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Blog Entries posted by Elektra

  1. Elektra
    Today I received an email response from a NextDoor supervisor by the name of Moe because my issue has been "escalated". The response and my thoughts are in the video below, which is on YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram.
    The screen shown in the above video, which is NextDoor supervisor Moe's email to me.
    My Comments: I find the claim of "When actioning neighbors accounts we do so fairly, without bias and in accordance with current community guidelines" to be laughable because Next Door staff and mods have more than proven they cannot be fair and are biased. I have never attacked anyone on NextDoor, so I know this supervisor is NOT talking about something I said on NextDoor when saying "However, attacking others 'or making accusations about other neighbors activity is not only uncivil but it does not promote the respectful discussions we encourage'". It's obvious he's "aware" of my blogs and videos about NextDoor staff and mods abusing their power and position. If NextDoor supervisor Moe thinks he is going to guilt me into keeping quiet and stop speaking up about abuse by mods and staff, he is sorely mistaken. I've proven accusations I've made. Proof is in my blogs and videos.
    Why am I not surprised that a SUPERVISOR at NextDoor is on me about this and trying to guilt me? After all, it is the NextDoor way to protect abusive staff and mods by any means necessary and/or deemed fit.
  2. Elektra
    This is a follow up to the blog below.
    Brief video below shows the victim blaming and victim shaming by Next Door staff member "Mae Ann".
    Nextdoor first denies my appeal saying I'm still suspended until 4/23/2024. Then NextDoor staff member "Mae Ann" adds a day. All because I've spoken up about abuse by NextDoor staff and mods.
    NextDoor should consider a new slogan.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/JZmlV

  3. Elektra
    I thought yesterday would be a decent day, but Autumn Leigh Martin created a vicious Tiktok attacking me. Much of what she said was very cruel and hurtful. This explains the gist of it. It's on YouTube and TikTok.
    To think, this all started when I reported Autumn Leigh Martin LAST YEAR for racial profiling of a Latina woman. This blog of mine explains much of it and has quite a bit of evidence.
    While I have been targeted by NextDoor moderators because of Autumn Leigh Martin, she has now targeted me quite viciously herself. She's advocated for others to harass me. She also falsely accused me of child porn! (see videos above)
    Whatever is going on in Autumn Leigh Martin's life, it is no excuse or justification for any of what she's done and caused. I don't say this lightly, but I think she needs to seek psychological help to help her figure out why she feels the need to do all this just to lift herself up and feel good.
  4. Elektra

    Public Attacks
    Yesterday was quite eventful. Let's start with the basic gist of it. Starting with this video. Same one also on TikTok.
    Even after I made my video speaking up about the whole matter, the thread full of drama continued. Cynthia B (moderator) continues to cover her butt. John Brooks trolls. The only sane one below is Donna. She tells it like it is perfectly. Better than I could. What I like about her is she can see how phony Cynthia B (moderator) is in covering her butt acting as if she'd never harm an animal.
    Casey Tibbitt (not a moderator, but a friend of one[Cynthia B]) and Cynthia B (moderator) took it upon themselves to attack me and Donna in an attempt to discredit us and distract wandering eyes from the issue. That being that Cynthia B was advocating for animal cruelty and suddenly trying to cover her butt.
    I reported Cynthia B's (moderator) comment, but of course...Mod privilege exempts her from getting consequences. Of course her fellow mods will find nothing wrong with her attacking someone online. Moderators on NextDoor protect each other after all.
    Here's Casey Tibbitt (not a moderator, but a friend of one[Cynthia B]) helping to portray Cynthia B (moderator) as the poor helpless victim under attack and help make it look as if different things were said.
    Others within the thread, started by this post, tried to make it look like me and Donna were saying Cynthia B (moderator) had no business to defend herself if she was attacked. Some, even Cynthia B (moderator), attempted to make the starting post look like Cynthia B (moderator) was saying these loose dogs were attacking her family, but conveniently only after her advocacy for animal cruelty was pointed out. Look carefully at how the last sentence was worded: "I don't have a problem with animals, but when they're running around, casing and trying to hurt, I will keep them off my property.". she never said these animals were chasing her family or harming her family. She was stating what she would do if animals were. But of course, as I already stated, this is being twisted by Cynthia B (moderator), and others within the thread (except me and Donna) to her saying her family is under attack here. All to deflect from her advocacy for animal cruelty. To just hurt an animal just for existing on your property is wrong.
    I'm sure as the day unfolds, so will more drama stirred by Cynthia B (moderator) and anyone she feeds whatever story she wants them to believe. NextDoor is fast becoming an extremely toxic website where corruption and karen-like behavior amongst the moderators has become normal. As well as those speaking up against moderators being swiftly silenced and often punished. Cynthia B (moderator) is a grandmother and she is online playing these childish mean girl games. What is this online world coming to?
  5. Elektra
    When I first joined NextDoor, I loved it. It was friendly. People were decent. But that didn't last long. It started with frequent rudeness and snippiness amongst people. I didn't think much of it at first beyond just avoiding threads with "unfriendly" people. Then I noticed lots of trolling over the most petty of things. So I begun to stick to the few groups I am in with an occasional post in the neighborhood feed. Sometimes I would respond to other people's posts. If I got trolled, I wouldn't respond.
    Matters started to take a turn early last year when I reported NextDoor moderator Autumn Leigh Martin for racial profiling and for gaslighting white folks against a Latina woman complaining about a white child defacing and damaging her property. The Latina woman wanted to locate the child's guardians so she could discuss compensation and repairs. Autumn Leigh Martin shamed her. She kept referring to what the child did as "kids being kids". Anything that could be said to blame the Latina woman, was said. Nearly everyone defending her was bashed and targeted. For awhile NextDoor did nothing. One person who saw all this even made a video on YouTube with some evidence of Autumn Leigh Martin's atrocious behavior.
    Only a small portion of the evidence is shown in this video. There was alot more evidence, but it was "cleaned up". Including a reply to another person's post claiming I threatened her with a gun. She described me as a black woman. While I make a point to avoid responding to trolls and trolling, I deemed this necessary. I posted a short reply with a video of me saying "Hi" and waving. Thus proving I am not a black woman. That which put holes in her story. My response got ALOT of likes (23) despite not lasting long. The comment was deleted by a moderator. Then other comments began to disappear. Someone was cleaning up their racial profiling and anyone not agreeing with her.
    Not too long later another video was made highlighting the fact that it was obvious NextDoor was doing next to nothing about Autumn Leigh Martin's racial profiling of this Latina woman and her harassment of multiple people.
    But I suspect that a short time after this video was made, that she might have been briefly suspended. Her profile looked "different" for awhile. Ever since then, to this day, I have been targeted by NextDoor moderators and staff.
    I replied to a post by a "Hannah Taylor" about a friend's missing dog. I asked a simple question "Why the dead or alive'?". I was wanting clarification because I didn't want others, who would troll, to create trouble. Instead of giving me a simple answer, moderators Melissa McGonagle and Hannah Taylor sort of ganged up on me and treated me like I was causing a problem on top of gaslighting me. Proof of the exchange is seen in a Tiktok below that's geared toward bullying in general. It starts at the "3:45" mark.
    Melissa McGonagle attempted to twist my words and make it look like I was saying something completely different. Hannah Taylor got very snippy and a little overdramatic like I said something super offensive. Both of which was unnecessary. Usually when people act like this, they sometimes go after the person behind the scenes in private messages. So, to prevent that, I went to the profiles of Hannah Taylor and Melissa McGonagle to block them. That's when I noticed they were both moderators. Sadly "BLOCKING" someone only keeps them from messaging you privately and requesting to connect with you. It doesn't keep them from replying to your posts. I figured that out when Melissa McGonagle replied to another post of mine to berate me and lecture me that I shouldn't let my cats have kittens and more than 3 cats is too many. I tried to politely respond telling her that the 3 kittens were adopted and their mama and papa isn't their natural mama and papa, but they act like it. the reply wouldn't post. She apparently chose to delete the comment.
    On another occasion, not mentioned in that above Tiktok by someone (not me), Hannah Taylor (MODERATOR) mildly shamed me for my post about this Walmart's awful service when it came to delivering groceries. I reported the comment, but of course it never got deleted. Moderators have special privilege to act and behave how they want towards others. I've seen some posts by regular people get removed for less.
    Hannah Taylor is also, in a way, mildly shaming anyone that uses grocery delivery service. I did have a reply up simply saying "There are many reasons people use grocery delivery services. But to each their own. We all have our preferences. :)", but it was removed and I was suspended for 3 days. It was called "Disrespectful to neighbors". I was in no way disrespectful. But I guess when it comes to moderators, they can abuse their position/power and it is considered okay by NextDoor staff.
    I got a rude response from a random troll once telling me the end of me would be a blessing to the world. That was a response to a post of mine asking what days fireworks are legal. A moderator by the name of Candice Stidham replied saying "I wish she would lol". A friend of mine (@Angie) took a screenshot of it and posted it on Twitter(X) tagging NextDoor. She simply asked why, despite being reported, nothing was being done about Candice Stidham laughing it up that someone said the world would be better without me, which is another way to encourage suicide. She got a response saying the person affected should report. I contacted NextDoor via DM while linking the tweet with proof. They asked my name and email. I gave it. Next thing I know, I am suspended for almost 2 weeks. My post was deleted. It was deemed unneighborly. This was when I knew FOR SURE that I was a target by local mods. My post asking a normal question was deleted. Candice Stidham, a moderator, laughs it up when I am told by someone the world would be better off without me... and I AM SUSPENDED? I contacted NextDoor pointing it out. First I was told the post was considered politically charged. Then I was told I shouldn't be sharing screenshots of things posted on Next Door. My friend @Angie was pointed out. I replied back saying that was a friend that took that screenshot. Their response was saying I should have had her remove it. NextDoor staff does love to protect moderators.
    Here and there up until now, I've gotten some random rude replies to my replies on posts. Most of them have been NextDoor moderators. Each of those gave off vibes that I was being gaslighted and targeted.
    Recently I had made a post about a bad Uber Eats driver experience. The videos below (same on TikTok and YouTube) explains it all in detail. Plus I mention how I've been a target of NextDoor moderators since I reported Autumn Leigh Martin for racial profiling. Also for her harassment upon multiple people.
    NextDoor changes their story on why the post was hidden. They call me shameful and uncivil despite me contacting them politely.
    A friend contacted me wanting to do a story on the toxic moderator problem on Next Door. He's the same guy whose 2 YouTube videos and 1 TikTok that I linked. The story is right here. It points out a few examples of toxic moderators.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/EHihJ
    He posted the story after we had a chat.
    If you're at this point, you're likely thinking this blog is about me and my experience with toxic moderators on NextDoor. Not so. This blog's main focus is toxic moderators,toxic staff, and NextDoor being all around toxic. Why listen to someone about a subject they have little to no personal experience in? So I started it off with my own experience. You get it.
    NOW...let's highlight some experiences of others. It's not all about me.
    Twitter(X) user "JayBoating" calls out NextDoor for allowing their moderators and their friend spew forth hate with little to no consequences while they suspend people for having differing opinions.
    Twitter(X) user "RobertBPlus" speaks of the fact that Next Door freely allows discrimination, lies, bullying, and their moderators to be abusive.
    Twitter(X) user "travelurownpath" speaks of being permanently suspended from NextDoor over a post where they were trying to find homes for kittens.
    Twitter(X) user "TonyGre97915994" speaks of how a NextDoor moderator went too far for reporting a friend of theirs.
    Twitter(X) user "MarkMYYZ" calls out NextDoor in how they support their mods harassing and allowing harassment.
    Twitter(X) user "Khatra_J" calls NextDoor out for wrongfully suspending her and for theirs actions, which imply they support bullying and racism.
    Twitter(X) user "teatimechick" speaks of moderator corruption and bad behavior over disagreements and their friends being reported.
    Twitter(X) user "Christo74689296" calling out NextDoor for mods abusing their power.
    I could go on, but I believe that I've more than made my point. NextDoor was once a great and wonderful place to be online. But moderators abusing their power and position have turned it into a place you just want to avoid as much as possible.
    If NextDoor wants to be great again, how about they do something about their toxic staff and moderation teams.
  6. Elektra

    Reporting Toxic Mod/Staff Behavior
    As I stated in a recent blog, and proven, Next Door has been making it difficult to report moderators for harassment. I was unable to report Autumn Lee Martin's message to me. Same thing happened when I tried to report "Cynthia B". But they did eventually let me make a report. Almost as quickly as I filed it, I got something back claiming "Cynthia B" didn't break the rules.
    By pure coincidence (is it really?), right after I heard back that "Cynthia B did not violate the guidelines", a comment of mine to a post about fatal accidents was hidden for "graphic and explicit" content. My comment was neither graphic nor explicit.
    I speak more about this in the video below.
    The screenshots from the video showing "Cynthia B's" message and NextDoor claiming she never violated the guidelines despite that's she's harassed me (as it has been proven in 2 previous blogs).
    Screenshots of a comment of mine being hidden and falsely labeled as "graphic and explicit" that was seen in the video above.
    While NextDoor can silence me on their app, they can't silence me elsewhere.
    If NextDoor doesn't like blogs like this or videos talking about how they protect moderators guilty of harassment, how about they actually start to do something about their toxic moderators and abusive staff.
  7. Elektra

    Yesterday was quite a day. When I got on to NextDoor, I checked the most recent post I made about the dune buggy being a late night nuisance for any new replies. I noticed one from a "Bambi L" that was a week old. I checked my notifications and noticed I never got notified of that reply. The video below explains the bulk of the basics.
    Of course it didn't end there. I was briefly suspended.
    As shown in the latest video above, this is the DM I was briefly suspended for. I could have publicly said all this, but I chose to be an adult about this and say it privately. I pointed out alot of things that needed to be pointed out. I did so in a civil manner. But yet, I was suspended. Well, truth hurts. And NextDoor moderators just love to silence those that tell it if they don't agree with it.
    What gets me here is how often NextDoor will protect their moderators when they are in the wrong, when they are abusive, when they target people.
  8. Elektra
    Recently I came upon an issue in the news regarding Planet Fitness and a woman named Patricia Silva of Fairbanks, Alaska. Before I really get "into it", the video below (same on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram) gets to the basics of it.
    The screenshots from the video.
    Patricia Silva's main complaint is "There was a man in the women's locker room!". She has also mentioned there being a naked 12 year old child, with only a towel in the locker room at the time the trans woman was shaving. When it comes to the situation, alot can be said. I will touch upon each issue as I see fit.
    The reason for Patricia Silva's ban from Planet Fitness in Fairbanks, Alaska
    If all you look at is what Patricia Silva is saying and/or what many of her supporters are saying, then you'll be lead to believe she was banned in retaliation for speaking up about "a man in the women's locker room". This is false and untrue. The real reason for Patricia Silva's banning is because she "took a picture of someone in a locker room". It is VERY MUCH AGAINST PLANET FITNESS POLICY to take pictures of anyone else in the locker room. It's been a policy of Planet Fitness for a very long time.
    (Assuming it's TRUE) THE CLAIM of a "naked 12 year old with only a towel"
    IF TRUE... There's a few disturbing realizations. For one, why is a 12 year old alone in a locker room? Where are the parents? Why is a grown woman (Patricia Silva) taking pictures in the same locker room that the "naked 12 year old with only a towel" is at that present time? Even if the child isn't in the photo, it's still concerning. No one should be taking pics while a naked child, even one covered by a towel, is is very nearby!
    Questions raised: Why haven't the parents of the child come forward to support and thank Patricia Silva for speaking up with what she (Patricia Silva) calls raising awareness for something concerning? Why haven't the parents of the child contacted Planet Fitness to voice their concerns? Why haven't the parents come forward online or with the media in defense of their child? Why aren't the parents pressing charges? Why did Patricia Silva choose to take a pic and NOT get a staff member right away, or call the police, to get help for the girl? Why did Patricia Silva choose to prioritize making a video rant outside of Planet Fitness over calling the police to help a little girl she claims was in the locker room? Shouldn't getting help for a child be priority over taking a picture?
    (Assuming it's FALSE) THE CLAIM of a "naked 12 year old with only a towel"
    IF FALSE... That would explain alot. One possibility for the claim could be that when Patricia Silva saw the transgender woman in the bathroom, she got upset because she feels like people should use the bathroom for the gender they are born as. Considering that Planet Fitness is very inclusive regarding gender identity, she thought that she would make up the story about a "naked 12 year old with only a towel" so her complaint would be taken as seriously as she wanted it to be taken.  This is the most likely possibility.
    What makes me doubt Patricia Silva even saw the child in question in the locker room at the time is the questions raised, as I posted above and now below.
    Questions raised: Why haven't the parents of the child come forward to support and thank Patricia Silva for speaking up with what she (Patricia Silva) calls raising awareness for something concerning? Why haven't the parents of the child contacted Planet Fitness to voice their concerns? Why haven't the parents come forward online or with the media in defense of their child? Why aren't the parents pressing charges? Why did Patricia Silva choose to take a pic and NOT get a staff member right away, or call the police, to get help for the girl? Why did Patricia Silva choose to prioritize making a video rant outside of Planet Fitness over calling the police to help a little girl she claims was in the locker room? Shouldn't getting help for a child be priority over taking a picture?
    What Patricia Silva is claiming as the reason for her ban from Planet Fitness in Fairbanks, Alaska
    Patricia Silva is claiming she was banned in retaliation for speaking up about "a man in the woman's locker room". This is easily proven false because of a picture she took of the transgender woman. A picture she has admitted to, in very public view, of taking and where. Planet Fitness has policies against pics/videos in the locker rooms of others.
    Can Patricia Silva be sued by Planet Fitness?
    Defamation, slander, libel...
    Is she causing or contributing to any financial losses because of the falsehood she is spreading? YES.
    Is she affecting their reputation with her falsehood? YES!
    Is Patricia Silva causing harm to Planet Fitness? YES!
    Patricia Silva is lying about her ban reason. That's the biggest thing! People all over are cancelling their Planet Fitness memberships because of what Patricia Silva is saying...because of her harping on her false claim of "I was banned in retaliation!". If her claim about the "naked 12 year old with only a towel" is proven to be false, it will only assist Planet Fitness in suing her should they choose to do so. With all the "Questions raised" I mentioned above, it casts some serious doubt that this child exists...which could further assist Planet Fitness in one heck of a legal case against Patricia Silva.
    Can the transgender woman sue Patricia Silva?
    The transgender woman committed no crime.
    Did she show her penis to the child? NO!
    Did she get undressed infront of the child? NO!
    She was in the locker room shaving. She wasn't staring at anyone undressing. She wasn't approaching and bothering anyone. Planet Fitness policy allows for those to use the restroom of their gender identity.
    The way that Patricia Silva is spreading all this around, it could bring quite a bit of harm to the transgender woman. It could make her a target of harassment, abuse, and possible hate crimes. Patricia Silva puts her at risk. Should something happen to her, Patricia Silva would be partially liable; at fault.
    Help for the child in question?
    Just why did Patricia Silva prioritize taking a picture over getting immediate help for the child she claimed was so frightened and traumatized?
    Why no witnesses on Patricia Silva's behalf?
    Patrica Silva expresses concern for this supposed child, right? Well, why hasn't anyone at that facility come forward, or spoken up online or to the media, about a woman distressed over what Patricia Silva says is a "frightened child because of a man in the women's locker room"?
    While I was working on this, I received a private message from Patricia Silva and a very nasty comment from her to my FaceBook post with a link to a vieo about the matter. I will address each individually.
    The private message I received from Patricia Silva.
    3 different times throughout this message she tells me no one cares what I think. Ah! The ole "speaking for everyone" routine, which is telling someone "nobody cares...". When someone says that repeatedly, they typically do so for intimidation purposes. But why feel the need to intimidate me if I am such a liar and she is truthful?
    "There was a young... There was a man with a penis...". First it is a 12 year old girl, a child. Now the claim is "...a young woman". Hmmm.
    "I took a picture for authorities...". Really? Okay, so Patricia Silva claims to be concerned about "a man with a penis" in a woman's locker room, right? Well then... why did she prioritize getting a picture instead of getting help right away?
    "But you forgot that part because you were an ignorant tyrant who doesn't care about other peoples feelings...". If I didn't care about anyone's feelings, then I wouldn't have spoken up about anything. Also her calling me an ignorant tyrant is quite the over-dramatization.
    "You just want to be part of the WOKE community that accepts and tolerates child molestation and the cancellation of women's rights.". In simple terms, Patricia Silva is calling the entire LGBT and trans community child molesters and people who endorse and condone child molestation. That is a very prejudicial and bigoted statement.
    "You need to go away...". In simple terms, Patricia Silva is telling me to shut up and to stop speaking up about some oddities in her whole story.
    "If you're defending the pedo that causes crimes against humanity at planet fitness... the that makes you a criminal also.". All I did in my video, that I linked on my FaceBook page, was point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities. That doesn't make me a criminal. Also she is referring to the transgender woman as a pedo because she's transgender and without proof of her engaging in conduct a pedophile would. That's a prejudicial and bigoted statement; also a lame attempt to intimidate me.
    The nasty comment from Patricia Silva to a Facebook post with a link to my video with thoughts on the whole matter.
    "The American loving constitution, loving Bill of Rights, loving America first loving people do not care how you feel about the situation... because everything you said in the video was based on how you feel not the truth. Shame on you". As I said above... All I did was "point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities". What Patricia Silva is trying to manipulate me into keeping quiet about the whole issue. She seems to be trying hard to intimidating me and guilting me into shutting up.
    "Nobody really cares about your thoughts because you did not view the videos and if you did you report honestly. You left out the truth". Again with the "speaking for everyone" routine... I have seen her videos of her speaking about the matter. Her speaking about the matter is NOT solid proof there was a child in the locker room. What Patricia Silva is saying here is that anything she says in a video is absolute proof of truth. So, by her implied logic, if she said the sky is pink, then it is.
    While I was working on this blog, my friend @CEDAvsFan made a video about his thoughts in Patricia Silva's message to me and her nasty Facebook comment. It's on Tiktok and YouTube.
    @CEDAvsFan made alot of great points. Alot of the same ones I did. His video is worth a watch to gain some perspective.
    A recent Facebook post by Patricia Silva complaining , not only about Planet Fitness, but also about the Fairbanks Police Department.
    "Yes... Both me and the young girl sitting in the corner naked with a towel wrapped around her, were threatened by this man shaving his face in the women's lock room at Planet Fitness...". A FULLY CLOTHED transgender woman shaving their face is not a threat. Patricia Silva is being overdramatic.
    "I took a picture of this pervert to give to the Fairbanks Police department...". So Patricia Silva will take a picture, to show the picture to the police department, but won't go and get help first? If Patricia Silva was telling the truth about a naked child in the locker room, then shouldn't she be calling the police before filming a video rant outside of Planet Fitness?
    "They told me I have no rights over the situation and that the man in the women's locker room had every right to be there because HE identified as a girl... I called that child molestation on many levels". How is a transgender woman shaving their face molesting a child?
    Link to Article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13206823/Planet-Fitness-trans-locker-room-video-alaska-response.html
    Various parts of the article that I'm pointing out.
    Where's the mention of the naked 12 year old in only a towel? Oh and I noticed something INTERESTING... Apparently Planet Fitness filed a police report against Patricia Silva "citing her violation of gym policy by taking photos and/or videos in the locker room". I wonder if more went on than Patricia Silva is claiming.
    [My Final Thoughts]
    I understand that Patricia Silva hates the transgender (LGBT) community. It shows in her actions and how she's presented herself thus far. She behaves as if I am some terrible person out to hurt her and kids. All over a video in which I chose to "point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities". This is weak guilting and intimidation on her part hoping it will make me feel so bad that I won't say anything else.
    If Patricia Silva is being so honest and truthful, why does she act so threatened by me when all I did was "point out facts, how things looked as they were presented, and pointed out possibilities"?
  9. Elektra
    Just as I was beginning to think that the toxic NextDoor moderator culture of toxic mods was easing up...
    Screenshots of the message I sent NextDoor moderator "Nancy Roberts" that was shown in the above video; along with proof Nancy Roberts is a NextDoor moderator.
    My Comments: Some might say I went overboard, but these are things that needed to be said. Before I started documenting how mods mess with me (and others) on NextDoor, I've seen Nancy Roberts be the same way with others and use the fact that she is a mod to get away with it. Sadly she's not the only one (toxic mod).
    I'm not the only victim of toxic mods on NextDoor. I'm just one of few that is speaking up about it. NextDoor needs to start taking more of a stance against the poor behavior of toxic mods... because if they don't, they're practically begging to become the next MySpace.
    What's MySpace?
  10. Elektra
    This video is of me speaking up about an ordeal on TikTok today.
    This is the gist of it.
    Since then a bit has happened. I am being FALSELY painted as transphobic by "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok " and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok". While neither has specifically said I am transphobic, they've both heavily implied it with their actions, the very way they twist words, and show only bits and pieces they can easily twist into looking like something else.
    To add to it, this person named "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" has taken it upon themselves to harass me. Also to post Tiktoks painting themselves as some victim while painting me as some horrible anti-trans person. There's a list of TikTok's this person made about me. They attempted to make it seem as if blocking them made me anti trans. 
    I blocked "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" because of how crude they were towards me. Not all of which was visible.
    There's 2 things I want to point out specifically right now.
    Essentially these folks are trying to portray me as "not a trans ally" because I blocked them. They got blocked for harassment and being a large part of why I kept receiving violent threats in private messages on TikTok.
    And there is "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" saying I am a transphobe without saying I am a transphobe. It's heavily implied with "They wernt ally's"
    I've spent the last few hours blocking people that have been  harassing me in private messages on TikTok. For some reason the option to change my private messages settings aren't showing up. Last time this happened, it resolved when I updated the app and waited. FINALLY I was able to change certain settings for better protection. Only those I follow back can message me now.
    I have tried to explain myself to a few of these folks. Early on I've tried explaining I never said "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" said I was transphobic. But that was met with hostility in the form of massive amounts of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok's" followers harassing me in private messages. I've been repeatedly harassed in comments to various videos of mine.  The video above pretty much covers all I got to say.
    I've tried explaining that I was referring to myself factually when I said I was a natural born woman. I've tried explaining when in close proximity of a transgender person I will say "cisgender". But not one of these people gave me a chance. Instead some of them chose to make Tiktoks attempting to make me out to be some ignorant piece of garbage as they tried to call it educating. They weren't trying to "educate" me in the least. If they were, they wouldn't have put so much effort into harassing me and having me harassed. What kind of people spend most of their day getting their social media followers to attack someone? Then playing victim and trying to convince 3 people privately that if I apologize, it will stop. Those who truly know me know that wen I am wrong, I will admit it and apologize. I will NEVER apologize just to get others to leave me alone or stop bullying me. To do so would be a great disrespect to myself. Them expecting me to apologize to get their attacks to stop is very demeaning.
    If "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" were truly trying to educate me, they wouldn't have resorted having me harassed. All they proved today was how awful they are. I have nothing to apologize for. All I did was state that I was born a woman. "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" got a large number of their followers to harass me. "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" tried to get me harassed by trying to paint me as some PR person trying to help Patricia Silva and by trying to make it seem like me blocking them meant I am not a trans ally.
    The last I'll say in this blog is this.
    It doesn't matter what "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" think or say about me. I know who and what I am. I am a good person. One that will always speak in favor of trans rights. One that will always speak up for herself. One that will always speak up and have a friend's back.
  11. Elektra

    Bad Business Practices
    Once upon a time...
    and then...
    Not too long after this, a fraud claim was filed with the bank.
    I WON!
    Bailey's Gym...ChuzeFitness... YOU LOSE!
    It feels so good to have won! What Bailey's Gym and Chuze Fitness did by manipulating my original contract is not only disgusting, but it was FRAUD! A BIG THANK YOU to the bank for seeing that.
    Remember: Friends don't let friends join gyms that engage in fraud. Continue to spread the word so others don't go through what I did.
    Thank you to all whom stood by me and had my back. It means the world to me.
  12. Elektra
    I have a BIG UPDATE on the situation with Bailey's Gym, powered by Chuze Fitness, that I blogged about below.
    The gist of it is in the videos (same one on TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube).
    The screenshots shown in the video are below.
    Basically "Chelsey Porter" is trying to tell me "No refund. You have to cancel within 30 days.". But here's the thing. There was NOTHING in my actual original contract that I had to give 30 days notice! Now suddenly there is! What the heck?! This reminds me of a Baywatch season 1 episode titled "Muddy Waters" when Shauni thought she was signing a simple release as it appeared infront of her, for pics taken for one purpose. But later she found out she was tricked to signing something else. This manipulative, deceptive, and fraudulent practice is easy to do; sadly enough. It sickens me that Bailey's Gym pulled this on me and that this "Chelsey Porter" is acting as if this "30 day notice" was in my original contract when it never was!
    Bailey's Gym, powered by Chuze Fitness, should be ashamed of themselves!
  13. Elektra
    Yesterday I was looking through my inbox on NextDoor. One in particular stood out that was sent at 4pm. It was from NextDoor moderator Autumn Leigh Martin. I sent it to my friend @CEDAvsFan to see what he thought since he remembers EVERYTHING from when Autumn Leigh Martin went after (and racially profiled) a Latina woman, attacked others offering her kind words, and advice. He also remembers seeing video proof of the child vandalizing her driveway. We both mutually agreed that while the child is very young, it was malicious.
    Some background information on the start of Autumn Leigh Martin beginning her harassment campaign on me.
    The message on NextDoor that Autumn Leigh Martin sent me.
    Here I will address each of Autumn Leigh Martin's vicious claims.
    "you villified a small child and got mad when hardly anyone was on your side about it."
    I never "villified" the "small child" that damaged the Latina woman's driveway with blue paint. I responded to the Latina woman telling her that after viewing the video she posted and showing the damage up close, that despite the child being very young, it was obvious it was intentional. The way he behaved in the video was one indicator. Also the fact that he drew a design. That which shows he knew what he was doing. I never raged or ranted. I stated how things looked. But here's Autumn Leigh Martin trying to paint that as "villifying a small child". The reverse of her claim is true. She ranted at others trying to paint the child's bad behavior as "kids being kids" and shaming those offering kind words to the Latina woman.
    "i think you need to read the book and pray for yourself to have some grace and common sense. get over yourself."
    This coming from the woman that has gotten other moderators to target me since last year. This from the woman that's viciously attacked me on Tiktok. This from the woman that has targeted @CEDAvsFan with racist attacks and horrendous and false accusations of sexual assault. @CEDAvsFan has proof in some of his blogs. The way she tells me to "read the book" (bible) implies to me that she is trying to tell me I am some terrible godless person.
    "i saw every flag you tried to put on people who disagreed with you."
    The only reports I made in that thread post by the Latina woman was against Autumn Leigh Martin. I guess she wasn't thrilled when her racial profiling of the Latina woman got reported. Especially when she was gaslighting ONLY WHITE NEIGHBORS against her. For Autumn Leigh Martin to try to pain her attacks being reported as "people who disagreed with you" is just...WOW!
    "I don't know if that's your friend you're protecting, but if not, why are you so invested in publicly humiliating a child? I mean, it's the absolute worst thing you can do to a child's psyche."
    The Latina woman wasn't a friend. She is someone that had a dilemma I offered kinds words to. When I pointed out that it was obvious the child intentionally defaced the property and how I came to that conclusion, when responding to the Latina woman, I was civil. Never derogatory. I even stated the child needs to be punished for his intentional defacing of property so he will learn. I kept it simple. Others said similar. One person even suggested juvenile detention. But here Autumn Leigh Martin is trying to make it look as if that is going all out in humiliating a small child. I never said or did anything to publicly humiliate a child and never would. But this doesn't stop Autumn Leigh Martin from twisting things to make it appear that way.
    "Driveways can be fixed, being considered a bad child in your neighborhood and getting that reputation because someone decided to label you for something you didn't do in malice, wow, that's going to be tough for that kid. this is besides the grandpa, besides the driveway, this is the well-being of this child."
    Seriously! It was obvious, for reasons I stated above, that this child intentionally defaced the Latina woman's driveway with paint. Whether or not malice (or lack thereof) is involved, it was intentional. What Autumn Leigh Martin is implying here is that a child can vandalize property and it's no big deal because "Kids will be kids", which she has said multiple times when that thread existed. What she is doing is shaming me for my opinion and trying to manipulate me into thinking I am on some crusade out to hurt and ruin a child just for stating he should be punished for his intentional defacement of the Latina woman's driveway. In simple terms, Autumn Leigh Martin is saying this child should get away with what he did and the Latina woman is wrong for trying to find his parents/guardian so payment for repairs can be rearranged. If the child gets a bad reputation because people speak up about his vandalism, the fault is that of the child. Also partially of those in charge of him because they need to punish him and teach him right from wrong. Vandalism is wrong.
    "it's not up to you or her to dole out punishment on this little guy on an online forum, and if you can't get that through your head, i don't know what to tell you. Jesus didn't die for this crap... Have a nice life, be nicer to people."
    Autumn Leigh Martin is being way overdramatic bringing the lord into this in an attempt to guilt me for an opinion that was shared by many responding. That which is the parents/guardian should be found so arrangements for repairs can be made and so they (parents or guardian) could also discipline him. Autumn Leigh Martin treats the child vandal as if he is the victim and did nothing wrong. She very much shames the Latina woman for even saying anything and acted like it was wrong for her to do so. Autumn Leigh Martin closes this off acting like I am some terrible child hating person that isn't nice to anyone. Those who truly know me would know that is further from the truth.
    Autumn Leigh Martin has some nerve coming at me the way she did considering how she's attacked me online and treated me and @CEDAvsFan.
    Autumn Leigh Martin's attacks on me on TikTok.
    Autumn Leigh Martin's attacks on @CEDAvsFan as proven by him. Videos and things with evidence included in blogs (and story).
    Other victims of Autumn Leigh Martin speaking up
    Autumn Leigh Martin has the nerve to chastise me and twist an OPINION about a child vandal's actions into some child hating crusade. All while she's guilty of FAR WORSE than what she's accused me of.
  14. Elektra
    Not too long ago, a comment of mine on NextDoor got flagged as "explicit and graphic". Coincidentally ONLY AFTER I reported moderator "Cynthia B". Here's the blog about that.
    Now that we're caught up...
    Fast Forward to now, present time. Now my comment is out of "limbo" and considered removed. Details and proof in videos below.
    (The YouTube is the same as the Tiktok)
    Shortly after my TikTok went up, I received a tone deaf comment from a "toots.goods" on TikTok on the TikTok above that I had uploaded.
    "toots.goods" attempts to blame it on an AI. If it really was an AI, then many other comments with actual graphic content wouldn't be up on NextDoor and even mods making comments with graphic and explicit content would be flagged. She makes it obvious she is there to troll me as a mild intimidation tactic by saying "You can appeal", when it's obvious I cannot since  once a comment is removed (which happens after it's hidden), there's no more appeals. That's something all NextDoor moderators know.
    Also I ended up with another tone deaf comment, but from a "mississippi_kween" on TikTok.
    "mississippi_kween" attempts to victim shame me and defend NextDoor with some overdramatics. She attempts to blame AI, just like "toots.goods" did. Just mentioning someone caused an accident by looking at a d**k pic is NOT being explicit or graphic like NextDoor and this "mississippi_kween" is trying to make it seem like.
    After getting the above screenshots, I stepped away a little while for some dinner. When I got back I noticed that my friend @Angie had sent me a message on TikTok. I checked it after I noticed comments by "toots.goods" were gone.
    I've known @Angie for AWHILE and never known her to lie. It's very upsetting to see a NextDoor moderator behave this way. But then again, why should I be surprised. NextDoor mods tend to stick together and protect each other against those that dare to speak up.
    I guess word is getting around I'm taking a stand and speaking up about abuse of power by NextDoor mods and how NextDoor very often protects them.
  15. Elektra
    I am beginning to notice that NextDoor is actively trying to make it harder to report moderators guilty of harassment.There's this error I have been getting the last few times I've tried that only seems to come up when reporting a moderator for harassment. This is clear cut proof that NextDoor works to protect their moderators.
    In previous blogs all listed below in the link, I've proven without a doubt that Next Door has been and continues to protect their moderators when they're guilty of harassment or anything unsavory.
    Proof also in the videos I made and put in a special playlist on YouTube.
    When will NextDoor stop protecting moderators that abuse their power and position? When will NextDoor stop punishing victims of these moderators?
    I could wish in one hand and sh*t in the other. Guess which one gets filled first?
  16. Elektra

    My Bullying Experiences
    (Originally posted on my Wordpress on 2/25/2023)
    Recently I was contacted via Twitter DM by a couple of people regarding Joey A Camp. At first I was wondering how they would know I interacted with him long ago. Mostly in 2015 with the little interaction we had. Then I realized the same picture on this blog of me is the same I use on my Twitter page.
    I have been asked not mention either of them by name "out of fear of retaliation and harassment" from Joey A Camp. One of them has a family he wants protect. The other is a young college girl. I won't get into specifics as to what they said because I don't want to risk them being identified and harassed. But after listening to both, it has me wondering.....ALOT.
    When I think about the social media profiles pretending to be me and ones claiming I did and said things I never would.....I can't help but wonder how many of them could have been Joey A Camp. Some of them, a small number did not seem like Vincenza or her friends. Back then I just assumed maybe those were done by people who believe Vincenza and her friends thinking they were having their back. But now, I do wonder if some of those were Joey A Camp because I didn't get suckered into his harassment campaign against others.
    I've had the chance to look over alot. Apparently it has been said by some that I used multiple Twitter profiles to help Joey A Camp in his harassment campaigns. I never did such a thing. He's approached me to report that woman he said was stalking him. I never reported her. I only said I did to shut him up. We've all said something to someone to shut them up at some point in our lives.
    In the beginning, when I knew Joey A Camp, all I did was like some tweets that involved his travels and mention the weather in some areas. That is in no way harassment of others and is in no way participating in some harassment campaign. It also doesn't mean I've helped him harass others.
    I've seen his Gab page (JoeyCamp2020) and his Twitter (daneshnoshirvan) page. I've even seen the Twitter page in which he impersonates Bullyville. The real Bullyville Twitter page is "RealBullyville". The Twitter page Joey A Camp is using to impersonate Bullyville is "bullyviIIe". He uses that account to falsely portray the Bullyville owner as a pedophile. Joey A Camp also falsely claims he owns revenge porn sites. He (Bullyville owner) only bought Hunter Moore's site to take it down. Cheaterville was never a revenge porn site. In looking at the bio of the impersonation Twitter, it reminded me of the Twitter profiles I knew about that impersonated me. The ones that seemed like Vincenza and her friends weren't behind had the same vibe as the Bullyville impersonation account. Vincenza, her friends (mostly Sharon and Suzi) were still behind many of the Twitter accounts made to impersonate me and ones made to make fun of me.
    Since I talked to those 2 people, I have thought about every account that has ever impersonated me. I've thought about every account that has claimed to have interacted with me, but hasn't. I've thought about ever account making claims about me to gaslight others. I've thought about every account that's passed around photoshopped images that made it seem like I said and did things I never would. I thought about every account made, that has harassed others pretending to be me. Many of them did a poor job. Many were sloppy. Those are the ones I firmly believe were created and/or operated by Joey A Camp. The ones that played it more carefully were likely Vincenza and her friends.
    When I think about all this and how my bullying truly started, I now think about Joey A Camp. If I never met him, I wouldn't have gone through what I have. If I never met him, I wouldn't have been bothered by people about him. I also wouldn't have been bothered by him to help him in his quests to silence those he claimed were stalking him.
    While Vincenza and her friends are guilty of alot, Joey A Camp made matters worse. My guess is he didn't like that I wasn't going to help him in HIS harassment campaigns. So his way of reacting was to try and hurt me, but to do so carefully so all the blame would fall on me or someone else.
    In getting a real good look at all that Joey A Camp is guilty of, I have no doubt he was behind many of the profiles pretending to be me and many of the profiles attacking others and acting as if it was on my behalf. This, on top of all Vincenza and her friends have pulled is what lead to those Irontroll blogs about me.
    Joey A Camp is what got all the bullying against me started. He IS what got it started. Because of him getting it started, those Irontroll blogs about me are up for all to see and easily found by those Googling my name. I get wrongly judged and dismissed by majority of people I get to know. All because of what Joey A Camp started.
    Despite Joey A Camp's role in all of this, I don't hold a grudge. I'm not going to retaliate. If I did, then I would only make myself look as if I am what he, Vincenza, and Vincenza's friends have portrayed me to be.
  17. Elektra
    Earlier this morning I logged into my Bailey's Gym account to see if I could cancel online. My intent was to cancel and choose this other "more friendly" gym I had my eyes on. I thought things would go smoothly, but they didn't. They forced me to pay for a month I won't even be there for, or use, just to cancel. They called it an "outstanding balance"! And no, I'm NOT under contract.
    If I really had an outstanding balance, then why do I have club privileges from 2/17/2024 until 3/16/2024? A month that has not started yet... Wouldn't my membership privileges be up just before the next month began? (YEP!)
    In this video below I explain everything.
    The screenshots that are in the video, which prove I was wrongly forced to pay Bailey's Gym for a month I won't be there.
    As I said above...  If I really had an outstanding balance, then why do I have club privileges from 2/17/2024 until 3/16/2024? A month that has not started yet... Wouldn't my membership privileges be up just before the next month began? (YEP!)
    When I first joined Bailey's Gym it was 2.5 years ago. I was interested in losing weight. But after I signed the papers, which was a 1 or 2 year contract (I think), I got a weird vibe after I talked to some staff. I talked to one of the trainers that was about to show me around. I mentioned I have mild scoliosis in my lower lumar region abnd moderate disc degeneration there that has been there very much all my life, but only recently became obvious. I was asking for advice on how to start out so I could  build strength back up in my back and stomach so I would go back to it just being an issue that's there but didn't really feel much of. The trainer was very discouraging. He told me that they would have one of their trainers with medical expertise call and talk to me about advise on how to start out. I was advised to wait before I would start out. So I sat at home and waited. I called a few weeks after not hearing back. I was given some lame excuse that I should wait.
    Finally I had enough waiting and decided to go. But when I did, I saw an ex of mine there. One I wanted to avoid. So I left before entering the facility. I had decided I would wait to go there until I could figure out around when he goes, so I would know when not to go. But sadly his gym hours were all over the place. But I had heard that my ex was being forced to move. So I was like "I'll wait until he moves". That took AWHILE. During that time I pondered just cancelling and joining another gym. I called Bailey's Gym and talked to someone that told me I couldn't cancel and was under contract. I mentioned that more than a year has passed, which is what contracts are for. I got hung up on after I was told I'd have to wait until 2 years had passed. One friend of mine told me to just deal with it for now and go until my time was up and then cancel and join another gym. I would have but considering how I was treated over the phone, I decided it was a bad idea. Especially with staff like that. My friend @Angie had reminded me that I never should have joined and it was a big mistake. She told me that when she cancelled, she had to pay for an entire month she would not be able to in any way, shape, or form use.
    And now here we are at present time. So much going through my mind. But one thing is for certain, that won't change, is I regret ever even considering Bailey's Gym. Was I ever under a 2 year contract like I was falsely lead to believe? What the heck is going through to minds of those associated with Bailey's to think it is okay to extort money from people under the guise of "outstanding balance"? Again as I said above... "If I really had an outstanding balance, then why do I have club privileges from 2/17/2024 until 3/16/2024? A month that has not started yet... Wouldn't my membership privileges be up just before the next month began? (YEP!)".
    Bailey's Gym, powered by Chuze Fitness, needs to make this right. They can do that by giving me the $52.68 they owe me.
  18. Elektra

    Special Events
    When I started watching SuperBowl 58 last night, I thought it would be an awesome night. I was wrong. IT WAS SO VERY AWESOME!
    Andra Day sung the black national anthem. Beautiful voice. Beautiful moment.
    The way Reba McEntire sung our national anthem was beautiful and something very special.
    Post Malone singing America The Beautiful was spectacular.
    When the game started, I was so excited. The Chiefs scored just before halftime with the 49ers leading 10-3.
    The Halftime Show started with Usher, whom pulled out all the stops for an impressive performance. He was also joined by Alicia Keys and other special guest stars; HER, Lil Jon, Ludacris, WilliAm. I was left in complete awe as the performance reached its conclusion.
    The 3rd quarter saw Chiefs's kicker Harrison Butker set a SuperBowl field goal record when he kicked a 57 yard field goal, thus breaking Jake Moody's short lived field goal record (55 yards) set in the first quarter.
    In the 4th quarter it got very interesting. As it was about to end. The Chiefs tied the game. Then came...OVERTIME! Thus marking SuperBowl 58 as the 2nd SuperBowl to go into overtime.
    As we got into overtime, hope for the Chiefs win began to fade as the 49ers scored. It began to fade even more as time began to run short. But suddenly, with 3 seconds left in the game's overtime...Mecole Hardman made a touchdown. With that very touchdown the Chiefs had won their second SuperBowl in a row.
    Last night was nothing short of amazing. This was truly a SuperBowl I won't soon forget.
  19. Elektra
    Not too long ago I wrote a blog about a mod ("Cynthia B") promoting animal cruelty as if it was okay, how she reacted to me when I was responding to someone else, and how she kept trying to silence me when I would reply to others. The blog about it is below.
    Now that we're all caught up. Fast forward to yesterday. The video below explains the gist of it.
    All I did with the message I sent "Cynthia B" was stand up for myself and ask to be left alone. I did so with civility as seen in the screenshot below. (screenshot also in video above).
    As I said in my video, I dare "Cynthia B" to show this message I sent her. I triple dog dare her. All she will be doing is helping make my point about abusive NextDoor moderators that abuse their power and position as well as silence those they disagree with.
  20. Elektra

    My Bullying Experiences
    After some YEARS, a particularly vicious bully has re-surfaced. For a little background, watch my YouTube about it.
    Now that's you're caught up...
    Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] got blocked immediately after. I wasn't going to apologize to her. Why should I? She mentally abused me off and on for years in many ways. Apologizing to this abuser/bully would be like saying what she did to me was okay...
    1) Lying about me.
    2) Spreading rumors about me as if they were fact.
    3) Threatened me.
    4) Tried to bully me offline.
    5) Falsely accused people I know of being me so as to make her claims of me being "unstable with having multiple profiles" look more true.
    6) Has swatted me. Sent police to my home claiming I was suicidal. They quickly realized I was not.
    7) Had harassed some defending me in order to scare them off and isolate me.
    8) Falsely claimed I'm a bully despite there is no real proof other than what's been photoshopped (by her or others), lies told, and obviously false information spread by various obvious trolls.
    The list goes on...
    In the past when she would be quiet about me, I would get nasty tweets from random people accusing me of being an abuser. That's why 3 particular tweets to me yesterday stood out.
    All 3 tweets shown and archived here: https://archive.ph/ouZmN
    To most people it would just be Johnny Depp fans lashing out at an Amber Heard supporter excited about Amber Heard's movie "In The Fire". While it is that, it is so much more. Most Johnny Depp fans just put down Amber Heard to her fans and supporters or attack the person for being a fan. These people were accusing me of being an abuser pretending to be abused/bullied. Exactly Teresa C's [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] MO.
    Archive proof of Teresa C's [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] Amber Heard hate: https://archive.ph/AzIC8
    Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] happens to be an extreme Amber Heard hater and a fangirl of TUG (ThatUmbrellaGuy) and his hateful content on his You Tube channel.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] decided to use the Johnny Depp fan community to her advantage and steered them in my direction to come at me for being a fan of Amber Heard. All so I would be harassed and she could get away with trying to cause me issues. Should I suspect something and say anything... she could just go on about how "it commonly happens to those who support Amber Heard" and say whatever else to make me seem like the crazy one.
    Recently I was going through some old flash drives and came upon tweets in which Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)], on her now suspended "ImDaRelzSlimSha" Twitter(X) profile, had posted screenshots of this long DM she sent me. The screenshots were taken in 2016. That DM was what she indirectly spoke of when she once said she gave me the chance to go away. She's also indirectly mentioned it in other tweets.
    Archive of big DM threat: https://archive.ph/L1ehF
    She basically tried (very badly) to manipulate me into thinking that DM is her way of saying she cares about me. She tried to get me to think I was engaging in "dangerous behavior". That was her manipulative way to get me to speak with her. She says this was a "private communication", but yet she's shown it during peak times when I was being bullied, harassed, and stalked. She attempts to blackmail me by saying I shouldn't show that DM to anyone. She falsely accuses me of harassing her. Also why would I reach out to her considering how abusive she's been towards and about me? She also goes on to accuse me of doing things I would never say or do. She also goes on to claim she spoke with me on the phone. I NEVER spoke with her on the phone. I don't give my phone number to anyone I barely know. Especially not someone who's bullied and harassed me to the extent she has.
    Sadly, even with the screenshots I took in 2016 (and forgot I still had), I didn't catch the entire DM. But I remember it. She basically told me to "deactivate every profile" I had. She even named a few friends of mine. Particularly ones that have stuck by me and have asked her to leave me alone. People she's falsely accused me of being. My guess is she had hoped that I would get so scared and frantic I would get them to deactivate and/or leave Twitter(X). Part of me thought she hoped I would show the DM to friends in hopes those defending me would leave Twitter(X) just to spare me her abuse and abuse from others bullying me. A few did leave Twitter, but we still talk. Some have come back under names different than before. Bullies in general do similar to isolate their victims.
    The hateful people she spoke of was that Vincenza and her group of friends I have spoken of in previous blogs.
    When it comes to Teresa C [SheSharpShoots on Twitter(X)] voicing an opinion towards/about someone she doesn't like, she doesn't just voice her opinion. She attacks. She's done it to me, as I have more than proven. She's also done it to others.
  21. Elektra
    (Originally posted on my Wordpress on 9/12/2023)
    Up until now I have chosen to tell my story by showing the effect particular bullying has had on my life. What I am about to show is bullying by, and because of, Vincenza when I was brave enough to break away from that abusive group. Along with some bullying prior.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/KxorM
    In this series of tweets, these people attack a Twitter user that's befriended me despite lies told about me. "Evsmom" (friend of Vincenza) attempts to portray "SweetPea298" as me. She also falsely claims that I told her that "SweetPea298" is me. I never did. Notice in that screenshot she posted that it's cut off at the right time? This way, combined with what "Evsmom" said, she gives the impression I am unstable like she is trying to portray me as.
    According to "Mel_1245" (friend of Vincenza), any profile that's blocked her, before she is aware of it, is me. That's very false. This is nothing more than an attempt to make me appear unstable by giving the impression I have a multitude of Twitter accounts. One reason this doesn't work is because her behavior, and that of those she participates in my bullying with, is out in the open; in public. Anyone seeing it could decide, "Hey I don't want to see this crap" and decide to block.
    "A1_Buckwheat" (VINCENZA) is saying "SweetPea298" was me like it is fact. Speaking of it like that doesn't make it true. This is a common claim she made about alot of people that befriended me. All in hopes people would avoid me to avoid being a target.
    "SweetPea298" was someone that kindly befriended me to show support. She ended up being targeted, harassed, and threatened as if people thought she was me. She deleted her Twitter page. It was recreated by with Vincenza herself or someone she got to recreate it. The re-created "SweetPea298" was used to harass, threaten, troll, and cause all sorts of trouble.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/mZfzd
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/90k5O
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/9oSW6
    Here "Evsmom" responds to "SuzikinsSays" (the Suzi I have spoken of previously and friend of Vincenza) by claiming I'm mad they all finally blocked me. This is said to portray me as the aggressor and herself (and her friends) as the victims. The exact opposite is true. That group of people became very toxic. I blocked them and was trying to move on.
    "SuzikinsSays" is currently suspended due to harassment.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/7ko5i
    "Dubfreque" (friend of Vincenza) responds to a tweet I posted on the Twitter page I used at that time. When I posted that tweet, I was doing the same exact thing atleast a few teens and a few adults were doing. That which was a quick video showing the turnout for Avengers Infinity War. But "Dubfreque" attempts to take something meant to show the turnout of a great movie and twist it into something horrible. He not only threatens me but attempts to imply I'm some kid stalker.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/lva14
    "SarcasticShaz" (Shaz/Sharon - friend of Vincenza) and "Dubfreque" try their hand at some social engineering by hoping I'll see this, get mad, and flip out on friends so that I'll be the one to frighten them away and not them. This is a common tactic among bullies.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/6R8VG
    The "Miley accts" being spoke of here were 2 accounts created that were done so to cruelly mock and bully me. "Dubfreque" tries to put words in my mouth by claiming I think it's my friend Shelly. When in fact it was Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza that were behind them. Also there is an attempt here to make it look like they are the objects of an obsession. It's a common, and disturbing, trend among mean people.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/WGn27
    "iamspudzy" (a now cleared out and abandoned account of Shaz/Sharon) takes a photo of me I had on my old Instagram and shares it on Twitter just to make fun of me and also to try to feed into that false and slanderous claim she, and other friends of Vincenza, have started claiming I am my own friends. Me trying to move on and live my life, while I document (for myself) the abuse and bullying is being portrayed as some obsession with them that means I can't be a victim.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/KmsyT
    Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") attempts to claim some random person she and Brandon (friend of Vincenza - "DirtREYN0LDS", a now suspended account) are talking about some random they've picked a fight with. Shaz/Sharon attempts to claim its me. This is one of many times they did this.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/KvqTC
    Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") trying to subtext me. It's obvious, via the hashtag, that she is talking about me. At that time I was still using "SamusAran2020". She makes a sexual comment about me and the way she says "clean your house", she tries to imply I live like a hoarder to further feed into the horrible impression she, Vincenza, and their friends are trying to portray me. Also, the picture Shaz/Sharon showed with this tweet is so up close that you can't tell what it is. There's no proof it is a "dirty mouse pad".
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/ZatV3
    Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") and Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") trying to make me look like the type of rude person that would spend an entire movie theater movie live tweeting it. Nope! The only new movies I would live tweet, if at all, would be on the TV in my own home. The way Suzi and Shaz/Sharon go on, they do so as if they think that by them going "on and on" that it makes, what they're trying to portray, what they're implying as true.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/VoUGt
    Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") saying that if someone isn't tagged, then it isn't bullying. So basically, according to her, this means she and other friends of Vincenza, can mention my name, share my pics with cruel remarks and it is okay.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/7PgCt
    "Willittolife" (friend of Vincenza) is talking about me in that tweet. I know because at that time got a bad haircut and posted it and the after pic. Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") chimes in to make fun of me. So did Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy").
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/PO8Rr
    Someone calls out Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") on her bullying of me. Suzi replies by calling it "faux concern". I guess she is trying the "Everybody hates her" impression.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/dBaxq
    I remember this tweet. This was posted shortly after I received a DM from a new account telling me my days of going to movie theaters will soon be no more. I reported it, blocked the account, and moved on. When I saw these tweets, that's when I realized I should have screenshotted it. These tweets are Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") and Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") laying the ground work for something vicious they and Vincenza pulled shortly after. Not long after this, Shaz/Sharon sent in a false complaint to AMC Theatres claiming she was in the theaters and was very disturbed by me being on the phone that kept dinging through the movie. She claimed she would never be back. I found out about this when I received a ban letter claiming I was being banned for being on my phone in the theater. I smiled and laughed. Now why would I? Easy because the night that was claimed she was there and specifically saw me and claimed an employee spoke with me, I was not even there. She assumed I was because on my Twitter page I tweeted that I was going to see Avengers Infinity War again. She assumed I was going to AMC Theatres since I did the first time. Nope! I went to a different theater with a friend that was in town. I was able to prove it to the manager of that theater via a ticket stub. via employees of said theater. Also a picture my friend too of me standing next to someone dressed like Ironman. DATE and TIMESTAMPED. Also the matter was investigated further. The IP address came from "someone not in the USA" and could not have possibly gotten back to their country and residence by the time the email was sent, which was very shortly after the movie was assumed to have ended. My ban was obviously lifted and I received an apology.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/xGk**
    Shaz/Sharon ("SarcasticShaz") posts a partial screenshot of an old Instagram postjust to make fun of, and bully me. "Willittolife", "Mel_1245", "Jenjibelle" (friend of Vincenza and wife to "Willittolife") all join in at laughing at, Shaz/Sharon's bullying of me. If Shaz/Sharon had shown the whole post, there would have been text shown to indicate that that food was going to be spread out over 6 movies. At that, that was only part of things. There was another post I made later that showed 3/4 of the food left and me saying I was giving the rest to a neighbor that was too busy to cook.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/8GDXc
    Shaz/Sharon ("SarcasticShaz") posting a random tweet making fun of, and bullying, me.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/34M2r
    Shaz/Sharon ("SarcasticShaz") posting a nasty tweet about me.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/bFAuV
    Both Vincenza and Shaz/Sharon were behind the "BEANBAGMILEY" account, which was created to mock and bully me cruelly because I refused to disappear from social media. This archived tweet is one of many they posted.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/6CwIb
    A cruel comment made about me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/EhrEN
    Mildly sexual and personal tweet posted in order to make fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/Z4X6G
    Making fun of me for going to see that up to date Nutcracker movie by myself. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/jmh9d
    Telling me to kill myself and falsely accusing me of animal abuse because my cat was overweight at the time. It was a thyroid issue. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/jW6h0
    Falsely claiming I'm racist. They posted this shortly after I responded to an article saying this suspect that killed jewish people should get the death penalty. They are twisting that and trying to pass me off as racist. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/bNrpk
    Trying to claim I'm a pedo. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/HGJSQ
    Calling me a pedo and wishing me dead. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/SePtV
    Making fun of me and implying I would sexually molest a cat. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/TcMTJ
    Classic bullying by making fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/LTZTq
    Implying I am purposely making my cat fat. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/QhPPf
    Basic making fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/3jfXf
    Continuing the cruelty of making fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/AF9Bc
    Wishing harm on me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/V0kqk
    Making fun of me and claiming I have imaginary friends. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/ssInc
    Fat shaming me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/eK4PH
    Teresa ("SheSharpShoots") is not a friend of Vincenza, but someone that was lead to believe I help her (Vincenza) harass people. She has never spoken with me on the phone. Whoever she did speak with, it wasn't me, but she goes on as if it was.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/NraH8
    Teresa ("SheSharpShoots") claims she was never mean to me? That's a load of bull.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/alklC
    Teresa (imdarelzslimsha - currently "SheSharpShoots") making a rather nasty comment about me. So, she's claimed before she was never mean to me? I call bs.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/gsOB9
    Teresa (on her now suspended "ImDaRelzSlimSha") harassing someone that stood up for me and acted as if doing so was a crime.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/MXzen
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") acting as if me faking tweets is some solid proven fact.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/MdDh2
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") harassing another user on Twitter pretending it's me.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/wDe3P
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") posting part of a DM she sent the real me, not some fake pretending to be me. She goes on with alot of crap that I have no idea of what she is talking about. The way she speaks to me is cruel. She acts as if it is some set in stone solid fact that I have multiple personalities on Twitter. It isn't some fact. It is a false portrayal of me that she chose to believe and she decided to take it upon herself to bully me over.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/1H0hq
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") gets very angry with this young girl that politely told her to leave me alone and stop bullying me. Teresa wrongly assumes I've talked about her to this person. This girl is one of a few that's asked her, and others, to leave me alone.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/u4LRz
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") harasses this girl that simply told her to leave me alone and she was choosing to believe obvious fabrications about me. Teresa also claims I've lied multiple times.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/YFnFF
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") still harassing someone she's accused of being me on multiple occasions.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/8CFq2
    Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") making it obvious she's harassed and threatened me in a way to try and intimidate me into disappearing.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/pV0Y1
    "X__2650" making fun of my looks by referring to me as five head.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/akZ4c
    Suzi, on a Facebook page for herself, takes a screenshot of a post that's not even about her and attempts to make it about her.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/KP9st
    Another post by Suzi attempting to turn something I say to be about her. The comments I made at the time was after I watched Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride. The pink hair I had was via a SnapChat filter. It was the only colored hair filter at the time. Suzi attempts to make that into making fun of her, which it is not.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/eFICB
    Partially true statement by Vincenza. Shelly never swatted me. That was Teresa (formerly "ImDaRelzSlimSha" - currently "SheSharpShoot") who swatted me. The call came from Anaheim, California, which is where Teresa was at the time.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/3VSQw
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/ymJmB
    "Dubfreque" posts pictures of what I supposedly said in tweets. I wonder who he had to photoshop those. Those that know me know that the only movies I live tweet are ones I watch on the TV at home. One big way I know these are fake is one of the hashtags is completely capitalized. I never capitalize an entire hashtag. Another way is in one tweet it claims I said I like to sit at the top of a movie theater. I don't. Always the middle. In a movie theater I never dim and silence my phone. I've always turned it off right as the previews start like decent folks do. People who know me and have been to the movies with me know this. Another thing. "Dubfreque" claims I'm lying, but he is the one doing that here. Also by claiming I live tweeted that Overboard movie. A movie I didn't see until it was out on DVD. I'm surprised he, or another of Vincenza's friends hasn't tried to do some photoshop to make it seem as if I did.
    Proofs: https://www.tiktok.com/@gmileycollier78/video/7277682210369473835
    This Tiktok I created shows one person that bullied me a bit before ("Mel_1245") tagging in 3 others ("SharonM_123", "Willittolife", and "Dubfreque") that have bullied me in a reply to me posting blogs in which I speak of bullying I went through. Shaz/Sharon ("SharonM_123") chimed in with a response and a photoshopped picture that made it look like I chose to like something on her Twitter timeline. I proved that I didn't. Her tweet disappeared quickly. As did the one by "Mel_1245". This is a common things with them and those close to them. they love to pull hit and runs. Shaz/Sharon sends me a Twitter DM falsely accusing me of trolling her timeline. She continues to victim blame and victim shame me.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/j60nU
    Shaz/Sharon ("shazzymaynard" on Tiktok) stalks my Tiktok. She decides to a pull a sneaky tactic. To the untrained eye, it looks like she is leaving a supportive comment. Not her intention. Her intention is to let me know she is watching me and won't stop anytime soon. I know because she's done this before. Another intention of this is to make it seem like she is being supportive so that if she gets called out, the one calling her out looks like they are crazy and she can play the victim.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/DR2ET
    "Dubfreque" of Twitter ("SuperFreque" of Tiktok) and "Willittolife" of Twitter ("_digitalghost_" of Tiktok) take it upon themselves to try and stalk my Tiktok. It's easy to figure out its them. They got blocked quickly.
    In conclusion...
    What I've shown here is only a portion of what these people, and others, have put me through. Partially because many of them have done some spring cleaning and cleaned up their social media to hide it. That and some is on suspended pages that are no longer visible. Some even left on profiles closed off from public view.
    I've more than proven myself by backing up my claims in numerous ways. One of the biggest ones is showing their behavior, their claims, and explaining myself. Their claims about my behavior DO NOT MATCH my actual behavior and how I am. Hence why they like to accuse others, that aren't me, or being me. And, stuff gets photoshopped to make it look like I did and said things I'd never say or do. The way many of these people have targeted others, also backs up what I say.
    Much of these people love to stalk and antagonize their victims. When they don't get a response, they create them. Whether it be from photoshop, false claims that someone else responding is them, or they create a fake profile so they can say it's them.
    These people also love to insert themselves into the lives of those known to the victims. they do so mainly in one of 2 ways. They will either go on the attack right away or put up a good facade of niceness. The purpose of this isn't to know the victim or their life. The purpose is to unrattle the victim so hoping they'll lash out and rage on to their friends so they (the victim) will look crazy to their friends for raging about the nice guy/gal that's been oh so nice around/to them. Alot of bullies use this tactic to isolate their victims away from those they know.
    When bullies go on the attack right away with people known to their victim, the purpose is the same as above; isolation. Either they'll try to convince the person their friend did something they didn't do in order to scare them off or they imply the abuse won't stop until they abandon them.
    The same thing described in the above 2 paragraphs fits for when bullies insert themselves onto the victim's social media. Also, when it comes to the victims social media, likely they'll use fake profiles and not their own so they can feign innocence.
    One of the biggest reasons these bullies are trying to scare me off of social media is because they're afraid that the longer I am around, the worse they'll look. Especially since I am not how they portray me to be. Every so often these people will come out of the woodwork to harass me. Then they'll chill our for awhile. Then they will start up again. When they do, they always try to justify it by making it look like I'm obsessed with them and love to cause drama. When in fact the opposite is true.
    While alot of the people, whose bullying I showed, haven't bothered me in awhile, I still showed their abuse and bullying of me for the purpose of showing the damage Vincenza and her friends have stirred, caused, and instigated by targeting others. While some of those were pawns and believed the wrong thing, they're still responsible for the bullying they did having gone off of wrong/false information.
    In closing, I think those that still bother me now and then should consider seeking help from a mental health professional to help them figure out why they feel the obsessive need to bully and stir drama just to feel whole. While I am moving on, it in no way means I am obsessed or not moving on if I document further abuse. Let's hope these people learn more positive ways to fill their days.
    PS. I'm not going anywhere. Bullies don't dictate my social media presence. I DO.
  22. Elektra

    My Bullying Experiences
    (Originally posted on my Wordpress on 7/25/2022)
    My name is Glen Miley Collier. I have autism. Those who truly know me know that I'm a good, decent, honest, respectful, and very patient person.
    Due to the actions of one "Vincenza", a disbarred attorney from New Jersey, various friends of hers, and Joey A Camp.....some random people have been lead to believe some horrible and very untrue things about me. They've (Vincenza, some of her friends, and Joey A Camp) attacked and harassed many people online often leading them to believe that it was me. As to the extent of Joey A Camp's role in this, I am unsure. Sometimes they would attack people, using fake social media profiles with fake identities, acting as if I asked them to do it. Sometimes some of them would pretend to be me while causing trouble. Sometimes profiles would be made to mock me cruelly.
    In regards to Joey A Camp, I'm not going to say much here. I need to do more research and some thinking. But I will say this. I came upon him at random on Twitter. I liked a few of his tweets that had pics of places he was traveling. He DMed me and asked me about the weather in particular places. I would look it up and give him the information. Occasionally he would complain about this one woman he says claims to be a lawyer, but acts otherwise. He pointed out her Twitter profile and asked me to help report her. He'd go on and on about it. I never reported her. I told him I did so for him just to shut him up. Occasionally he would ask me if I could report others or contact others on his behalf. That's when I began to slowly distance myself. Out of the blue I've gotten contacted by people with all sorts of claims about him. Some I blocked because they got aggressive. Some I just told he just started asking me about the weather in areas and mentioned a stalker.
    I ended up getting more DMs regarding Joey A Camp. Many of which were harassing me. I began to get harassing tweets. Some people angry and claiming I did and said things I didn't. This was around the time Vincenza and her friends began to befriend me acting as if they cared and claiming to be victims of the same people.
    One of the worst things Vincenza and her friends have done was persistently go after this blogger that runs IronTroll.com, often leading him to believe I supported their vile activities of bullying and harassment. They also lead him to believe I was on their side, their friend, and guilty of the things they painted me as being guilty of. This resulted in a page, and a series of blogs, with my name included making it seem like I am supportive of Vincenza and some of her friends' horrendous actions.
    The page and blogs are among the first things that pop up when someone googles my name. They've affected my life in numerous ways. Below is just a small portion:
    1) This one church I began going to, I am not welcome because a few of the well knowns have seen these blogs. This was in mid 2021. This has happened with 2 other churches since the blogs went up. I no longer go to church.
    2) Last few times I tried to date and got googled, these blogs came up in a search. I've been harshly judged, tossed aside, and barely given a chance. I stopped dating in 2018.
    3) A neighbor that use to let me walk her dog came upon these blogs when Googling my name. Passed them around. Now some people give me dirty looks when I go for walks. This happened recently.
    4) Abandoned by some friends who didn't want to be harassed by Vincenza and her friends and/or possibly end up in one of those blogs. Some even wondered if what they heard about Joey A Camp was true and if maybe he was somehow engineering some of the hate against me.
    5) I've had to start over in many online games I play because some believing those blogs, combined with how Vinnie and her friends painted me, chose to pass around those blog links. I got kicked from guilds. I got made fun of. I got harassed. I've had to change internet identities a few times.
    6) I stopped going to Planet Fitness because staff members would give me nasty looks. I found out it was because some have seen the blogs about me. I found this out when this kid dropped something, I picked it up, and handed it to them. A nearby staff member asked "are you going to dox that child too?". Not one had the decency to ask me about anything or even get my side.
    If I was really guilty of doxxing a 7 year old child like it was claimed in the main blog page about me, then I would be in jail or prison or have some kind of criminal record. I don't. No charges have been filed. The person guilty of this was named "Marcie". NOT ME. Supposedly Joey A Camp helped her. As to if he did, I do not know. I suspect maybe since the child in question was the kid of that woman he claimed was stalking him.
    I've been falsely painted as having multiple personalities and being my own friends on Twitter. This accusation happened regarding anyone that tried to stand up for me and stand by me. This is an isolation tactic. It is because people will abandon the victim to avoid being victims themselves.
    Things written by others, were painted as being done by me.
    In some of the blogs copy and pastes of conversations were posted. Those conversation likely did happen, but it wasn't with me. Here's the thing about that. I was shown as "Len Collier". I NEVER went by that. Whenever I shortened my first name, it was to Gen. Never to Len. Any interactions he thought he had with me, was not actually me. My guess is either Vincenza, someone associated with Vincenza, or possibly Joey A Camp. When Joey A Camp would come to mind, I had my doubts. Especially since my interaction with him wasn't that much. But I also wondered if maybe he wasn't too thrilled that I started to distance myself and wasn't playing in to helping him. But then why would someone contribute to getting me harassed over that. I dismissed it as paranoid thinking for the most part.
    Most people in this situation would be mad at the IronTroll.com blogger, blame him, take legal action. I could..... BUT, would that be the morally right thing? The truth of the matter is we both are victims of malicious actions and behavior by Vincenza and even Joey A Camp.
    I lost track of all the awful things Vincenza tried to have done to me and said about me.....including all the rumors and lies. Including stuff she had her friend Brandon photoshop in order to make it look like I said and did things I would never say or do. I also lost track of all the people Vincenza and her friends got to come after me, harass me, and bully me. Perhaps another time I will go into more detail about them.
    There was someone else involved in this . He went by "9riest". He often varied it when he would get suspended from Twitter. He had a website he created. He kept pages on various people. The one he had for me, he posted my personal information along with many false claims painting me as some horrific bully. Not only that, he listed various people I knew on Twitter and claimed they were me. Like with Vincenza and her friends, I lost track of all the horrible claims this "9riest" person made about me in the many tweets he posted with links to my personal information. Luckily, eventually, his website got suspended. As to why he started in on me, I do not know. Who knows what Vincenza did to get him after me. Or perhaps it was someone she made mad about me that did. Despite this person's or anyone's, claims, I NEVER actually interacted with 9riest. Any interaction they supposedly had with me, wasn't me. But was either someone pretending to be me or accused of being me. I would say the same thing about him that I said about the IronTroll gentleman, and chalk it up to he was mislead. But when this person chose to post my personal information along with such horrendous false claims, they crossed a serious line into criminal behavior. I do not hold a grudge or resentment and will never retaliate. Bullying and harassment, in any form, is never justified. If I ever came across him again or he tried to speak with me, I'd simply block him and move on as if he didn't exist. If he persisted, then I'd report him if necessary, then block.
    Now why did Vincenza pull what she pulled regarding me? Easy. I tried to be her friend and not judge based on what was being said. All while not discussing any of it or anything regarding any fight she was involved in. Apparently she didn't like that and my refusal to be involved. It didn't matter when I refused to help repost and like things involving fights with others. Vincenza took it upon herself to make it look like I involved myself and supported her actions and she and some of her friends have tried to make me go away from being online.
    Despite all this I do have a few good close friends. As long as I have that, I'll be okay.
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