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Everything posted by Elektra

  1. Slightly over a few days ago, I came upon some anti-AmberHeard behavior. Here's the gist of it. The screenshots from the video above from slightly over a few days ago. Now, fast forward to TODAY. Here's the gist of it. The screenshots from the video above from today. I spoke my piece (1st video above) a slight bit over a few days ago. I was moving on. I even stuck around in the "TeamCarryMe" and went on as if a few days ago didn't happen; being "the bigger person". I was also trying to not judge an entire LS over a few bad apples. Now. TODAY. It happened again. But this time it was just "Risc" (of the Asura server on Final Fantasy XI). Over a simple joke that had nothing to do with him, he came at me. Considering a few day ago, it's obvious it was because he hates the name I chose for my character. I didn't respond to him or give him any attention. So he decided to lie about me acting like I was sending him whispers; in game chats only seen by that person. I wasn't and never have. The very way he went about this in public LS (linkshell) view was as if he was hoping others would join in and come at me for the name I chose for my character or... hassle over Risc's false claim that I bothered him in whispers. He closed it off with acting as if everyone (or most) witnessing this display would have his back. No one did. Only comment about this was someone saying "oooh fun ls drama". Risc's attempt to involve others, failed. I play video games to have fun; to enjoy. To see that anti-AmberHeard behavior is now starting to infect our videogames, it's disheartening. The best way to handle this is to move on, continue to support Amber Heard, and not give haters more attention than they deserve.
  2. HECK YEAH! This is a great show that I hope lasts for many seasons.
  3. I agree because they are just being given FREE money, FREE HOUSING (to a point), FREE healthcare. All while we have to work hard for it. Many of us are barely making ends meet.
  4. Chicago teachers' $50B demands include pay hikes, abortions, migrant accommodation I understand more pay for teachers. Especially in Chicago. But the demands for this free money to illegal immigrants is going too far! So many barely make ends meet paying for what they have been, and will continue to, get for free.
  5. This change is going to break Twitter for awhile. Count on it.
  6. The absolute last in a series is always intense because you know for sure someone is going home and someone is advancing.
  7. That has me worried. It makes me wonder what else he's forgotten and what further damage there could be.
  8. uh oh. "Why do they call me Chimney?" said by Chimney at the end of this week's episode, "There Goes The Groom" - season 7 episode 6.
  9. HOLY...WOW! I am not shocked Kreese and Kim Da-Eun are teaming up. Nice to see Shawn out of jail. I also see Miyagi-Do got bigger. This is going to be one heck of a season.
  10. Just like the Energizer Bunny, Joey Camp keeps going and going... Only this time he's showing his extremely unhealthy obsession with the Belize police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams. He's also developing an unhealthy obsession with his attempts to affect the economy in Belize. The archives below speak volumes of my claims. MY COMMENTS: The obsession here is STRONG! A few people I know have have been pointing out QUITE ALOT about Joey Camp. Very good examples below. MY COMMENTS: Joey Camp is mostly talk and his most bold claims are being proven to be full of sh*t. As evident by Joey Camp's behavior, he is becoming more and more unhinged. What kind of person would target a police commissioner (Clyde Chester Williams). He's being careless with numerous tales he tells. His actions are becoming more and more "telling".
  11. Middle schoolers who protested trans athlete’s participation are banned from future competitions Good! Wow...The trans hate... Of course anti-trans Riley Gaines chimes in... Brave isn't the word...
  12. ‘The Ugly Stepsister’ – Cinderella’s Stepsister Elvira Gets Her Own Horror Movie I hope it has some good horror elements.
  13. Alot of places are doing it. Like if you go to Subway, you'll see a tip jar and the machine will ask what you want to leave as a tip. Sometimes, you might see something on the receipt asking for a tip. Movie theatres doing it is crossing a line.
  14. Especially since I heard they're asking for tips via the card machines now. Some are.
  15. Woman who left very tall brother in economy class while she took first class was not wrong: Reddit users Dr Kathy Nickerson should be ashamed of herself! She is shaming Reddit user "Abbyissostupid"! She did nothing wrong to apologize for.
  16. Ginny & Georgia Season 3 Officially Begins Production I hope this means we will see season 3 before Christmas.
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