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Posts posted by Elektra

  1. Armed homeowner who defended family in driveway shoot-out says he's been stripped of gun permit


    A Los Angeles homeowner who used a firearm to fend off apparent would-be robbers at his home said his concealed carry permit was taken away just days after the residential-neighborhood shoot-out.


    Ricci told Fox News Digital that the sheriff's office called him Thursday morning to inform him his concealed carry permit was "revoked," and he said it was due to him "yelling" at Los Angeles police officers when they visited his home to investigate the shooting three days after the incident.

    This is ridiculous and shouldn't have happened. Ricci followed the rules of the law! Yet he has his gun permit taken!

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  2. Sarah Jane Comrie: Bellevue Hospital PA’s Lawyer Responds to Viral Citi Bike Video


    Marino wrote in the May 17 statement, “Here are the facts: On May 12th my client finished her roughly 12-hour shift and approached the Citi Bike station so she could head home. She went to an available bike, which no individuals were on or touching, mounted it and paid for it via the Citi Bike app on her phone. She then backed it up after it was released from the docking station.”

    He added, “During this time, a group of about five individuals approached her, saying that the bike was theirs. One or more individuals in that group physically pushed her bike (with her on it) back into the docking station, causing it to re-lock. … In short, my client arrived to a vacant bike, mounted the bike, paid for the bike and was prevented from leaving.”

    Sarah Jane Comrie approached them! That attorney of hers is lying.



    Prominent civil rights attorney Ben Crump shared the video on Instagram and wrote, “This is unacceptable! A white woman was caught on camera attempting to STEAL a Citi Bike from a young Black man in NYC. She grossly tried to weaponize her tears to paint this man as a threat. This is EXACTLY the type of behavior that has endangered so many Black men in the past!”

    Sarah Jane Comrie could have gotten those men hurt or killed with her overdramatization.



    A GoFundMe was set up on May 18 by Comrie’s uncle. He wrote, “my niece, Sarah Comrie, a Physicians Assistant at Bellevue, became embroiled in a much-publicized incident with a Citibike that unfairly painted her as a racist ‘Karen.'”

    He added, “The facts have since proven this is a lie, but the damage has been done. In fact, Sarah is a dedicated healthcare worker who is six months pregnant. She holds racial justice and equity dear, and has dedicated her life to serving NYC’s most challenged individuals. She does not wish to become a cause celebre, but the legal bills to save her livelihood and her reputation obviously are mounting. Please help!”

    Defending a person who tried to weaponize fake tears to get young black men hurt over a bike...



    Marino wrote in his statement, “Our client is six months pregnant. She worked through the pandemic, helping the city’s most challenged and diverse populations in critical condition after recovering from COVID herself. She immediately volunteered as a medical provider in the network organized by her neighbors to triage health concerns (particularly amongst the elderly), accepting 24/7 phone calls and delivering medications from pharmacies when they felt unsafe or too unwell to go out themselves.”

    What Sarah Jane Comrie's attorney is doing is trying to excuse her behavior.


    For some reason this article is dated in September 2023. Well, updated.

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  3. Black man’s truck repossessed moments after he was gunned down by Alabama cops


    Police said that Perkins, a black man, had also pointed a gun at the officer, who reportedly fired 18 shots at the man, hitting him seven times.

    18 shots is excessive!



    Police and the driver said he had mounted a gun on the flashlight, a claim which could not be verified by watching the footage.

    Now, isn't that suspicious.



    A spokesperson for Perkins’ family said he was “ambushed” by police, who gave him less than a fraction of a second to comply with instructions to get on the ground before opening fire, doorbell camera video showed.

    Something is rotten here!



    “And then I heard an officer call and say he ‘needed an ambulance ASAP,’ and then a little later I heard him say ‘he’s out,’” Capps continued, adding that the ambulance was in “no hurry” to arrive.

    The neighbor also said that when she hailed a police officer to her porch after the shooting and asked them if Perkins was okay, they lied and said “he’s fine.”

    Highly suspicious!



    Decatur police spokeswoman Irene Cardenas-Martinez reportedly disputed Capps’ account of the aftermath of the shooting and said officers had rendered first aid.

    2 words: police coverup.



    On Nov. 4, new home security footage from a neighbor across the street emerged depicting Perkins’ truck callously being towed as he fought for his life, riddled with gunshots on his own property.

    Why am I not surprised?

    • Like 2
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  4. Massive 'Devil Comet' with ice volcano and 'horns' to light up Earth skies


    The comet will be at its brightest for earthlings next year in mid-April, when it will be roughly 232 million kilometers, or 144,158,116 miles, from Earth.


    The astronomer noted that comets are "notoriously unpredictable" when it comes to gauging how bright they will be as they approach Earth, arguing it's a "wait and see" moment for sky-watchers. 

    Okay let's make sure we keep our eyes on this one.

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