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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. I remember her in the very few episodes of Manifest that I watched.
  2. Exactly what I am thinking. The distraction and deflection is for a reason and Joey Camp IS hiding something.
  3. I didn't think we'd have a renewal this quick considering season 6 doesn't end until late July.
  4. I remember the Cold Case series. I hope the reboot is good.
  5. Thanks to "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)", not too long ago I learned that Joey Camp had been arrested. Of course I've spoken my thoughts under many of the tweets posted by "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)" about the situation with Joey Camp being arrested AND about Joey Camp's brother in law, Jaylon Jones, being charged with murder. I also spoke some of my thoughts, and curiosities, in the video below (on YouTube, TikTok, & Instagram). My Comments: In simple terms, I spoke my peace in the above video which is on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. In seeing all this unfold, I've and seeing so many speak up about all this, I noticed one of the people that has; "ZileAndBea of Twitter". He's the one that runs irontroll.com. When I use to see his name pop up here and there, it use to hurt and remind me of the blogs about me and how they've affected me and my life. But now when I see "ZileAndBea of Twitter" here and there I, more or less, think about the trouble Joey Camp caused in my name and how far he went that lead to all that's happened to me off and on in the last near decade. All of which I've blogged about. Yes, it hurts that those blogs about me exist and are up. But the person to blame here for them is not "ZileAndBea of Twitter". The person to blame is Joey Camp. If he hadn't pretended to be me, had others pretend to be me, lied about me on the level he did... then the blogs about me on irontroll.com wouldn't exist. So while I have a right to feel hurt about the blogs, it wouldn't be fair to blame "ZileAndBea of Twitter". I'm not sure how he thinks of me NOW or what he does and doesn't believe I've come to think about all the bullying that came my way because of Joey Camp and all he's pulled. I remember when he steered Vinnie Spina and her friends in my direction. Details explained throughout various blog entries prior to this one. Vinnie Spina and her friends have stuck to me and have continued to mess with me. They have been, off and on, for about half a decade. Like Joey Camp, they've tried to mess with me in many ways. Their reason...I figured out, too late, what kind of people they were and that Vinnie Spina wasn't this "Antonella Mollica" (not sure if I spelled it right) she claimed she was. Plus they didn't like that they failed to use me in the way Joey Camp failed to use me. All this has gotten me to think about all those who have been hurtful towards me because of Joey Camp and all he's pulled. Some have come to me and apologized. ALOT have not, but just started being decent to me. That's fine by me. While I will never ask for an apology from anyone, I'll be happy for "civil and decent". But if not, I can understand. Joey Camp did do ALOT of damage while pretending to be me, having others pretend to be me, spreading lies and rumors, and manipulating others to come after me. Joey Camp has affected many lives. Not for the better. I am just one of his many victims He has many more. More he's done the same, OR WORSE, to. For Joey Camp to feel the need to affect people's lives the way he does/has, that man has got to be a natural born psychopath. Another thing I can't help but think about is how Joey Camp was behaving on the night his brother in law, Jaylon Jones, murdered Charles James. All evidence by his own videos. He was harassing the police. He kept telling them what and where to and not to look. Then there was his VIRAL, VERY VIRAL, broadcast in which he spread false news that Jaylon Jones was shot in a case of mistaken identity...amongst other things. All this combined together, to me, is MAJOR DISTRACTION AND DEFLECTION. This brings about MANY QUESTIONS. One being...could Joey Camp possibly be involved in the murder of Charles James? Another being...Could Joey Camp know Jaylon Jones is guilty and be trying to help cover it up? Yet another being...Did Joey Camp do or say something that caused Jaylon James to murder Charles James and he hopes to cover THAT up? There's many more questions and possibilities. But there is one thing I know for sure. Joey Camp is definitely hiding something and covering up. 2 ways to keep up with all things Joey Camp. Keep an eye on... "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)" and his Twitter(X) page. "Bullyville of Instagram" and his Instagram page.

    1. Teen Wolf Senior

      Teen Wolf Senior

      What did he do?

    2. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      I remember Joey Camp. He will never learn.

  7. Yep. And haven't I been saying since the "fight for $15" started that once that was met, people would whine for more?
  8. That's one of my biggest issues with Lucy right now. Tim has never given Lucy a reason to not trust him. But she's displayed a serious lack of trust.
  9. I use to adore Lucy. She use to be one of my favorites, but lately...not so much. She's changed.
  10. Buck being bisexual is not surprising. I got the big hint when season 2 started and he was looking at Eddie. I've been off and on with Buck. Like him. Hate him. LOVE him. Sort of hate him. HATE HATE HIM. Adore him. To be honest, I think this bisexual storyline for him may make him more likeable. The character still is annoying at times. More often than not, I'll admit.
  11. I hate it when things are left in limbo. It's usually either a very bad or very good sign.
  12. Texas man yelled ‘I can’t breathe’ before being killed in police custody, body cam video shows PICS FROM THE ARTICLE! Oh look the officers that murdered him (a black man) are all white.
  13. California just hiked minimum wage for fast food workers. Some restaurants are replacing them with kiosks @Goldenforce772 was right.
  14. NHL working on contingency plan to potentially sell, relocate Arizona Coyotes to Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Coyotes...not bad.
  15. Kaylee Gain’s father reveals details of text war which led to near-fatal fight, updates her recovery: ‘Some days better than others’ I am ashamed of Kaylee Gain's father. While he claims to love his daughter, he makes her look like she instigated this and brought it on herself! Also for all we know, Kaylee's dad is misunderstanding the text exchange and is assuming both girls agreed to the fight. Kaylee's stepmother is victim blaming. the line "She said both teens had made the “terrible decision” to address their dispute with violence." is a big hint. DeClue is a bully. Considering hwo brutal DeClue was in that fight, it's obvious she has major rage and anger issues. The way she goes after Kaylee, it makes it obvious that she had this planned (the fight) and planned to hurt her quite badly.
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