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Cosmic Dimensions

Norrie Calvert

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Everything posted by Norrie Calvert

  1. You did a great job pointing everything out. You give us all so much to consider.
  2. Which Sensei in Cobra Kai would you want to teach you?
  3. It's hard to come across anyone real on that trash app. It's garbage.
  4. Shame on Nolan. He didn't invite Oscar to the wedding.
  5. How did these police officers get to become officers of the law? Play Doom and get a high score?
  6. "She seeks a court order that would force Lucasfilm to recast her and at least $75,000, plus punitive damages." Regular people that get fired sue for hundreds of thousands. Sometimes millions. Gina isn't. When people sue for alot less, there is a reason. Look a little more into Gina. You'll see she isn't what some portray her to be.
  7. Yesterday I was harassed, bullied, and threatened because of a lie Naomi (Trinity Fatu) of the WWE chose to tell.

    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      I saw all that. If I wasn't at work, I'd have said something. You do a good job at handling this site's social media. 

    2. Naughty Santa

      Naughty Santa

      I took a look at it all. It's obvious not even 5% took a look at the reply post to verify a portion was quoted. Those who obviously did read it, were drunk on Naomi's kool-aid. Meaning, it wouldn't matter what was obvious or how big of a lie Naomi told, she'd be believed no matter what. 

  8. What Naomi did was malicious, slanderous, and defamation. Did you see the way she crafted her tweet? She was gaslighting her followers/fans hoping they would attack.
  9. I'm the one that runs the social media for this forum site. Thanks for having my back on X/Twitter. You are right. When I posted that tweet, I was quoting part of a reply post within a post. Nearly every post, posted here gets share to this forum site's X/Twitter page. I'm more selective of what goes elsewhere. What Naomi (Trinity Fatu) did was indeed slander and defamation. It was obvious in the tweet that part of a reply post linked to was quoted. Naomi tried to make it seem as if it wasn't and that I, on the X/Twitter for this forum site was making a direct attack on her. She played the victim just right so her followers would be enticed to attack. I'm sure if she saw me say this right now, she would say she didn't ask anyone to harass me. I would say "BULLsh*t!" because I'm very sure she is well aware of how aggressive her fanbase about her. I've seen her fans aggressive harass anyone that's even the slightest bit critical. Once someone said they think this song called "God is a Girl" would be better for Naomi. That X/Twitter user got harassed and accused of hating on her. I've also seen hateful tweets by Naomi's fans get liked by her. It also sickens me how Naomi worded/staged her tweet. She did so in a way so either her followers/fans would see it as true and not even bother looking at the reply post in question or they'd see it the false way she portrayed it. 2 members' opinions is not the whole site attacking her like she heavily implied. That also makes what she did , malicious. Especially knowing how so much of her fanbase behaves. So many of her fans that saw her tweet, blindly attacked as if what she said was true. Not even a portion of them bothered to look at the reply post within this post. https://archive.is/FZQA4 (archvies are forever) As of right now the post has 404 views. It had 350 views before I posted the tweet on this forum site's social media. That's 54 views from people here and possible some who saw Naomi's tweet. If alot of those blind followers/fans ever bother to look at the reply post, they'd have seen that what was in the quotes in the tweet was a quote from a reply post within that post. Naomi gaslighted her followers. Because of her, atleast over 2000 DMs were received from about 876 accounts. It took a long time, but each were reported and blocked. Luckily 87 of them are suspended now. I also took noticed that Naomi deleted her tweet. I highly doubt it was her trying to be decent. I think she was just covering her a** because she knows she is wrong. Oh, by the way, if Naomi's reputation is so fragile that it can be damaged by 2 members and their experiences, that says alot. None good and that is all on Naomi; not this forum site or me. There's alot more I'd say, but @CEDAvsFan, you put it perfectly.
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