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Cosmic Dimensions

Norrie Calvert

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Everything posted by Norrie Calvert

  1. Teresa Cramer (SheSharpShoots/ImDaRelzSlimSha) I remember Teresa. She pulled me, my husband, and a few friends of our in some DM room that she called the nicest conversation in the world. I don't called demanding you deactivate everything and leave Twitter very nice. She kept acting like she thought I, and others, were you. I saw her target you many times in tweets. The way she treated you was disgusting. She is manipulative and I hated how she tried to manipulator you into apologizing to her. You did nothing to her. She lied to you. She lied about you. She made false claims about you. She spread vicious rumors. She claimed once that you mocked her brother. I know you. You would never mock anyone on the level she claimed. Her claims of you faking tweets to escape guilt and consequences for her actions was especially disgusting. She is a terible, horrible, thoughtless, and vile person. Mel_1245 I never interacted with Mel_1245. She was around long after I left Twitter and stuck to Facebook. But I seen alot of what that woman. Shazzy/Sharon I never interacted with or spoke to her, but I saw how she treated people. She was awful! She was the most malicious of Vinne Spina's bunch. Her trying to mess with your real life was disgusting. Like when she and Suzi Staley wrote false complaints to AMC Theatres claiming you were talking on your phone and tweeting during movies. Luckily you proved that these complaints were false because you were never at AMC Theaters on the nights she and Suzi Staley claimed. The supposed tweets they claimed was you live tweeting were easy to prove you weren't in the theater at the time Shazzy/Sharon said you were. The time stamp on them didn't match any time a showing of the movies you saw. I was happy to help you prove yourself to that theater. Luckily they gave you an apology and condemned the actions of Suzi and Shazzy/Sharon. I remember when that theater ban was lifted when you were found innocent, Shazzy/Sharon resorted to making fake profiles of you. Some to mock you in a cruel way. Some were to make you look psychotic. She is a vile and heartless bully. Suzi Staley This one is a vile troublemaker. She never had the chance to come after me. I blocked her before she could try. She's obsessive, disturbed, and very psychotic. It didn't matter what you said, she always tried to make it about her. I remember once you posted a picture of yourself with a lipstick filter. She tried to say you were making fun of her. She lied to others about you. She lied to Vinnie Spina and her friends so they would go after you more. She started the whole lie about you live tweeting in a movie theater. Something I know you would never do. She, along with Shazzy/Sharon wrote false complaints to AMC Theatres claiming you were talking on your phone and tweeting. I could go on all night about all the evil this woman has tried to do to slander you. Dubfreque This is a nasty one! The way he threatened you just for a video of the turnout of this Avengers movie. Wow! He's very disturbed. I see videos all the time of teenagers, adults, and sometimes the elderly showing themselves out enjoying themselves. Also showing a turnout for a movie. Video of people coming out of the theater. I see those videos a few times a day. As long as you aren't focusing on a particular person, what's his damn problem? He needs to see a mental health professional. Willittolife Another vile bully on Vinnie Spina's side. He helped spread so many lies and false rumors about you. He's just as bad as those who chose to lie about you. His wife Jenjibelle is just as bad. Jenjibelle Assisted her husband, Willittolife, in spreading lies and rumors about you. She was disgusting for falsely portraying herself as a victim of you. Evsmom This one is a piece of work! She has relatives with autism and tries to act like she cares about those with autism, but look at how she treated you. How would she like it if someone treated her autistic relatives the same way she, Vinnie Spina, and their friends treated you? Vinnie Spina (a1_buckwheat and adiamondpr) She was one of the most vicious. She helped to maintain some of the fake profiles about you. The severity of the lies and rumors she helped to spread about you makes her a terrible person. Brandon King (too many Twitter profiles suspended to name them all) Him pretending to be your friend and then stabbing you in the back makes him as terrible as Vinnie Spina. The lies he told and the photoshop he helped do to make it look like you did/said horrible things............................horrible. Just horrible. He is one of the worst people. The way people ganged up on you was terrible and disgusting. They all should be ashamed of themselves.
  2. Joey Camp, I remember him. After you blocked him, he tried to get me to get you to unblock him. I told him to go to hell before I added him to my block list.
  3. until

    I just got started and I'm enjoying it. I can't wait for my T6!
  4. Why should the migrants get free housing and meals at our peoples' expense.
    My husband and I just bought it. We finished watching it about 2 hours ago. It was great. I enjoyed it more knowing we own it.
  5. I hate waking up with a headache.

    1. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      I know the feeling all too well.

    2. Babydoll


      Try some lavender tea.

    I'd rather watch my 500lb next door neighbor do a strip tease than watch this.
    Usually Tubi has great movies. But this one is a stinker.
    Not bad for a free game. The DLC was entertaining.
    This isn't the least bit interesting.
    The season premiere wasn't like I thought it would be. It was a bit disappointing.
  6. I agree too. They should have let it go. This woman intended no harm, but they're treating her like some terrorist.
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