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Cosmic Dimensions


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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. 2 disturbing things about this. One, Jonathan Majors is giving strong vibes that he "has to" have an obedience woman that supports him no matter what he does. Two, he disrespected MLK Jr.
  2. Cobra Kai Creator Reveals Season 6 Episode Count & Exciting Update on Runtime I figured 10 episodes would be it. It's always been that way. I can efinitely get behind longer running times. This intrigues me so much! So many ways I can see Terry Silver getting out of season 5s mess.
  3. in case they happen upon this blog an report those images so your evidence goes away, I archived each of your IMGUR links. IMGUR: https://imgur.com/a/o65IOfu ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/KcnQT IMGUR: https://imgur.com/k7vIFv6 ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/qxmOJ IMGUR: https://imgur.com/a/76r5Brb ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/yZ4kw IMGUR: https://imgur.com/jCMPu3e ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/uwHdo I remember in the whole thread that Cynthia B kept acting like she said and did nothing wrong. If that was true, then her post wouldn't have been removed for illegal activity. The illegal activity being advocating for animal cruelty. It's a good thing we both went above the heads of local mods.
  4. Yesterday was quite eventful. Let's start with the basic gist of it. Starting with this video. Same one also on TikTok. WOW, JUST WOW! Even after I made my video speaking up about the whole matter, the thread full of drama continued. Cynthia B (moderator) continues to cover her butt. John Brooks trolls. The only sane one below is Donna. She tells it like it is perfectly. Better than I could. What I like about her is she can see how phony Cynthia B (moderator) is in covering her butt acting as if she'd never harm an animal. Casey Tibbitt (not a moderator, but a friend of one[Cynthia B]) and Cynthia B (moderator) took it upon themselves to attack me and Donna in an attempt to discredit us and distract wandering eyes from the issue. That being that Cynthia B was advocating for animal cruelty and suddenly trying to cover her butt. I reported Cynthia B's (moderator) comment, but of course...Mod privilege exempts her from getting consequences. Of course her fellow mods will find nothing wrong with her attacking someone online. Moderators on NextDoor protect each other after all. Here's Casey Tibbitt (not a moderator, but a friend of one[Cynthia B]) helping to portray Cynthia B (moderator) as the poor helpless victim under attack and help make it look as if different things were said. Others within the thread, started by this post, tried to make it look like me and Donna were saying Cynthia B (moderator) had no business to defend herself if she was attacked. Some, even Cynthia B (moderator), attempted to make the starting post look like Cynthia B (moderator) was saying these loose dogs were attacking her family, but conveniently only after her advocacy for animal cruelty was pointed out. Look carefully at how the last sentence was worded: "I don't have a problem with animals, but when they're running around, casing and trying to hurt, I will keep them off my property.". she never said these animals were chasing her family or harming her family. She was stating what she would do if animals were. But of course, as I already stated, this is being twisted by Cynthia B (moderator), and others within the thread (except me and Donna) to her saying her family is under attack here. All to deflect from her advocacy for animal cruelty. To just hurt an animal just for existing on your property is wrong. I'm sure as the day unfolds, so will more drama stirred by Cynthia B (moderator) and anyone she feeds whatever story she wants them to believe. NextDoor is fast becoming an extremely toxic website where corruption and karen-like behavior amongst the moderators has become normal. As well as those speaking up against moderators being swiftly silenced and often punished. Cynthia B (moderator) is a grandmother and she is online playing these childish mean girl games. What is this online world coming to?
  5. Ashelynn (nicknamed Ashe) Jameson was 7 years old when she first figured out she wasn't an ordinary girl from a being of vast and great power known as Gestore. For 2 years Ashelynn had wondered who the mysterious person was that occasionally appeared to her as if he was watching over her like a guardian angel. Her best friend Larry was with her when she learned of who and what she was. Gestore expressed the importance of why he must keep this a secret from all he knew. For if he uttered a word, his life and that of his friend Ashelynn would never be the same. When Ashelynn was 11 years old she learned that there was another like her, but was saddened to learn he was evil by nature. "In time you might come across the other like yourself and come to know him by what many call him...'the Fireghost'.". is what Gestore told her. He warned her to be careful when crossing his path. Ashelynn had asked if there was a chance that one day he, the Fireghost could be turned to the side of good so they could combat the evils of the universe together. She was told it was highly unlikely, but still hoped someday it could happen. Ashelynn's first encounter with the Fireghost was on her 12th birthday. He appeared in the form of a firey apparition. At first Ashelynn thought it was part of a prank her best friend Larry was playing on her, but when she got a feeling of extreme uneasiness, she knew something wasn't right. Off and on it kept appearing to her in that form. Never saying anything, never doing anything. Just there.. watching... as if waiting for the right moment to make its move..... Now begins Immortal Legends version 4: Legend of the Fireghost!!!
  6. You should get a pop up when you click on "Insert image from URL". Paste there. Then "Insert into post". Sometimes you can paste the link directly into the post and it will show. Sometimes not. IMGUR is very simple to use.
  7. until

    This movie was something special and unique in its own way.
  8. Cafe owner kicks out family of tantrum-throwing toddler, sparking fierce debate online If I was the owner, I would have thrown that family out to. If a parent can't control their kids, they should be made to leave.
  9. Lesbian couple blasts dream wedding venue over ‘heart-crushing’ email I see that that venue found a work around to refusing service. I find it very suspicious.
  10. Autumn Leigh Martin...I've had dealings with her too. I've been a target of local mods since I reported her for racial profiling.
  11. Welcome. :smile6:

    1. Jodi R.

      Jodi R.

      Thanks so much! 

  12. I think that we all need to start documenting this unfair treating in a blog and also back it up in multiple locations. People need to start speaking up more. But so many are afraid to because they feel they need NextDoor for those "alerts" about suspicious activity around. Awareness can help one prevent quite a bit of trouble. I noticed that as more began to speak up and speak out that a rule was added to Next Door stating you can't share screenshots of things on NextDoor anywhere without permission. That to me says coverup.
  13. Players Trailer: Gina Rodriguez Leads Netflix’s Newest Rom-Com Movie The movie does look great!
  14. The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Watch the ‘Richonne’ Spinoff’s Emotional Full-Length Trailer AWESOME! The original Stepfather! Now I know this series will be good!
  15. I'd vote for Al Bundy over Joe Biden any day.
  16. Bud Harrelson, Miracle Mets World Series shortstop, dead at 79 While he was before my time, I've heard tales of how great he was.
  17. ’28 Years Later’ – Zombie Sequel in the Works from Danny Boyle and Alex Garland WOW! Finally it is for sure happening! I've waited so long for this.
  18. Third person arrested in connection with the killings of pregnant Texas teen and her boyfriend Lock them all up and throw away the key!
  19. Canadian police warn that posting videos of alleged package thieves could be ‘violation' of their privacy What the...
  20. What do you think Ty will do now? Do you think he will try to contact himself? Gavin's family?
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