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Cosmic Dimensions

ND Refugee

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Everything posted by ND Refugee

  1. Patricia Silva has no grounds to sue because they banned her for violating their policy about pictures in the locker room.
  2. Same here, but if I had to choose, it would be Babe Ruth.
  3. Something is wrong their, but what is it and what caused it?
  4. until

    I'd rather watch porn. I hate porn.
  5. What do you think? Mrs Bailey Nolan.
  6. I don't think she was taking advantage. I think she was making sure it was working.
  7. Awesome player or just the flavor of the month?
  8. This is a start. We need this in other areas too. Especially Florida and California.
  9. Personally I think Autumn Leigh Martin should be banned permanently.
  10. I never doubted her. But I am sorry for all she's been through.
  11. The same thing happened to my next door neighbor. I use to think she was the only one.
  12. I would say I'm shocked, but I'm not. Many of NextDoor's mods get this obsessive.
  13. Why should I bother paying taxes this year? They're just going to go to some illegal.
  14. Does Naomi think she's back in highschool with these mean girl games? Ps, is it okay that I share this in a private wrestling group I'm in on Facebook?
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