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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. Count on alot of employers threatening their employees if they say/do anything or looking for reasons to deny promotions.
  2. The Hollywood strikes ended up killing alot of good shows.
  3. As Angelica Houston said in Ever After, "Nothing is final until you're dead. And even then, I'm sure God negotiates."
  4. Kaylee Gain showing signs of ‘significant cognitive impairment’ following high school beatdown I hope that the girl who beat Kaylee is charged as an adult and spends the rest of her life in prison. Bullies who cause such damage deserve it. What that girl did to Kaylee was NOT self defense!
  5. NYC couple sued by squatters who allegedly took over their $930K investment home and won’t leave: ‘It’s absolutely absurd’ What we need is laws to protect landlords against squatters.
  6. NOTICE: Right as I was working on this blog, I took noticed of a "Account not found" error regarding the profile of "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". The only profile that came up for her was a backup, "spiritualsquirrel of TikTok". But "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)" showed up in a search when I was logged out. Simply put, she changed her username. Good thing someone remains blocked even if they change their username. On Saturday Match 23, 2024, I approached "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" about a Tiktok she made about me. It was because her video was very hurtful. It made me look like I was very stupid and extremely ignorant and she was my only hope of understanding anything. She jumped down my throat from the start and seemed to ease up a little bit. Not by much. While I didn't converse with her much, or for long, I felt like she was talking to me like I was inferior, stupid, and beneath her. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/b4uUc My Comments: I approached "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" after I noticed a very hurtful video she posted about me that portrayed me as extremely stupid and ignorant. She made me look like I am not a "trans ally" and that I'm some transphobe. A mere statement of how things look; not how they are. She did it worse than "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok". I would have mentioned how she made me look, but considering her initial response, I thought it would be a bad idea. I thought I would see how the conversation goes before passing judgement. The way "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" replied to me by saying "you don't need to tell me what they're like" had implied to me that what she says matters and what I say doesn't. It also implies she could care less how someone else is affected. I continued to try and explain myself that I wasn't "othering" anyone. I also politely called her out on how her video was causing me to be slandered. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/70zbX My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" attempts to justify her hurtful video while trying to get me to think I said something oh so horribly wrong. She then twists my words and acts as if I said she was slandering me. I never said that. I said I was being slandered because of her video. Then she falsely accuses me of tone policing her! What she said after that, "who the hell are you to do that" is implying to me I have no right to speak up about how she made me look without trying to look further. I started to tell her "They deleted my comments so you won't see me explaining myself.", but I sent the message too early so it read as "They deleted my comments so you won't". While she says she will redo a video, she also accuses me of accusing her of slander at the same time, despite me saying no such thing. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/leFNw My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" continues to act like I said she slandered me and accused her of it. Then she says she took the video down. I try to explain to her that if those slandering me because of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" had seen it (meant to say "more of them"), things would be worse for me. She then talks to me like I'm too stupid to comprehend anything she says. Example, "hold on please I don't think you understand my position". ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/NpW1u My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" then goes on to tell me about her experience with "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok". I explain to her again, since she implies she wasn't listening, that I was referring to myself and what I was born as. Then, again, I explain I wasn't accusing her of slander. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/z8jtJ My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" seemed to ease up here, while somewhat blowing off what I was saying. I say somewhat because she seemed to calm down as I was explaining. So I was assuming maybe she was listening, but didn't want to address. One thing struck me as odd though. She said "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" was transphobic. That made me wonder because if they were transphobic, then why get on my case acting like I was? ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/dzrag My Comments: To let "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" I was listening I tell her I try to be understanding to all and I know how it feels to be bullied. The way she speaks here, it's hard to know if she genuinely cares or if she is out for revenge. I'd have asked, but earlier she had accused me of things and I didn't want her going into a tirade again saying I was accusing her of something. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/iKYKD My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" goes on about "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok". Then she has the nerve to tell me what to do; what to post. She tells me to make my videos regarding "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" to friends only. And that's just okay. But I explain myself earlier and got accused of all sorts of stuff. This made me wonder something. That something being, she says she is a victim of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok", right. Then shouldn't she want as much victim stories out there as possible? Very suspicious. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/7RoiC My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" confronts me asking why @CEDAvsFan blocked her. Perhaps it's because of the hurtful video she did have up about me. At this point I began to think maybe "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" was genuine, but maybe stressed. So I talked to @CEDAvsFan and he unblocked her. But eventually he ended up reblocking her. notice how "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" kind of almost brushes me off when I mention butthurt displayed by "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok"... ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/Fvwf4 My Comments: The top part of this part of my message exchange with "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" has me very suspicious. the very way she says what she says what she does, she implies "Stay in your place or what I will do to Bowzer, will be done to you". I certainly got that vibe. She mentions a friend of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" by the name of "billynomates.1988 of TikTok". That's the Billy she was speaking of. When she spoke of holding "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" accountable, I easily found out what she meant. I saw a video she had posted shortly after her one about "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and how they targeted me. "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" had referred to me as "extremely neurodivergent. The way she said it implied I am very ignorant, stupid, dumb, and can't comprehend anything. The vibe I got was that of she thought that without her, I'd be worse off. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/AgrJv My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" and the way she says she hates "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" is a bit disturbing. The way he treated me and @CEDAvsFan and his friend @Amber Mera was twisted, but I do not hate him. She seems to change her tune a little bit when I link something to her to give her a heads up on something. Shortly after she said "I don't care if they defend bowser", I had decided to block her. To some that may seem like I am blocking her for petty reasons, but too much just seemed off. Plus @CEDAvsFan and @Angie had made good points as to why. The best point being she was using us (Me and @CEDAvsFan) to make what she says look more true. Now that I've tackled the DMs, now on to tackling an issue that popped up while i was working on this blog. Not long ago, I had an issue on Tiktok that was a bit odd. One of my videos was muted for "copyright", despite the only sound being my voice. Video with proof below. Uploaded on 3/21/2024. I was looking around Tiktok and came upon someone that also had a weird Tiktok issue. That person being "bournemouthmetal of TikTok". They had something removed because of an innocent emoji comment. I recorded a few seconds of me looking at their Tiktok about it. So I made one of my own and tagged them. Seemed right since I was showing their content. Before that, I never interacted with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok". Beyond them liking my video, we've had no interaction together; public and private. Not too long after that video, I began to get harassed on Twitter by an account I highly suspect is..."SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". Credit to @Angie for the screenshots and archiving. I was busy paying attention to the Yankees vs Astros game on ESPN+. I didn't see the notifications. "boredatworkfem of twitter" has now been blocked. Not sure why I never got their notifications. My Comments: The very first tweet treats me like I buddy buddied up with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok". I've never spoken with them. But apparently a video pointing out someone that's also had odd TikTok issue is some grand conspiracy it's being treated like. The 2nd tweet was replying to a tweet of mine about a part in a game I'm playing (Final Fantasy XI). I sense alot of anger and butthurt. They are assuming I'm friends with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok" because I point out we are both having odd TikTok issues. The 3rd tweet is very telling. "boredatworkfem of twitter". I know they're talking about "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". But the way they are, it' as if that IS "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". If not then it would be someone very close to her. I have not in any way, shape, or form abuse "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". Me blocking "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" is not abuse. But apparently it's being twisted to such and me blocking "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" first is being twisted to "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" blocking me first. The very way they claim I am friends with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok", it's as if that if it was true, it would be a great threat to them. "bournemouthmetal of TikTok" hasn't even tried to reach out to me in any form other than living my video pointing out that I'm also having odd TikTok issues. By their logic, if I make a video and tag someone, that means I'm friends with them. Flawed logic. I was going to close this blog off with the above, but a few new things popped up. I received this DM on Tiktok. My Comments: I do not know the person who sent this to me. They said I could show/share it. I honored their request to cover up their name. I had sent a few messages to people about my Tiktok issue. I decided to check my TikTok DMs to see if anyone else had responded. No one else had. But I did take a second look at 2 replies I had gotten do far. Both of which, said it was "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and their friends mass reporting. I know here it says 2 videos and I uploaded proof of only one. I felt it unnecessary to post proof of the second one since it was the same video that got taken down again. My Comments: While one of the DMs was up, my big male tabby (large sized, NOT FAT) cat jumped up on my desk and began meowing at the screen. I did a video call with @CEDAvsFan to show him how cute this handsome kitty was. As I was, he took notice of one of the DMs. He then asked me when I uploaded proof of the issue to my YouTube account. I told him it was on the early AM hours of March 22, 2024. That was when he pointed something out to me. "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" didn't start in on us until MUCH LATER on March 22, 2024. While I do not like how they came at me, @CEDAvsFan, and his friend @Amber Mera... I will not blame them for something they couldn't have possibly been responsible for. At the start of this blog, I mentioned that going to "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" main profile gave an error and that she changed her username. Below is just proof of my claim. My Comments: Since I took the first screenshot, she's followed a few people and lost one follower. I highly doubt the new username is a fake. FINAL THOUGHTS This blog is meant only for me to speak my peace. Nothing more. I am not encouraging or endorsing harassment of any kind on anyone. I can't help but think about the 3 known videos that "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)" had up about me. 1 is for sure CONFIRMED to be deleted. That which is the first one. The other 2 are either private or for "friends only". "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)" had claimed she was trying to help me, stand up for me, but I can't help but wonder... was she really? Considering how she made me look in each of her videos and engaged in some microaggressions herself, I do have my doubts.
  7. You know what this means? Whatever is going to happen in the rest of season 3 for Chucky, it won't kill him. If so, then there would be no movie.
  8. Final Fantasy 9 Remake Rumors Fuelled by Final Fantasy 14 Director Yoshi-P I am guessing a Final Fantasy 9 remake or sequel is coming.
  9. Mexican president says the 'flow of migrants will continue' unless the US meets his demands This is blackmail and extortion!
  10. People told me to "shut the f**k up. It won't happen" when I mention that the fight for 15 would bring this about. I was also right.
  11. Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses after being struck by ship, mass casualty declared THE BEFORE THE AFTER
  12. Summer 2026 is perfect for the release. I'm very much looking forward to it.
  13. Family of girl charged in brutal Kaylee Gain beating claims she’s the real victim, starts fundraiser If I had a dime for everytime a bully tried to paint themselves as the victim, I'd be rich. This has got to be a cruel joke! That bully doesn't deserve any donations. All I see here are excuses. What's unjust is the bully trying to play the victim.
  14. Dead Island 2’s second story expansion, SoLA, will be released next month Just in time for the Steam release! This new content looks good!
  15. ‘Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game’ – New Video Walks You Through How the Gameplay Works This game looks so amazing! I can't wait to play it.
  16. These folks wouldn't stop harassing me. They kept at it all day. So this new revelation doesn't shock me.
  17. Working on a blog and my way through a Night Court binge.

  18. This video is of me speaking up about an ordeal on TikTok today. This is the gist of it. Since then a bit has happened. I am being FALSELY painted as transphobic by "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok " and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok". While neither has specifically said I am transphobic, they've both heavily implied it with their actions, the very way they twist words, and show only bits and pieces they can easily twist into looking like something else. To add to it, this person named "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" has taken it upon themselves to harass me. Also to post Tiktoks painting themselves as some victim while painting me as some horrible anti-trans person. There's a list of TikTok's this person made about me. They attempted to make it seem as if blocking them made me anti trans. https://archive.is/igrHt I blocked "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" because of how crude they were towards me. Not all of which was visible. There's 2 things I want to point out specifically right now. Thing1 Essentially these folks are trying to portray me as "not a trans ally" because I blocked them. They got blocked for harassment and being a large part of why I kept receiving violent threats in private messages on TikTok. Thing2 And there is "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" saying I am a transphobe without saying I am a transphobe. It's heavily implied with "They wernt ally's" I've spent the last few hours blocking people that have been harassing me in private messages on TikTok. For some reason the option to change my private messages settings aren't showing up. Last time this happened, it resolved when I updated the app and waited. FINALLY I was able to change certain settings for better protection. Only those I follow back can message me now. I have tried to explain myself to a few of these folks. Early on I've tried explaining I never said "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" said I was transphobic. But that was met with hostility in the form of massive amounts of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok's" followers harassing me in private messages. I've been repeatedly harassed in comments to various videos of mine. The video above pretty much covers all I got to say. I've tried explaining that I was referring to myself factually when I said I was a natural born woman. I've tried explaining when in close proximity of a transgender person I will say "cisgender". But not one of these people gave me a chance. Instead some of them chose to make Tiktoks attempting to make me out to be some ignorant piece of garbage as they tried to call it educating. They weren't trying to "educate" me in the least. If they were, they wouldn't have put so much effort into harassing me and having me harassed. What kind of people spend most of their day getting their social media followers to attack someone? Then playing victim and trying to convince 3 people privately that if I apologize, it will stop. Those who truly know me know that wen I am wrong, I will admit it and apologize. I will NEVER apologize just to get others to leave me alone or stop bullying me. To do so would be a great disrespect to myself. Them expecting me to apologize to get their attacks to stop is very demeaning. If "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" were truly trying to educate me, they wouldn't have resorted having me harassed. All they proved today was how awful they are. I have nothing to apologize for. All I did was state that I was born a woman. "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" got a large number of their followers to harass me. "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" tried to get me harassed by trying to paint me as some PR person trying to help Patricia Silva and by trying to make it seem like me blocking them meant I am not a trans ally. The last I'll say in this blog is this. It doesn't matter what "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" think or say about me. I know who and what I am. I am a good person. One that will always speak in favor of trans rights. One that will always speak up for herself. One that will always speak up and have a friend's back.
  19. “Chucky” – Epic Trailer for New Episodes Features Charles Lee Ray’s Ghost, John Waters & Old Chucky! This should be awesome to see!
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