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Amber Mera

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Blog Comments posted by Amber Mera

  1. 23 minutes ago, Tamara said:

    I checked out Velner's stream from last night. It took me less than a minute to see how phony that apology was.


    Come to think of it, All Velner apologized for was assuming you, @Amber Mera, and your friend Sara were Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl. That's it. I'm sure he'd like his followers to think that was good for all he has done. It isn't. He needs to apologize for all he has done; bullying, stalking, harassment, etc.

    You make a great point. I believe that Velner only apologized for the wrongful same person assumptions in order to manipulate the situation in his favor.


    Think about it. Look at the comment Velner left to his YouTube Video. He tries very hard to convince him that he's the victim and Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl is psychotic. Then he apologized for the same person accusations. I firmly believe Velner  is hoping me, @CEDAvsFan, and his friend Sara will believe him and then view HM as the problem.

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  2. Ah! I remember. That is how I met you.


    I watched Velner's stream because I was genuinely interested in his content. I was considering playing Final Fantasy XI. I tried asking him a few questions. One of of them was how the population was and if extreme trolling was an issue. That was when he began to accuse me of being this Hannahmontana. I told him I wasn't. He persisted in trying to convince me I was this Hannahmontana. He wouldn't shut up, so I defended myself. I called him a drama king. 


    That's when you came in. I saw as you asked Velner why he was targeting your friend. You explained that just because someone played a character on one server that it did not mean if a character of the same name existed elsewhere that it was here. He came up with a whole host of excuses as he accused you of being her.

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  3. When I saw his exchange with you and another friend, I took a look out at the situation myself. He seemed familiar. I thought that he might be an old friend of mine I use to speak with on Reddit. So I sent him a DM and asked what his Reddit username was. Instead of asking why I wanted to know, he chose to block and trash talk me as if I was out to get him. 


    Had he chosen to be a mature adult and asked why I wanted to know, I'd have told him I thought he was someone I knew and left it at that. But, I guess we will never have the answer to that question. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, Giddy Aunt said:

    Yes, and the irony here is that she was mocking a TT account- Bournemouthmetal,  saying that someone called Sara was trolling from behind it. Whether that's true or not,  it looks like spiritualtatas is doing the very same, and has been for several years.  Make it make sense 😆 

    spiritualtatas is trolling everyone from behind the Notyourfem account. 

    Her posts all seem to contain bullying,  harassment,  fat shaming,  many forms of bigotry, microaggressions, slurs..... you name it. 

    What is it she 'teaches again? 🙄




    The proof that boredatworkfem on Twitter/X is SpiritualSquirrelVox/SpiritualTatas from TikTok. 



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  5. 10 hours ago, Red Kevin said:

    I could be off, but are you sure it was even dhbowzeryournonbinarydad that initiated the massive harassment against you and not Squirrel? It's convenient she shows up when it starts.

    That is a possibility. Another is they're both guilty. Some from dhbowzeryournonbinarydad and their followers. Some from SpiritualSquirrelVox and her followers. She could have seen what was going on and decided to liven it up so she looks and appears more helpful.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Gwen said:

    Nonbinarydad and Billy don't represent the LGBT community. They have a voice in the community, but they do not represent it. If they did, they'd be terrible representatives for how they abused you yesterday. What they did was so deplorable; so disgusting! All they cared about was demeaning you and trying to bully you to apologize just for being born a woman. I was born male. I am proud to have been born male, only to eventually become my true self. It's helped me to be more accepting of others.


    I know you're a trans allly. You're one of the best I know. You helped my parents to understand and begin on the road of accepting me.

    Those 2 are the ones that need to do better. Be better.

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  7. I think I see where you're coming from. In simple terms, you decide for yourself. You don't swing one way because of this political side or that political side. Your choices are your choices.


    In regards to a woman's right to choose, I agree with you. Mostly because when our right to choose is taken away, it creates chaos and discord on an epic scale. It creates a war of beliefs. You've heard of tragedies happening during protests when the right to choose was taken away. Also I think we would have less abortions if we had the right to choose. People tend to rebel more when something is taken from them. 


    In regards to Trump, the only thing I appreciated about him was foreign relations. They were a lot better when he was president. Biden does have a lot of issues, but he has done some good. He's made a lot of mistakes. I believe he has some good intentions, but maybe the job is a bit much for him at this time. 


    As for skyrocketing prices, I noticed it's gone up a lot more in recent years. I remember about 6 years ago I could get a Big Mac meal large sized and 2 McChickens with cheese for $20. Now it would cost a little closer to $30. Minimum wage has just about doubled. Bulls have gone up. People are now in the fight for $20 and $25 an hour. Too bad we don't have a president like the one portrayed by Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact when he froze prices.

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