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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. In simple plain english, since I'm still relearning alot... how many games do the Packers have to win?
  2. When Kiara Drake was only 5 years old she learned of her powers and abilities from a being known only as White Lion to a select few. She was in great disbelief at first for she was only a mere child at the time. Through various events and visits throughout that year, she came to understand a little of what lay ahead for her. She also learned there was another like her out there somewhere, but was never told who. She always wondered. When she was 13 years old, Kiara had her first battle using her powers with 3 mysterious creatures that she spotted at the river bank near her home. They looked similar to the Tengu Warriors from the first Power Rangers movie except their beaks were shorter. It was during her first battle that her best friend Rick figured out the secret she had been keeping all this time. He always wondered why she periodically had to go just for "no reason". Christmas day of 2020, when Kiara was 15, was her first encounter with this strange being that looked like a cross between the orcs from Lord of the Rings and vampires from various stories and movies she has seen, had appeared. It just watched her. It stood there just watching her as if almost it was entranced. This happened again on a few occasions. Shortly there after these beings similar to that creature, known as Vampyro kept coming around. They never stuck around for very long. She always wondered why. Soon, she was about to find out.....
  3. ALL athletes should learn to lose and win gracefully regardless of their competitor's gender.
  4. When a horror movie gets turned into a musical, it gets ridiculous.
  5. ‘The Lost Boys’ Musical in the Works With Patrick Wilson Producing A horror movie turned into a musical... I'm unsure about this.
  6. ‘Terrifier 3’: Lauren LaVera Signs On to Reprise Her Role as Sienna in Christmas Slasher Sequel! EXCELLENT NEWS!
  7. E3 Is Permanently Canceled This is devastating news. Alot of games I've bought have been because of E3. The E3 always gave me so much to look forward to.
  8. Dean Norris Joins Law & Order: Organized Crime as Stabler’s Brother I remember Dean Norris from an episode of Grey's Anatomy. I also remember him as Big Jim Rennie in Under The Dome.
  9. NBA suspends Warriors' Draymond Green indefinitely after latest incident I dedicate this video to Draymond Green.
  10. I also remember the incident with Kadri. He didn't deserve what went on.
  11. My only beef is that it won't have Chadwick Boseman. But I will still give it a chance.
  12. Another casualty of the bullying I've been through since 2015 is on some RARE occasions if someone doesn't like what someone I speak with says, one of 2 things happen. 1) I get hassled to tell them to STFU. Sometimes they dig into me and link the iron troll blogs to me threatening to put them back out there. Luckily each Twitter(X) account that has done that, has been suspended. 2) The one I'm acquainted with gets accused of being me and the IronTroll blogs are linked. Words are said to create a convincing story to make it look true. This has happened only once before. Luckily the person that tried to pull that got suspended and hasn't come around again. What I just spoke of above by #2 has happened again. This is how it all started... On December 7, 2023 at 5:09pm, I made a post on Twitter(X) in response to a post by "People". ARCHIVE of "People's" tweet: https://archive.is/4F57h ARCHIVE of my tweet: https://archive.is/cZCJJ My tweet response was harmless. I gave my thoughts and opinion regarding Jonathan Majors and his legal team. A friend of mine ("AvsPackersFan") replied to me. ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/nX93b "AvsPackersFan" responded to me sharing his opinion, which we share the same regarding Jonathan Majors. Someone else saw our tweets and responded; "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". She replied to the tweet by "AvsPackersFan". Since she was jumping into the conversation, that tweet was meant for all tagged. ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's " tweet: https://archive.is/rvAt9 I saw another tweet from "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" that heavy implied she was a Grace Jabbari supporter. Sadly that one was erased. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal. I was considering replying to "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)", but my friend Casey ("CaseyN77215") advised me not to because the person could be one of those Jonathan Majors supporters that will start off nice and "flip the switch" into nastiness. I asked why she was saying that and mentioned the tweet that was deleted. She pointed out to me the wording of the tweet that wasn't deleted. I did a search to see if maybe either of use understood. Sure enough, no other tweets by "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" that would imply she supported Grace Jabbari. However there was several that suggested she was more than for Jonathan Majors. So I decided against replying to her. Part of me thought about DMing "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" to give a simple reply just in case one of the more aggressive Jonathan Majors fans decided to jump in. I decided against it once I noticed some particular tweets in my notifications. One from "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" and one from "mrshaheedmalik". ARCHIVE of "mrsshaheedmalik's" tweet: https://archive.is/Masql ARCHIVE of AshleyWK4's tweet in response to "mrshaheedmalik's tweet: https://archive.is/dIRAm When I saw these tweets, I decided against sending "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" a DM. As of this moment I didn't block them. I figured it was simply "butthurt over no reply". So I moved on. I began to see notifications from my friend "CaseyN77215" whom jumped in to defend me. She doesn't like it when people are nasty to or about her friends. So an exchange began. ARCHIVE of "CaseyN77215's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/tKsGy ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/UREYA ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/lYRgC ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/JmCnR Right at this point I blocked "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". I didn't want any part of her trolling over butthurt from lack of response. As the exchange above was going on, "AvsPackersFan" called "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" out on her butthurt on me not responding. I responded to him. ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/Ph5Uz ARCHIVE of tweet quoted by "AvsPackersFan" since it isn't appearing in the link and appears as unavailable on Twitter despite it actually existing: https://archive.is/dIRAm ARCHIVE of my response (GMileyCollier78) to "AvsPackersFan" tweet: https://archive.is/0A7Lt ARCHIVE of "GreaterGra12139's" tweet response to me: https://archive.is/LPCk2 My response to "AvsPackersFan" was basically stating why I didn't respond to "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". The tweet I was speaking of that seemed to show support for Grace Jabbari is the one that was deleted. Someone responded to me quoting a tweet from a "Blabette_". I pretty much ignored that. There was another exchange of replies also going on under "AvsPackersFan's" tweet calling out "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)'s" butthurt over no response from me. ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/Ph5Uz ARCHIVE of tweet quoted by "AvsPackersFan" since it isn't appearing in the link and appears as unavailable on Twitter despite it actually existing: https://archive.is/dIRAm ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/B3DK9 ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/tQPte ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/OpkCK ARCHIVE of "CaseyN77215's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/blSR0 Both "AvsPackersFan" and "CaseyN77215" called "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)'s out on lying and stirring drama since she was acting as if her deleted tweet never existed. I went about the evening (12/7/2023) until I began to see some disturbing notifications from an account I NEVER interacted with before, "Blabette_". She inserted herself in a few threads and was posting links to those slanderous blogs from the IronTroll(.com) website. She was trying to claim that "CaseyN77215" was me! Here "Blabette_" responds to "GreaterGra12139's" reply to me in which they quote tweeted her. ARCHIVE of tweet "Blabette"_ replying to "GreaterGra12139": https://archive.is/wxQv1 What "Blabette_" is telling "GreaterGra12139" is that me and "AvsPackersFan" are the same person while linking one of the many slanderous blogs about me from the IronTroll(.com) website. There's videos of me all over my Twitter(X) profile. Also my friend "AvsPackersFan" posts links to his Tiktoks alot on his profile which lead to Tiktoks showing his real face. Last I checked I am a white woman, not a black man. In this tweet by "Blabette_", she posts screenshots of mine, "AvsPackersFan's", and "CaseyN77215's" Twitter profiles along with a little excerpt from one of the slanderous IronTroll blogs about me. All coupled with the claim that we all are the same person. ARCHIVE of tweet by "Blabette_" passing along a vicious lie as the truth despite it being disproven: https://archive.is/jeM21 I think "Blabette_" jumped to conclusions here. For someone that presents herself as someone who likes to do research and gather info, she isn't that good at it. Otherwise she'd know we aren't the same person. Here, "Blabette_" takes it upon herself to jump in on a thread to post links to those slanderous blogs about me and share her false claims of "CaseyN77215" being me. A few others join in on the raging discussion: "dizzyophelia", "iamhersheisyou", and "depp_head93". ARCHIVE of tweet by "AshleyWK4" in reply to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/u8IlU ARCHIVE of tweet by "Blabette_" in reply to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/8VeOt ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "dizzyophelia" in response to "Blabette_"as she tags in "iamhersheisyou" and "depp_head93": https://archive.is/o18jX ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "depp_head93" to "dizzyophelia": https://archive.is/a2PZC ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" to "depp_head93": https://archive.is/yy4Uu ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "depp_head93" to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/dlAF4 ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" to "depp_head93": https://archive.is/vXfBP ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/akjYw ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/S2hEI ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/cfoJb ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "Blabette_" to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/xQyTo These people choose to make fun of me by asking if I am a man, when videos on my Twitter (X) page clearly show I am a woman. Because they hate my friend "CaseyN77215" and they saw her defending me to someone trolling me, they use that and links to old and slanderous blogs about me to make their false claims of me being her and "AvsPackersFan" look true. "Blabette_" responds to "iamhersheisyou's" tweet, from a thread I showed earlier, where she says she needs to "go find this article". A little discussion forms afterwards. ARCHIVE of "Blabette_'s reply to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/MoQND ARCHIVE of "Blabette_'s" tweet added in addition to the above: https://archive.is/lW9ha ARCHIVE of "iamhersheisyou's" tweet reply to "Blabette_": https://archive.is/QWgxC ARCHIVE of "dizzyophelia's" tweet reply to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/4V4yC ARCHIVE of "Depp_head93's" tweet reply to "dizzyophelia": https://archive.is/NTemY These people are taking bits and pieces from those slanderous blogs about me and sharing them and putting their own spin on it. They are using these blogs about me to try to make their false claim of "CaseyN77215" being me look more true. They're using me and "AvsPackersFan" to hurt her. Both "AvsPackersFan" and myself each posted videos about this matter for the sole purpose of putting "Blabette_'s" "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PERSON" claim to rest. ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFans" tweet: https://archive.is/84BAr ARCHIVE of my video response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/W6AED Definitive proof. That "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PERSON" claim by "Blabette_" is invalid. In conclusion? Each of these people, whom I've never interacted with before, decided to come at/after me because I'm friends with someone they dislike. They've tried to justify it by claiming me, "CaseyN77215" are the same person. They've dug up old slanderous blogs about you and have passed them around. Not one of these people ("Blabette_", "iamhersheisyou", "dizzyophelia", "depp_head93"), whom all act like they're "all about the facts", even tried to get all the facts. They attacked me, my character, out of spite and the fact I'm friends with someone they hate. They didn't even try to get my side regarding those slanderous blogs. Had they tried, they'd see understand it's all slander about me and understand what I been through. My blogs that I wrote about it all (all the ones posted before this one) are all here. But then again, they've shown themselves to be full of hate in how they treated me. I wouldn't doubt it if they continued their slander spree, but I won't worry about that. I got my own life to live.
  13. Now I would love to see @Angie blog about Charon and Pluto and how they use to be dubbed a double planet system.
  14. After some YEARS, a particularly vicious bully has re-surfaced. For a little background, watch my YouTube about it. Now that's you're caught up... Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] got blocked immediately after. I wasn't going to apologize to her. Why should I? She mentally abused me off and on for years in many ways. Apologizing to this abuser/bully would be like saying what she did to me was okay... 1) Lying about me. 2) Spreading rumors about me as if they were fact. 3) Threatened me. 4) Tried to bully me offline. 5) Falsely accused people I know of being me so as to make her claims of me being "unstable with having multiple profiles" look more true. 6) Has swatted me. Sent police to my home claiming I was suicidal. They quickly realized I was not. 7) Had harassed some defending me in order to scare them off and isolate me. 8) Falsely claimed I'm a bully despite there is no real proof other than what's been photoshopped (by her or others), lies told, and obviously false information spread by various obvious trolls. The list goes on... In the past when she would be quiet about me, I would get nasty tweets from random people accusing me of being an abuser. That's why 3 particular tweets to me yesterday stood out. All 3 tweets shown and archived here: https://archive.ph/ouZmN To most people it would just be Johnny Depp fans lashing out at an Amber Heard supporter excited about Amber Heard's movie "In The Fire". While it is that, it is so much more. Most Johnny Depp fans just put down Amber Heard to her fans and supporters or attack the person for being a fan. These people were accusing me of being an abuser pretending to be abused/bullied. Exactly Teresa C's [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] MO. Archive proof of Teresa C's [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] Amber Heard hate: https://archive.ph/AzIC8 Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] happens to be an extreme Amber Heard hater and a fangirl of TUG (ThatUmbrellaGuy) and his hateful content on his You Tube channel. I wouldn't be surprised if Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] decided to use the Johnny Depp fan community to her advantage and steered them in my direction to come at me for being a fan of Amber Heard. All so I would be harassed and she could get away with trying to cause me issues. Should I suspect something and say anything... she could just go on about how "it commonly happens to those who support Amber Heard" and say whatever else to make me seem like the crazy one. Recently I was going through some old flash drives and came upon tweets in which Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)], on her now suspended "ImDaRelzSlimSha" Twitter(X) profile, had posted screenshots of this long DM she sent me. The screenshots were taken in 2016. That DM was what she indirectly spoke of when she once said she gave me the chance to go away. She's also indirectly mentioned it in other tweets. Archive of big DM threat: https://archive.ph/L1ehF She basically tried (very badly) to manipulate me into thinking that DM is her way of saying she cares about me. She tried to get me to think I was engaging in "dangerous behavior". That was her manipulative way to get me to speak with her. She says this was a "private communication", but yet she's shown it during peak times when I was being bullied, harassed, and stalked. She attempts to blackmail me by saying I shouldn't show that DM to anyone. She falsely accuses me of harassing her. Also why would I reach out to her considering how abusive she's been towards and about me? She also goes on to accuse me of doing things I would never say or do. She also goes on to claim she spoke with me on the phone. I NEVER spoke with her on the phone. I don't give my phone number to anyone I barely know. Especially not someone who's bullied and harassed me to the extent she has. Sadly, even with the screenshots I took in 2016 (and forgot I still had), I didn't catch the entire DM. But I remember it. She basically told me to "deactivate every profile" I had. She even named a few friends of mine. Particularly ones that have stuck by me and have asked her to leave me alone. People she's falsely accused me of being. My guess is she had hoped that I would get so scared and frantic I would get them to deactivate and/or leave Twitter(X). Part of me thought she hoped I would show the DM to friends in hopes those defending me would leave Twitter(X) just to spare me her abuse and abuse from others bullying me. A few did leave Twitter, but we still talk. Some have come back under names different than before. Bullies in general do similar to isolate their victims. The hateful people she spoke of was that Vincenza and her group of friends I have spoken of in previous blogs. When it comes to Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] voicing an opinion towards/about someone she doesn't like, she doesn't just voice her opinion. She attacks. She's done it to me, as I have more than proven. She's also done it to others.
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