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Blog Comments posted by Elektra

  1. On 2/1/2024 at 7:29 PM, Goldenforce772 said:

    As someone who understands the pain of being disappointed by a famous person(and most of you know my story already), this comes as no surprise to me that Naomi would pull this crap. What is it about being famous that turns someone into an outright mean and vicious person? And the truth is, she's a subpar wrestler, as the Royal Rumble demonstrated. This whole thing is downright disgusting. 

    I think what she is doing here is an attention grab to distract from it. Her actions show it.

    • Yes 1
  2. in case they happen upon this blog an report those images so your evidence goes away, I archived each of your IMGUR links.

    IMGUR: https://imgur.com/a/o65IOfu

    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/KcnQT


    IMGUR: https://imgur.com/k7vIFv6

    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/qxmOJ


    IMGUR: https://imgur.com/a/76r5Brb

    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/yZ4kw


    IMGUR: https://imgur.com/jCMPu3e

    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/uwHdo


    I remember in the whole thread that Cynthia B kept acting like she said and did nothing wrong. If that was true, then her post wouldn't have been removed for illegal activity. The illegal activity being advocating for animal cruelty. It's a good thing we both went above the heads of local mods.

    • Like 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, Jodi R. said:

    They are not consistent about that screenshot rule. The commissioner who is harassing me posted screenshots just three days ago and they are still up  I was trying to post a pic here. I uploaded it to a URL site but it I’m not able to post the link when I click “insert image from URL”. Kindly let me know how to donor and I’ll post it  


    You should get a pop up when you click on "Insert image from URL". Paste there. Then "Insert into post". Sometimes you can paste the link directly into the post and it will show. Sometimes not. IMGUR is very simple to use.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Jodi R. said:

    Thank you for posting this. I was starting to feel like I’m the only one going through something like this. 

    Commissioner Elvin Villalobos in Tamarac Florida has been abusing his position as a government official to silence anyone who criticizes his actions as a politician on NextDoor. Two women named Kate Johnson and Beth Starkweather are members of the Review Team and help Elvin to perpetuate this unfair treatment. Kate and Beth aren’t even using their real names but their accounts aren’t banned. They also allow many discriminatory posts to go unchecked but quickly flag posts simply because they don’t like the person who posts it. 

    I wish we could bring attention to this on a national level and force Nextdoor to change its policies. The community moderator system is flawed. 

    I think that we all need to start documenting this unfair treating in a blog and also back it up in multiple locations. People need to start speaking up more. But so many are afraid to because they feel they need NextDoor for those "alerts" about suspicious activity around. Awareness can help one prevent quite a bit of trouble. I noticed that as more began to speak up and speak out that a rule was added to Next Door stating you can't share screenshots of things on NextDoor anywhere without permission. That to me says coverup.

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