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Stay Puft

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  1. Simone Biles is best to be forgotten about.
  2. He appears to have a thing for playing the victim role like many characters in the Lifetime movies he watches.
  3. They need to grow up, move on, and learn from this. I think that maybe the d**k pic was an accidental send. He's afraid to admit it. That could explain his reason for acting out.
  4. I know of Blabette_ from a neighbor of mine. His wife supports Amber Heard, but not Jonathan Majors. She deactivated her Twitter account because Blabette_ and a "Depp Chelsea" were very vicious in their attacks upon her. This was in December 2023.
  5. When season 5 ended, Daniel and Johnny were told Kreese was dead. How do you think they will react when they find out he is alive?
  6. Let's give the migrants their jobs. That'll put a stop to their entitled attitudes.
  7. Risc needs to get over himself. You using the name Amberheard in a game isn't the end of the world.
  8. They preach inclusivity and a stance against racist behavior. But they cover for their own racist staff. That company is terrible.
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