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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. NYC firefighter, 36, dies of heart attack after being fired to pay for migrants — leaving his family with nothing A firefighter that served his city well was let go so illegals could just be handed free stuff. Now his family is suffering. WTF! Of course they did not respond...
  2. If the dog killed and ate several chickens, it's because he wasn't trained properly. Considering how she referred to the pup, I doubt she tried to train him right. So this is on her.
  3. Since the Arrowverse is very much dead, it doesn't matter much.
  4. Considering the 3rd season has been slipping, I am not surprised. I do wonder if it had a regular season, would the 3rd be doing better and not be cancelled.
  5. I am still re-learning about football. What do you mean? Is each team only playing a set number of games in a season?
  6. The Equalizer is a great shower. Very few "stinker" episodes.
  7. I use to hear alot about him. He will be missed by many.
  8. I have a bad feeling about this. SVU and OC go hand in hand since OC's release. If OC goes to Peacock and all of season 5 is released at once, it could mess with things.
  9. Seeing him in the Christmas special had me hoping he'd stick around for many seasons.
  10. Joey Camp has taken it upon himself to continuously engage in online attacks against the Belize PD police commissioner Chester Williams and the Belize PD...amongst other things. The video below gives the gist of it. (Video on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram) Screenshot, from the video above, showing the links to multiple ARCHIVE lists. Each and every archive from the archive lists shown above. COMMENTS: Joey Camp is playing with fire and burning many bridges. All while slandering and defaming many people regarding him and all he's done. He's attacked Police Commissioner Clyde Chester Williams multiple times online. Alot of which he has deleted, but it's been archived. Joey Camp has 23,000 followers on Gab.com. He's linked this on Gab. See how many views it has? COMMENTS: For someone with 23,000 followers on Gab, acts like he is "Mr popularity" among his people, and acts like the people oh so love him... shouldn't the video have alot more views? Joey Camp's GiveSendGo page that he is always advertising. I highly suggest NOT DONATING. To donate to Joey Camp's GiveSendGo, would be supporting his harassment of others, the trouble he causes, and funding any and all criminal acts he commits when he committs them. (https://www.givesendgo.com/joeycamp) COMMENTS: For someone that keeps giving out his GiveSendGo and has 23,000 followers on Gab... he isn't getting many donors. He doesn't work. He won't get a job. Who is behind funding him? Joey Camp has been making lots of little mistakes lately. He's been overly bragging with claims of being part of the "mainstream media". He keeps blaming the Belize PD for his choice to knowingly spread fake news knowing it was fake. He keeps attacking police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams online. He's trying to make himself seem more powerful than he is. He's made veiled threats. He's tried to play victim. He's showing ALOT of narcissistic tendancies. Everywhere Joey Camp goes, he burns bridges when he doesn't get his way. One day it will all catch up to him. Some food for thought The only reason Joey Camp is putting forth so much effort to help Jaylon Jones appear innocent and help him is so his family, which includes his (Joey Camp) wife, will be "forever greatful and in his debt". Joey Camp loves when people "owe" him. I wouldn't put it past him to hold this over the heads of Jaylon Jones's family for a long time. Considering how Joey Camp is a woman beater, I wouldn't doubt it if he used whatever he is doing (and has already done) for Jaylon Jones... to hold it over his own wife's head. Possibly use it to abuse her...if he hasn't/isn't already...
  11. Here’s When the TikTok Ban Takes Effect: Biden’s Deadline Confirmed This is rich! Biden is doing this for "our safety". Meanwhile, he lets millions of illegals into the country that have caused untold chaos...
  12. Axel Foley Gives NFL’s Jared Goff Advice in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F Video SO FUNNY! Worth watching.
  13. Mexican illegal immigrant charged with sexually assaulting two young girls during home invasion So many young girls have been assaulted and raped since all these illegals have been pouring in to the USA.
  14. OMG! Unbelieveable! Riley Gaines is now influencing young girls to be transphobic!
  15. The video below (on TikTok and YouTube) gives the gist of what's going on... My Comments: I try to make a comment on 4/23/2024 to someone's comment about their cute cat, and I get this pop up from NextDoor that chastises me like I'm some low life habitual troublemaker that committed some high offense. The little mistake I made, which was AWHILE AGO, was I forgot to uncheck the circle by ANYONE. So, not only did my cat picture post in this cat group, but also the main feed. Both posts are gone. I could understand if the one in the main feed was deleted. But the one in the cat group too? SERIOUSLY??? The way NextDoor mods & staff feel the need to continue to mess with people is disgusting!
  16. Doesn't this make you want to watch season 2 just for her?
  17. I'm also excited that Grey's Meredeth Grey is in this. On top of that, the plot looks interesting.
  18. Joseph Camp Begs GG for Pardon, Says He was Unlawfully Detained Joey Camp was not unlawfully detained. He was RIGHTFULLY detained. He knowingly spread false and fake news. I firmly believe it's because he was hoping to distract and deflect the police's attention from Jaylon Jones. That same night he harassed the police. He kept telling them where to, and not to, look. He interfered with them doing their job. He's lucky he isn't being charged with obstruction of justice and many other things. Personally I think the law and local Belize news need to look further into Joey Camp to see what he really is.
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