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Cosmic Dimensions

Norrie Calvert

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Blog Comments posted by Norrie Calvert

  1. Velner is a male version of Regina George.

    1- Looks for/invents reasons to create hate for someone.

    2- Makes stuff up to cause/stir drama.

    3- Lies about people so there is drama and he can get attention.

    4- Says the victim is in love with them to create a false sense of obsession and disturbing mentality.


    Do I need to continue?

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mandy Baby said:

    Blabette_ is one of the worst people on X Twitter! She and alot of diehard Depp fans targeted many Amber Heard supporters this year that dared to not support Jonathan Majors. Some might argue we can't judge who a person supports by who their friends support. In this case, it's different. She chooses to get overly friendly with Depp supporters to get them to help her attack Amber Heard supporters that won't support Jonathan Majors.

    Does that sound like:

    1) someone that supports Amber Heard.


    2) someone that is using that community (Amber Heard) when it suits her.


    3) someone that's a Depp supporter with a few fake Amber Heard support profiles.


    4) #2 and #3.

    #4 without a doubt. Blabette_ shows the signs of someone whose pro Amber Heard accounts are fakes; only existing to help hurt Amber Heard supporters more with her main pro-Depp account.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

    Her dog is called Jimi not Jake- stupid autocorrect. 

    And, wow, just scroll through her posts on twitter to find a truly horrible,  poisonous troll of a woman. My eyes are well and truly opened,  it looks like everyone's gut instinct on her are 💯 spot on!!

    I guess you must have seen her latest post where she calls @GMileyCollier78 a c**t and says she won't leave her alone.

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  4. 23 hours ago, Giddy Aunt said:

    I made an account after following a tiktok link here,  just to say how relieved I am that people are catching onto her!


    She's a self important egotistical, aggressive bully. 

    I had a run in with her,  similar to Ambers,  where a completely innocent comment of mine was made into a scathing ego feeding video reply from her and then I was BLOCKED. 

    I am a mixed race, middle aged woman, inclusive of all minority communities, but she implied I was racist and my language was a microaggression.

    I don't want to reveal my tt handle because she is a bully and I don't need the hassle but I watched her (before me) go after so many people in her comments. 

    I think she does it to feed her ego and for clout. She loves the pile in that she causes. 

    One recent example- 

    The squirrel made a video addressing a tiktok lady who makes cleaning videos (Ann) Ann was referring to HER OWN HAIR as a mop. Squirrel made it into a racist issue, using her word salad she made a scathing implication that Ann was using racist language and told her to do better. Squirrel has NO business policing someone's language about their own body, especially if its unsolicited. 

    I was upset for Ann, who saw the video and has ignored it because she likely realised that Squirrel was rage baiting.  Squirrel will be very disappointed that she didn't get a reaction but Ann is a smart woman and knows a twit when she sees one. 

    Squirrel is troublesome,  she says she teaches diversity,  well,  God help her students is all I can say 😬😬


    This Squirrel isn't teaching diversity. She is teaching how to socially engineer.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Angie said:

    You may not know this but SpiritualSquirrelVox had another video up of Miley where she made her seem like she was out to hurt the trans community. Where is it now? Did it go away because she though she would be useful?

    I saw that one. She made Miley look like some ignorant child being taught better by mommy.

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