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Jodi R.

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Everything posted by Jodi R.

  1. Our best defense is to join together and call them out. There are lots of us experiencing the same issue. If we all call out these moderators, I think it will make a difference. For example, Autumn’s employer should know about her actions. Lots of us could report and it would make a difference. We could then do the same for each of these moderators who are harassing people.
  2. They are not consistent about that screenshot rule. The commissioner who is harassing me posted screenshots just three days ago and they are still up I was trying to post a pic here. I uploaded it to a URL site but it I’m not able to post the link when I click “insert image from URL”. Kindly let me know how to donor and I’ll post it
  3. Thank you for posting this. I was starting to feel like I’m the only one going through something like this. Commissioner Elvin Villalobos in Tamarac Florida has been abusing his position as a government official to silence anyone who criticizes his actions as a politician on NextDoor. Two women named Kate Johnson and Beth Starkweather are members of the Review Team and help Elvin to perpetuate this unfair treatment. Kate and Beth aren’t even using their real names but their accounts aren’t banned. They also allow many discriminatory posts to go unchecked but quickly flag posts simply because they don’t like the person who posts it. I wish we could bring attention to this on a national level and force Nextdoor to change its policies. The community moderator system is flawed.
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