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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. Exclusive My Bloody Galentine Trailer Previews the Tubi Horror Movie A must see Valentines movie!
    This SuperBowl will be the most memorable for years to come. The plays. The Touchdowns. The craziness on field. And the Touchdown that won it all for The Chiefs.
  2. WOW! This comes as a total shocker to me and makes me so happy.
  3. Grey’s Anatomy Bringing Back Jessica Capshaw for Season 20 Guest Gig WOW! I can't wait to see how she is doing.
  4. It turns out they aren't going after all. Atleast that's what another article said.
  5. As I stated in a recent blog, and proven, Next Door has been making it difficult to report moderators for harassment. I was unable to report Autumn Lee Martin's message to me. Same thing happened when I tried to report "Cynthia B". But they did eventually let me make a report. Almost as quickly as I filed it, I got something back claiming "Cynthia B" didn't break the rules. By pure coincidence (is it really?), right after I heard back that "Cynthia B did not violate the guidelines", a comment of mine to a post about fatal accidents was hidden for "graphic and explicit" content. My comment was neither graphic nor explicit. I speak more about this in the video below. The screenshots from the video showing "Cynthia B's" message and NextDoor claiming she never violated the guidelines despite that's she's harassed me (as it has been proven in 2 previous blogs). Screenshots of a comment of mine being hidden and falsely labeled as "graphic and explicit" that was seen in the video above. While NextDoor can silence me on their app, they can't silence me elsewhere. If NextDoor doesn't like blogs like this or videos talking about how they protect moderators guilty of harassment, how about they actually start to do something about their toxic moderators and abusive staff.
  6. I am beginning to notice that NextDoor is actively trying to make it harder to report moderators guilty of harassment.There's this error I have been getting the last few times I've tried that only seems to come up when reporting a moderator for harassment. This is clear cut proof that NextDoor works to protect their moderators. In previous blogs all listed below in the link, I've proven without a doubt that Next Door has been and continues to protect their moderators when they're guilty of harassment or anything unsavory. https://www.cosmicdimensions.net/blogs/blog/11-thats-just-life/71-nextdoor-appsite/ Proof also in the videos I made and put in a special playlist on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu_vhnDmus0&list=PLgV2i0mqo3Ws08h9vX0mdEokasr2x_r71 When will NextDoor stop protecting moderators that abuse their power and position? When will NextDoor stop punishing victims of these moderators? I could wish in one hand and sh*t in the other. Guess which one gets filled first?
  7. Not too long ago I wrote a blog about a mod ("Cynthia B") promoting animal cruelty as if it was okay, how she reacted to me when I was responding to someone else, and how she kept trying to silence me when I would reply to others. The blog about it is below. Now that we're all caught up. Fast forward to yesterday. The video below explains the gist of it. All I did with the message I sent "Cynthia B" was stand up for myself and ask to be left alone. I did so with civility as seen in the screenshot below. (screenshot also in video above). As I said in my video, I dare "Cynthia B" to show this message I sent her. I triple dog dare her. All she will be doing is helping make my point about abusive NextDoor moderators that abuse their power and position as well as silence those they disagree with.
  8. It will probably come out around the same time as Percy Jackson season 2.
  9. Are you thinking about the movie "Category 6: Day Of Destruction"?
  10. NFL players react to Taylor Swift effect heading into Super Bowl LVIII Despite what some trolls say, Taylor Swift is bringing more viewership to the NFL.
  11. Warner Bros. Reportedly Set to Shelve and Delete 'Coyote vs. Acme' Film Once and for All Okay. So Warner Bros is to blame. Got it. Very interesting...
  12. ‘Cinderella’s Curse’ Exclusive Trailer – Cinderella Paints the Town Red in Upcoming Horror Movie Demented, psychotic, twisted... I LOVE IT!
  13. O.J. Simpson diagnosed with prostate cancer No one deserves cancer. He doesn't deserve this.
  14. Prince Harry, Meghan Markle expected to attend Super Bowl This Super Bowl just got better!
  15. I just wrote a blog myself about the matter. I wasn't going to, but I felt it necessary. The way she tries to act like some victim and such is just sickening. Especially considering how she has treated both of us.
  16. Yesterday I was looking through my inbox on NextDoor. One in particular stood out that was sent at 4pm. It was from NextDoor moderator Autumn Leigh Martin. I sent it to my friend @CEDAvsFan to see what he thought since he remembers EVERYTHING from when Autumn Leigh Martin went after (and racially profiled) a Latina woman, attacked others offering her kind words, and advice. He also remembers seeing video proof of the child vandalizing her driveway. We both mutually agreed that while the child is very young, it was malicious. Some background information on the start of Autumn Leigh Martin beginning her harassment campaign on me. The message on NextDoor that Autumn Leigh Martin sent me. Here I will address each of Autumn Leigh Martin's vicious claims. "you villified a small child and got mad when hardly anyone was on your side about it." I never "villified" the "small child" that damaged the Latina woman's driveway with blue paint. I responded to the Latina woman telling her that after viewing the video she posted and showing the damage up close, that despite the child being very young, it was obvious it was intentional. The way he behaved in the video was one indicator. Also the fact that he drew a design. That which shows he knew what he was doing. I never raged or ranted. I stated how things looked. But here's Autumn Leigh Martin trying to paint that as "villifying a small child". The reverse of her claim is true. She ranted at others trying to paint the child's bad behavior as "kids being kids" and shaming those offering kind words to the Latina woman. "i think you need to read the book and pray for yourself to have some grace and common sense. get over yourself." This coming from the woman that has gotten other moderators to target me since last year. This from the woman that's viciously attacked me on Tiktok. This from the woman that has targeted @CEDAvsFan with racist attacks and horrendous and false accusations of sexual assault. @CEDAvsFan has proof in some of his blogs. The way she tells me to "read the book" (bible) implies to me that she is trying to tell me I am some terrible godless person. "i saw every flag you tried to put on people who disagreed with you." The only reports I made in that thread post by the Latina woman was against Autumn Leigh Martin. I guess she wasn't thrilled when her racial profiling of the Latina woman got reported. Especially when she was gaslighting ONLY WHITE NEIGHBORS against her. For Autumn Leigh Martin to try to pain her attacks being reported as "people who disagreed with you" is just...WOW! "I don't know if that's your friend you're protecting, but if not, why are you so invested in publicly humiliating a child? I mean, it's the absolute worst thing you can do to a child's psyche." The Latina woman wasn't a friend. She is someone that had a dilemma I offered kinds words to. When I pointed out that it was obvious the child intentionally defaced the property and how I came to that conclusion, when responding to the Latina woman, I was civil. Never derogatory. I even stated the child needs to be punished for his intentional defacing of property so he will learn. I kept it simple. Others said similar. One person even suggested juvenile detention. But here Autumn Leigh Martin is trying to make it look as if that is going all out in humiliating a small child. I never said or did anything to publicly humiliate a child and never would. But this doesn't stop Autumn Leigh Martin from twisting things to make it appear that way. "Driveways can be fixed, being considered a bad child in your neighborhood and getting that reputation because someone decided to label you for something you didn't do in malice, wow, that's going to be tough for that kid. this is besides the grandpa, besides the driveway, this is the well-being of this child." Seriously! It was obvious, for reasons I stated above, that this child intentionally defaced the Latina woman's driveway with paint. Whether or not malice (or lack thereof) is involved, it was intentional. What Autumn Leigh Martin is implying here is that a child can vandalize property and it's no big deal because "Kids will be kids", which she has said multiple times when that thread existed. What she is doing is shaming me for my opinion and trying to manipulate me into thinking I am on some crusade out to hurt and ruin a child just for stating he should be punished for his intentional defacement of the Latina woman's driveway. In simple terms, Autumn Leigh Martin is saying this child should get away with what he did and the Latina woman is wrong for trying to find his parents/guardian so payment for repairs can be rearranged. If the child gets a bad reputation because people speak up about his vandalism, the fault is that of the child. Also partially of those in charge of him because they need to punish him and teach him right from wrong. Vandalism is wrong. "it's not up to you or her to dole out punishment on this little guy on an online forum, and if you can't get that through your head, i don't know what to tell you. Jesus didn't die for this crap... Have a nice life, be nicer to people." Autumn Leigh Martin is being way overdramatic bringing the lord into this in an attempt to guilt me for an opinion that was shared by many responding. That which is the parents/guardian should be found so arrangements for repairs can be made and so they (parents or guardian) could also discipline him. Autumn Leigh Martin treats the child vandal as if he is the victim and did nothing wrong. She very much shames the Latina woman for even saying anything and acted like it was wrong for her to do so. Autumn Leigh Martin closes this off acting like I am some terrible child hating person that isn't nice to anyone. Those who truly know me would know that is further from the truth. Autumn Leigh Martin has some nerve coming at me the way she did considering how she's attacked me online and treated me and @CEDAvsFan. Autumn Leigh Martin's attacks on me on TikTok. Autumn Leigh Martin's attacks on @CEDAvsFan as proven by him. Videos and things with evidence included in blogs (and story). Other victims of Autumn Leigh Martin speaking up Autumn Leigh Martin has the nerve to chastise me and twist an OPINION about a child vandal's actions into some child hating crusade. All while she's guilty of FAR WORSE than what she's accused me of.
  17. That would require further investigation. If it can sustain life, let's hope that if it already has life, it isn't hostile towards other worlds.
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