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T Swift

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  1. I grew up watching all that he was in. My childhood is now gone.
  2. These people aren't being inclusive. They want to look that way while causing others to be shamed for saying what they disagree with.
  3. Velner has a strong addiction to drama. He can't seem to go long without it. While he might occasionally say he wants the drama to cool down, it's only so he can hide his addiction and mask it as he's being the bigger person.
  4. Very well said. Now I can understand why Mykayla Skinner blocked her.
  5. My cousin Ben asked her why she was disrespecting the "What's next" compliment. He explained why he saw it as such. He was kind about it. She blocked up. An hour later he was bombarded with threatening DMs in the hundreds.
  6. Simone Biles is arrogant and letting her fame get to her head. I do not like how she is shaming all those whom have asked an athlete "what's next". Asking an athlete what's next for them is a compliment to all their achievements and a hope for more.
  7. That's definitely something to think about.
  8. I hope that girl gets a dose of painful karma!
  9. The Broward ASA is psychotic! How can she let that awful mother get away with leaving her child in a hot car!
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