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Cosmic Dimensions

Red Kevin

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About Red Kevin

  • Birthday 07/04/1984

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  1. I believe that Velner stirs the pot and creates drama for people in order to attract (and keep) viewers. I think that one of the reasons for this is his streaming of the same content over and over can get tiresome over time.
  2. until

    Yawn. Gag. Big snore!
  3. until

    I'd rather eat rat poison than to subject myself to this stupid sh*t again.
  4. I hope Devon Lee gets humiliated at Sekai Taikai.
  5. I'd sh*t myself if he reformed and went to the Miyagi-Do side.
  6. I think it's possible that since Terry Silver has written Kreese out of his life and is likely on the right meds, he could lead a productive life
  7. It was not a good show. It had good moments, but I got the idea it was made only to satisfy those whining for a Halo series.
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