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Posts posted by Elektra

  1. 2 minutes ago, CEDAvsFan said:


    Simone does have a point. The #1 cliché thing that people ask athletes after they won something is "What's next?/What are you going to do next?" Whether it's a gold medal in the Olympics, or winning the Stanley Cup, World Series, and especially the Super Bowl, talking heads always give that "What's next?" question. There's really no right answer to that, because tomorrow isn't automatically promised to any of us. To me, that's what Simone's trying to say:  the focus should not be on the future, it should be on the moment, the here and the now.

    I agree but she comes across as rude with the way she is saying and putting it. That will not help/get people to listen.

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  2. NYC Uber driver says passenger pepper-sprayed him over skin color: ‘This is a hate crime’


    A young woman who allegedly assaulted her Uber driver with pepper spray in Midtown this week said she did it because of his skin color, the driver claimed to The Post Saturday.

    “Her friend, she is yelling, ‘Jen, Jen, what the f–k, what are you doing? What’s going on?’” driver Shohel Mahmud recalled of the Wednesday attack. “Her friend is asking ‘Why did you do that?’ And she say, ‘He’s brown.’” 

    I agree about this being a hate crime. Jennifer Guilbeault needs to be charged and not get a slap on the wrist.

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  3. Angelina Jolie claims Brad Pitt tried to ‘silence’ her abuse allegations by pushing NDA


    “Instead, it was Pitt who refused to buy her interest unless he received his newly expanded NDA, enforceable by an $8.5 million holdback specifically designed to force her silence about his abuse and cover-up.”

    The couple abruptly split in September 2016 after a family plane trip from France to Los Angeles reportedly turned violent with Pitt allegedly getting physically abusive with Jolie and some of their six children.

    Innocent men don't try to force an NDA.

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  4. Live-Action Voltron Movie Gets Major Update


    A live-action Voltron movie has been in the works for some time and, according to a new update, has finally found a home.

    According to a recent report from Jeff Sneider of The Insneider, the live-action Voltron movie has officially landed at Amazon MGM Studios following a bidding war between several companies. The report mentions that the film has been greenlit and is ready to begin casting in the coming months.

    Excellent news! I've wanted a live action Voltron for years!

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  5.  California fast food workers demand another minimum wage increase — four months after $4 raise


    The union is asking that wages for workers be raised to $20.70 per hour by Jan. 1, 2025, “to keep up with the rising cost of living,” the SEIU released in a statement to the outlet.

    Then in another 4 months or year, they'll demand alot more. Start small in the demands. Then work the way up.



    Several major chains – including McDonald’s, Burger King, and even low-cost favorite In-N-Out Burger – jacked up prices to offset the higher wages.

    Many had to cut employee hours, and some have expedited a move toward automation.

    Rubio’s California Grill closed 48 of its nearly 134 locations at the end of May – making it the first major chain to fall victim to the new law.

    The San Diego-based company cited the “rising cost of doing business” in the state for the closures and filed for bankruptcy in June.

    “They don’t have a lot of options beyond increasing prices, reducing hours of operation, or scaling back the size of their workforce.”

    Now what has @Goldenforce772 been saying?



    “It’s been really good because I can put more food on the table and in my fridge and pay my rent on time which was always a challenge,” Oakland Wendy’s employee Romualda Alcazar Cruz said Wednesday.

    SELFISH! SELFISH! SELFISH! What about those whom have lost their jobs or had their hours cut? For them, the change means nothing.

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  6. Justin Timberlake’s driver’s license suspended after Sag Harbor DWI


    Timberlake, 43, pleaded not guilty to a revised DWI charge during the 9:30 a.m. hearing in Sag Harbor Village Justice Court.

    Justice Carl Irace moved to suspend the pop singer’s license in New York because he refused to take a breathalyzer test when he was pulled over near the American Hotel on June 18.

    Refusing a breathalizer proves he has something to hide.



    Timberlake initially claimed that he had just “one martini” after he blew through a stop after a night out with friends.

    Then why did he refuse a breathalizer?

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  7. 2 minutes ago, CEDAvsFan said:


    And there it is, folks. Reason #2453953857324857348954 why I despise Logan Paul. He's revealed as a Trump a**-kisser, and now he's showing his a** as a transphobic bigot. Yet that f**ker's held WWE's United States Championship for nearly NINE MONTHS, and barely defended the title, while he should have lost that belt as early as this year's Royal Rumble. I hope LA Knight beats him in six seconds at SummerSlam on Saturday. I was hoping that anyway, now I hope for that, and for LA to kick his a** after the match.


    Logan Paul is full of himself. He hates anyone he sees as beneath him. I look forward to the day he loses that title he did not earn.

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