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Cosmic Dimensions

Norrie Calvert

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Everything posted by Norrie Calvert

  1. I like and hate Lucy. I've always wanted her to be with Tim. But ever since she has been, she's been b***hy, nitpicky, and a tad controlling.
  2. Those whiners need to go p**s in the wind.
  3. Genxpuma acts as if she is the ultimate LGBT authority. She isn't. She's barely inclusive. She tries to look like it, but she's not. "And all those in between" said in one of her videos. I sense nonbinary prejudice.
  4. What's the problem people have with the series?
  5. I guess you must have seen her latest post where she calls @GMileyCollier78 a c**t and says she won't leave her alone.
  6. Billy is the worse one. He's still obsessing about @GMileyCollier78 and @CEDAvsFan.
  7. I think that SpiritualSquirrelVox gets off on making others feel like they've done wrong so she can play the role of the savior.
  8. For those reading this, this post is strongly believed to be false information.
  9. This is an example of why squatters should not have any rights. They cause trouble, harm, and so much drama! https://nypost.com/2024/03/19/us-news/moment-nyc-homeowner-is-arrested-after-tense-standoff-with-squatters/
  10. Why is it that those defending that lunatic are either racist, transphobic, or one of those that likes to falsely accuse someone of being a sex offender over a disagreement?
  11. Planet Fitness should sue Patricia Silva for defamation, libel, and slander.
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