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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. Today I received an email response from a NextDoor supervisor by the name of Moe because my issue has been "escalated". The response and my thoughts are in the video below, which is on YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram. The screen shown in the above video, which is NextDoor supervisor Moe's email to me. My Comments: I find the claim of "When actioning neighbors accounts we do so fairly, without bias and in accordance with current community guidelines" to be laughable because Next Door staff and mods have more than proven they cannot be fair and are biased. I have never attacked anyone on NextDoor, so I know this supervisor is NOT talking about something I said on NextDoor when saying "However, attacking others 'or making accusations about other neighbors activity is not only uncivil but it does not promote the respectful discussions we encourage'". It's obvious he's "aware" of my blogs and videos about NextDoor staff and mods abusing their power and position. If NextDoor supervisor Moe thinks he is going to guilt me into keeping quiet and stop speaking up about abuse by mods and staff, he is sorely mistaken. I've proven accusations I've made. Proof is in my blogs and videos. Why am I not surprised that a SUPERVISOR at NextDoor is on me about this and trying to guilt me? After all, it is the NextDoor way to protect abusive staff and mods by any means necessary and/or deemed fit.
  2. I noticed several mods are labeled "Autumn a** kissers". The truth about these mods, and mods in general, is it wouldn't matter who was reported, mods do not like it when people report mods. Even if I never reported Autumn for her racial profiling, all I've been put through would have happened anyway if I reported any mod for anything. The mods of NextDoor are their own toxic culture.
  3. I do too, but I thought season 6 was the last.
  4. I agree. Jade and Bianca carried the match.
  5. This is a follow up to the blog below. Brief video below shows the victim blaming and victim shaming by Next Door staff member "Mae Ann". Nextdoor first denies my appeal saying I'm still suspended until 4/23/2024. Then NextDoor staff member "Mae Ann" adds a day. All because I've spoken up about abuse by NextDoor staff and mods. NextDoor should consider a new slogan. ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/JZmlV
  6. I can't believe they're making us wait so long on the final final episode of Blue Bloods!
  7. It now seems that I have been SUSPENDED from NextDoor. Video below details why. My Comments: Yep! I've been suspended from NextDoor. Apparently standing up for myself in a civil manner (PRIVATELY) and speaking up (PUBLICLY) about ABUSE by NextDoor staff and mods... is some high crime! NextDoor doesn't like it at all when people stand up to their mods and staff and/or speak up about it publicly. Proof of the NextDoor suspension that was shown in the above video. My Comments: Yep! Yep! it's "disrespectful" and "unneighborly" to dare stand up for myself in a civil/polite manner AND... to speak up online about ABUSE from NextDoor staff and moderators. Why am I not surprised? NextDoor does next to nothing about mods that: behave poorly, pick fights, engage in racial profiling, advocate FOR animal cruelty, harass people, stalk people... But yet they suspend those who stand up for themselves (politely & civilly) AND speak up about it. If NextDoor thinks they will silence/censor me, they are sorely mistaken.
  8. Marvel star Jonathan Majors sentenced to probation after assault conviction WTF! If I had done what he did, despite having a clean record, I'd be in jail for a few months! Using race to avoid doing time only hurts, not helps. It helps to foster more racism down the line (for others).
  9. Just as I was beginning to think that the toxic NextDoor moderator culture of toxic mods was easing up... Screenshots of the message I sent NextDoor moderator "Nancy Roberts" that was shown in the above video; along with proof Nancy Roberts is a NextDoor moderator. My Comments: Some might say I went overboard, but these are things that needed to be said. Before I started documenting how mods mess with me (and others) on NextDoor, I've seen Nancy Roberts be the same way with others and use the fact that she is a mod to get away with it. Sadly she's not the only one (toxic mod). I'm not the only victim of toxic mods on NextDoor. I'm just one of few that is speaking up about it. NextDoor needs to start taking more of a stance against the poor behavior of toxic mods... because if they don't, they're practically begging to become the next MySpace. What's MySpace? ...EXACTLY!
  10. Man Getting Vasectomy When Earthquake Hit Thought Doctor Was Making A 'Joke' What a time to get a vasectomy.
  11. WATCH: 100 huskies cut loose in shopping mall after pet café mishap
  12. U.S. Senate candidate goes viral for blaming NY earthquake on climate change, deletes post Just...WOW!

  14. The Oilers are a corrupt team. They corrupt their fans and players. The only ways they win is when they gain favor from the refs.
  15. I've been watching Wheel of Fortune since he started hosting.
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