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Cosmic Dimensions


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Everything posted by Kilo

  1. I hate working nights!

    1. Grace24


      It gets easier with coffee.

    2. Elektra


      Nights are usually peaceful for me...to a point.

    3. Zenon


      Working nights can be soothing if you work alone and it is peaceful.

  2. Sista Loc and My Crown Is Heavy have some growing up to do.
  3. Blabette_ is going to blow her cover and reveal herself as a Depp supporter if she isn't careful.
  4. I think Blabette_ needs to take some time away from the internet and seek therapy before she ends up creating her own personal world war.
  5. until

    This movie could have been good if the strikes didn't happen. I feel like the script was rushed.
  6. Kilo


  7. I want to know more about the areas and if anyone from the previous games is still alive.
  8. So, I guess this means my wheelchair bound 71 year old preacher is a terror threat. f**k you Biden!
  9. I've been watching Bullyville of Instagram and CredibleIntel of Twitter. From what I see, I can tell Joey Camp is up to no good.
  10. Joey Camp is covering up something for this Jaylon Jones. I just know it!
  11. In their fight for 15, they cost more people their jobs. Even more with the fight for 20. The food quality has gotten bad with the prices at the point you may as well eat at a real restaurant.
  12. They complain and fight for 15 calling it a living wage. They get it. Prices go up. Bills too. Jobs are cut. People being laid off. They demand more. The cycle starts again.
  13. Theaters are a dying breed. I'm all for more movies to go right to streaming.
  14. Is Lola that woman that flashed people on that freeway overpass?
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