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Cosmic Dimensions


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Elektra last won the day on August 23

Elektra had the most liked content!

About Elektra

  • Birthday 07/21/1978

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  1. Give me the idiots version that isn't a novel length explanation.
  2. Someone owes me $50. I knew it was ending and finally. And please let Rob Lowe's character get killed off. @Angie.
  3. Arizona mom arrested for criticizing officials at public meeting sues for rights violation I personally hope Rebekah Massie teaches the city of Surprise, AZ a harsh LEGAL lesson.
  4. I am so sick and tired of Caitlin Clark. If a black player so much as brushes against Caitlin Clark, it's treated like the worst foul. But Caitlin Clark has shoved others, fouled others. She's treated with kid gloves. She doesn't deserve to be in the WNBA.
  5. Vermont urges everyone to replace ‘son' and 'daughter' with 'gender-neutral' terms in schools Now it's wrong to say SON or DAUGHTER? WTF! This is going overboard.
  6. For some women it is hard to leave. If the husband is like some of the abusive husbands in the Lifetime movies, then yes. It would be hard.
  7. Perv dies in car crash while fleeing from cops 1 day after he kidnapped and molested 9-year-old girl KARMA!
  8. Channing Tatum sucks as a husband. He sucks as a person. He's obsessed. Who does he sound like and make you think of?
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