's SOOOOO much evidence of racism everywhere. Basically. Ronnie boy's trying to say that calling out racism is "racist." Well, now DeSantis can go be irrelevant somewhere else.

    Ron DeSantis can deny it all he wants, but racism exists. He needs to learn that by pretending a problem doesn't exist, it doesn't erase it.

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  2. 43 minutes ago, RE Alice said:

    This why why I have lost all respect for Devon Lee.

    If there is any justice in the world, she will be yanked from competing in the Sekai Taikai.

  3. "Netflix is axing its cheapest, ad-free plan in the US"



    Basic users in the US who want an ad-free viewing experience on Netflix will now have two choices: Netflix’s Standard plan, which costs $15.49 per month, and its Premium plan, which costs $22.99 per month.

    While I am not thrilled with the increase, I am at least happy that they are not movie theater prices.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, Erich W said:

    Meagan Good had faded a little from the Hollywood spotlight for awhile until she began to date Jonathan Majors. I think she believes he is abusive, but began to date him to use him to get herself back out there. She's playing a very dangerous game. I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for her.

    That is something I've thought about myself. I hope I'm wrong.

  5. 2 minutes ago, CEDAvsFan said:


    If Meagan Good has any brain cells left in that head of hers, she'll say no and run off. If she accepts that proposal, and the relationship gets abusive, Meagan better not act like she didn't see this coming. She knows good and damn well what she'll get into if she accepts. And there better not be any of that "Poor Meagan" sh*t from fans if Majors assaults her. Again, she knew what she signed up for.

    Sad to say, I fully agree with you. She's seen undeniable evidence of the fact that Jonathan Majors is an abuser. She's willingly, of her own choice and free will, chosen to support this abuser. 


    However this doesn't mean she deserves to be abused. No one does.

  6. 9 minutes ago, CEDAvsFan said:


    Meagan Good's latest movie has her escaping an abuser, yet in real life, she's dating one. THE IRONY OMG. And she's f**king with Michael Ealy for ignoring her abuser of a man? Just pathetic. Meagan is an idiot. She KNOWS Majors' history, yet she's dating him. Just absolutely stupid of Meagan.

    Supposedly Michael Ealy and Majors had a friendly exchange before the viral clip. But I think Megan Good might be exaggerating about it to make Jonathan Majors, the abuser, looks good. Over exaggerating to make an abuser look good. Now, where have I seen that before?

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