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Cosmic Dimensions

Norrie Calvert

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About Norrie Calvert

  • Birthday 11/29/1997

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  1. Yesterday I was harassed, bullied, and threatened because of a lie Naomi (Trinity Fatu) of the WWE chose to tell.

    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      I saw all that. If I wasn't at work, I'd have said something. You do a good job at handling this site's social media. 

    2. Naughty Santa

      Naughty Santa

      I took a look at it all. It's obvious not even 5% took a look at the reply post to verify a portion was quoted. Those who obviously did read it, were drunk on Naomi's kool-aid. Meaning, it wouldn't matter what was obvious or how big of a lie Naomi told, she'd be believed no matter what. 

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