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Blog Entries posted by Elektra

  1. Elektra
    To start off, here's the gist of it.
    Screenshots from the video are below.
    Basically showing that I CANCELLED my Instacart subscription. I showed that I removed my payment method, removed my real address, changed my phone number to a number from a random phone app, and changed my name to something that fits Instacart's true values.
    A friend of mine has also spoken up about this issue with his own thoughts.
    I was going to let my video be all I say about what happened, but because of an email I received at 2:17am today (9/18/2024), I have decided to write this blog.
    First off, I never shared "confidential" information from MY Instacart account publicly. Even if I did, it would be mine and it would be on me and it would be my stupidity. Screenshots I showed of MY Instacart account has anything identifiable to me blotched out. All I've said about this matter, up to this point, is in the videos I linked above that were in existence as of me typing this. Although I did just do a video response to a comment they left for my friend, whom also spoke up with his thoughts on the matter regarding "Brittany" stealing my entire order.
    The screenshots of things he's shown that I sent him, he has my permission to use. Even if Instacart's email address shows, well...their communication emails that they use to communicate are... PUBLIC INFORMATION.
    Also, if you look at this email closely, you can see that Instacart is being a little over-dramatic. They're trying to say that by me speaking up about what their shopper "Brittany" of Jacksonville, Florida that I am endangering everyone at Instacart.
    They're also telling me to remove my videos in which I speak up about all this.
    They're also saying they can't disclose details surrounding their investigation. But they kind of already did in their last email to me when they said "We have removed the shopper in question from your account, so you won't be paired with them in the future.". The whole 'in the future' part is very telling of the fact they plan to keep her in their employ.
    The previous email I received from Instacart that I spoke of above.
    Hmmm. I never requested anything of them that would warrant the whole "legal process speech". However I did request that they actually take action against their shopper Brittany of Jacksonville Florida that stole my entire order. They also act like I never sent them anything (evidence) regarding this matter when I have. I had evidence in a video on a you tube channel I never used. Suddenly that channel is terminated with no explanation. Coincidentally after I received this email. That says alot about Instacart. None of it good.
    While I was working on this blog, I did a video reply to a comment by Instcart on my friend @CEDAvsFan's Tiktok about this whole matter.
    I don't call their latest email "reaching out". It is more like guilt tripping me to being silent and deleting anything and everything I said and trying to get @CEDAvsFan to be and keep quiet.
    After this blog is posted, I will share it across social media in posts; 1 post per social media app. I'll be making a video, to be posted on Tiktok and YouTube, about this. After that, it will be all I say about this matter unless absolutely necessary. If Instacart attempts any further communications with me beyond what they just sent me, I won't hesitate to show it.
    After this blog is posted, I will respond to Instacart's latest email and state that what I posted will not be removed, that I did not appreciate their attempts to intimidate, that it's obvious they plan to do nothing about their thieving shopper Brittany of Jacksonville Florida, AND that I want no further communications from them (Instacart).
    I have taken steps to sever my connection to Instacart. I've changed the number in my account to a number from a random phone app. I've removed my credit card. I've removed my address. I changed my name to reflect Instacart's true values (they have none). After a day of trying to delete my account, I was finally able to go through the deletion process. I just hope it sticks.
    Instacart should be ashamed of themselves for working so hard to protect their thieving shopper Brittany of Jacksonville, Florida and trying to silence/censor me for speaking up about what she did.
  2. Elektra

    Abuse Of Power
    Recently I blogged about harassment from a NextDoor moderator, "Tami G". She made false claims claiming I said things I didn't and took it upon herself to twist my words.
    "Tami G" made false claims claiming I said things I didn't and took it upon herself to twist my words.
    I log in to NextDoor to see that a post of mine was hidden and me being accused of public shaming.
    This is the full post below.
    This post is in no way public shaming! I find it very suspicious it suddenly got hidden only after a comment by mod "Tami G" got removed for harassment. I guess the local mods aren't happy I went above their heads to get it removed.
    The Comment by NextDoor mod "Tami G" that got removed. The one by Matthew Sattler (not a mod) also got removed.
    Proof that the comment by "Tami G" was removed.
    Easy to tell this was removed by someone ABOVE the local mods. When a local mod removes something, the name of the person that made the comment is included. When it is someone above them, it is not.
    I somehow knew this would happen. After all, I went above the local mods and by some miracle someone with sense saw my complaint. The comment by "Tami G" was removed. It's obvious the local mods are NOT happy about that.
    NextDoor mods can get very retaliatory. Especially against those that speak up and speak out about their bad behavior, poor decisions, and targeting of others for whatever reason.
  3. Elektra

    Public Attacks
    Late last night I made a post on Next Door about my groceries being stolen by my Instacart delivery person. A Post  in which I got alot of replies to.
    Only 2 of the many comments were of a harassing nature. 1 of the comments was made by a NextDoor mod; "Tami G". My response to the shameful/abusive mod is included.
    PROOF that "Tami G" of NextDoor is a mod. Actually she is one of the highest level of mods; a "LEAD".
    The screenshots below are the pictures I included in my response to "Tami G"; abusive/shameful NextDoor mod.
    In true NextDoor fashion, what is NextDoor's response? They protect/coddle the mod (a LEAD mod at that) engaging in bad behavior.
    AND...what does this prove? It proves that what I've been saying about "corrupt mods and how NextDoor protects them" is oh so very true.
    One would think since "Tami G" is a mod that she would set an example or atleast TRY to. But instead she chooses to endorse a harassing comment by Matthew Sattler.
    "Tami G" makes it obvious, right away, she only read bits and pieces of my original post and bits and pieces of various comments. Or maybe she did read everything, but just chose to behave the way she did.
    "Tami G" attempts to take bits and pieces of things I said and twists them to make things look completely different from how they are.
    "Tami G" makes it obvious she is only interested in causing/stirring drama without any consideration for how her actions affect others. Well, other than to provide what she views as "entertainment" to those she thinks/sees are like her.
    "Tami G" LIED when she said "and how she liked the no tip aspect of another service because she gets 'tip shamed' a lot.". There is not one comment where I mention being "tip shamed" or that I like the "no tip aspect" of another service.
    I responded to "Tami G" to clear the air in case onlookers decided to blindly take her at her word and not want to sift through all the comments for the whole truth. I had every right to defend myself. I did so politely and with civility.
    ALOT of NextDoor mods will use an abuse their power and position."Tami G" makes it obvious she is one of them. What she, and other mods, need to grasp is that being a mod on NextDoor doesn't give them a right or special privilege to use their position to excuse their bad behavior.
  4. Elektra
    DISCLAIMER: When speaking about one "Dr Ralph Garramone", I will only refer to him as Ralph Garramone. While he practices medicine in the field of plastic surgery, I refuse to refer to him as "Dr Ralph Garramone". All doctors take an oath to do no harm. By him having "business" relations with Joey Camp for the sole purpose of harassment of another ("ThatDaneshGuy"), that, in my opinion, is him knowingly doing harm to another.
    I am just one of many victims of Joey Camp. Another is "ThatDaneshGuy" because Ralph Garramone and Jennifer Couture have chosen to employ Joey Camp to harass and mess with him.
    Much of the evidence proving dirty dealings by Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and their attorney Patrick Trainor (alongside Joey A Camp) are shown by the below individuals: CredibleIntel and Dr James McGibney.
    The evidence proving that Joey Camp along with Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and Patrick Trainor is too vast to post it all here. If I did, I'd be writing a novel, not a blog. But I will be highlighting some pieces and crediting those that have shown it and made it known.
    Let's take a look at this piece by CredibleIntel. Very damning evidence proving Joey Camp's connection to Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and Patrick Trainor.
    I do believe the proper thing to say here is "BUSTED"!
    One thing I love about Dr James McGibney is he is all about authenticity, truth, and justice. Here's some posts by him with evidence proving misconduct and associations by and between Joey Camp, Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and Patrick Trainor.
    And this is only a small portion of proof I am showing that was posted on the Bullyville Instagram by Dr James McGibney.
    For further information and developments, look towards the below individuals.
    Bullyville (Dr James McGibney) on Instagram
    CredibleIntel on X (formerly Twitter)
  5. Elektra
    I have been a long time fan of Simone Biles. I was disappointed when she didn't compete in the Tokyo Olympics. Not disappointed in her. Just that I wouldn't be seeing her complete. But I supported her wanting to prioritize her mental health.
    Fast forward to now. It's been said by Simone Biles that she wants people to stop saying to athletes "What's next?". She gives the impression that saying that is wrong. She comes across as shaming all those whom have ever said "What's next?" and it's like some huge disrespect to current achievements. It is not. It's appreciation for all achievements, a celebration of the current achievements, and admiration for anything else to comes.

    I politely sent a tweet to Simone Biles pointing it out.
    As you can see, I was in no way rude, mean, disrespectful, or uncivil.
    Simone Biles must already be awake in Paris because this was her response to my tweet.
    I could understand if I was rude or said something that could get her "flamed" or harassed. But I didn't. I was polite and trying to make her aware of something in a civil way.
    I am now no longer a fan of Simone Biles. I no longer respect her as an athlete or person. I can't respect someone that can't handle polite criticism and politeness is making someone aware or how something looks. I also can't respect someone that shames anyone and everyone who's ever said "What's next?".
    While I am no longer a fan and no longer respect Simone Biles, I will not tolerate any racist comments about her or those going too far in their comments about her that comes across as bullying. No one deserves to be bullied or harassed.
    After this blog, I will no longer acknowledge or comment on any of Simone Biles's achievements. While she is a talented athlete, she comes across as it is some entitlement.
  6. Elektra

    My Bullying Experiences
    Another casualty of the bullying I've been through since 2015 is on some RARE occasions if someone doesn't like what someone I speak with says, one of 2 things happen.
    1) I get hassled to tell them to STFU. Sometimes they dig into me and link the iron troll blogs to me threatening to put them back out there. Luckily each Twitter(X) account that has done that, has been suspended.
    2) The one I'm acquainted with gets accused of being me and the IronTroll blogs are linked. Words are said to create a convincing story to make it look true. This has happened only once before. Luckily the person that tried to pull that got suspended and hasn't come around again.
    What I just spoke of above by #2 has happened again.
    This is how it all started...
    On December 7, 2023 at 5:09pm, I made a post on Twitter(X) in response to a post by "People".
    ARCHIVE of "People's" tweet: https://archive.is/4F57h
    ARCHIVE of my tweet: https://archive.is/cZCJJ
    My tweet response was harmless. I gave my thoughts and opinion regarding Jonathan Majors and his legal team.
    A friend of mine ("AvsPackersFan") replied to me.
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/nX93b
    "AvsPackersFan" responded to me sharing his opinion, which we share the same regarding Jonathan Majors.
    Someone else saw our tweets and responded; "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". She replied to the tweet by "AvsPackersFan". Since she was jumping into the conversation, that tweet was meant for all tagged.
    ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's " tweet: https://archive.is/rvAt9
    I saw another tweet from "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" that heavy implied she was a Grace Jabbari supporter. Sadly that one was erased. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal.
    I was considering replying to "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)", but my friend Casey ("CaseyN77215") advised me not to because the person could be one of those Jonathan Majors supporters that will start off nice and "flip the switch" into nastiness. I asked why she was saying that and mentioned the tweet that was deleted. She pointed out to me the wording of the tweet that wasn't deleted. I did a search to see if maybe either of use understood. Sure enough, no other tweets by "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" that would imply she supported Grace Jabbari. However there was several that suggested she was more than for Jonathan Majors. So I decided against replying to her.
    Part of me thought about DMing "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" to give a simple reply just in case one of the more aggressive Jonathan Majors fans decided to jump in. I decided against it once I noticed some particular tweets in my notifications. One from "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" and one from "mrshaheedmalik".
    ARCHIVE of "mrsshaheedmalik's" tweet: https://archive.is/Masql
    ARCHIVE of AshleyWK4's tweet in response to "mrshaheedmalik's tweet: https://archive.is/dIRAm
    When I saw these tweets, I decided against sending "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" a DM. As of this moment I didn't block them. I figured it was simply "butthurt over no reply". So I moved on.
    I began to see notifications from my friend "CaseyN77215" whom jumped in to defend me. She doesn't like it when people are nasty to or about her friends. So an exchange began.
    ARCHIVE of "CaseyN77215's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/tKsGy
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/UREYA
    ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/lYRgC
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/JmCnR
    Right at this point I blocked "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". I didn't want any part of her trolling over butthurt from lack of response.
    As the exchange above was going on, "AvsPackersFan" called "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" out on her butthurt on me not responding. I responded to him.
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/Ph5Uz
    ARCHIVE of tweet quoted by "AvsPackersFan" since it isn't appearing in the link and appears as unavailable on Twitter despite it actually existing: https://archive.is/dIRAm
    ARCHIVE of my response (GMileyCollier78) to "AvsPackersFan" tweet: https://archive.is/0A7Lt
    ARCHIVE of "GreaterGra12139's" tweet response to me: https://archive.is/LPCk2
    My response to "AvsPackersFan" was basically stating why I didn't respond to "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". The tweet I was speaking of that seemed to show support for Grace Jabbari is the one that was deleted. Someone responded to me quoting a tweet from a "Blabette_". I pretty much ignored that.
    There was another exchange of replies also going on under "AvsPackersFan's" tweet calling out "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)'s" butthurt over no response from me.
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/Ph5Uz
    ARCHIVE of tweet quoted by "AvsPackersFan" since it isn't appearing in the link and appears as unavailable on Twitter despite it actually existing: https://archive.is/dIRAm
    ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/B3DK9
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/tQPte
    ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/OpkCK
    ARCHIVE of "CaseyN77215's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/blSR0
    Both "AvsPackersFan" and "CaseyN77215" called "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)'s out on lying and stirring drama since she was acting as if her deleted tweet never existed.
    I went about the evening (12/7/2023) until I began to see some disturbing notifications from an account I NEVER interacted with before, "Blabette_". She inserted herself in a few threads and was posting links to those slanderous blogs from the IronTroll(.com) website. She was trying to claim that "CaseyN77215" was me!
    Here "Blabette_" responds to "GreaterGra12139's" reply to me in which they quote tweeted her.
    ARCHIVE of tweet "Blabette"_ replying to "GreaterGra12139": https://archive.is/wxQv1
    What "Blabette_" is telling "GreaterGra12139" is that me and "AvsPackersFan" are the same person while linking one of the many slanderous blogs about me from the IronTroll(.com) website. There's videos of me all over my Twitter(X) profile. Also my friend "AvsPackersFan" posts links to his Tiktoks alot on his profile which lead to Tiktoks showing his real face. Last I checked I am a white woman, not a black man.
    In this tweet by "Blabette_", she posts screenshots of mine, "AvsPackersFan's", and "CaseyN77215's" Twitter profiles along with a little excerpt from one of the slanderous IronTroll blogs about me. All coupled with the claim that we all are the same person.
    ARCHIVE of tweet by "Blabette_" passing along a vicious lie as the truth despite it being disproven: https://archive.is/jeM21
    I think "Blabette_" jumped to conclusions here. For someone that presents herself as someone who likes to do research and gather info, she isn't that good at it. Otherwise she'd know we aren't the same person.
    Here, "Blabette_" takes it upon herself to jump in on a thread to post links to those slanderous blogs about me and share her false claims of "CaseyN77215" being me. A few others join in on the raging discussion: "dizzyophelia", "iamhersheisyou", and "depp_head93".
    ARCHIVE of tweet by "AshleyWK4" in reply to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/u8IlU
    ARCHIVE of tweet by "Blabette_" in reply to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/8VeOt
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "dizzyophelia" in response to "Blabette_"as she tags in "iamhersheisyou" and "depp_head93": https://archive.is/o18jX
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "depp_head93" to "dizzyophelia": https://archive.is/a2PZC
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" to "depp_head93": https://archive.is/yy4Uu
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "depp_head93" to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/dlAF4
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" to "depp_head93": https://archive.is/vXfBP
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/akjYw
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/S2hEI
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/cfoJb
    ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "Blabette_" to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/xQyTo
    These people choose to make fun of me by asking if I am a man, when videos on my Twitter (X) page clearly show I am a woman. Because they hate my friend "CaseyN77215" and they saw her defending me to someone trolling me, they use that and links to old and slanderous blogs about me to make their false claims of me being her and "AvsPackersFan" look true.
    "Blabette_" responds to "iamhersheisyou's" tweet, from a thread I showed earlier, where she says she needs to "go find this article". A little discussion forms afterwards.
    ARCHIVE of "Blabette_'s reply to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/MoQND
    ARCHIVE of "Blabette_'s" tweet added in addition to the above: https://archive.is/lW9ha
    ARCHIVE of "iamhersheisyou's" tweet reply to "Blabette_": https://archive.is/QWgxC
    ARCHIVE of "dizzyophelia's" tweet reply to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/4V4yC
    ARCHIVE of "Depp_head93's" tweet reply to "dizzyophelia": https://archive.is/NTemY
    These people are taking bits and pieces from those slanderous blogs about me and sharing them and putting their own spin on it. They are using these blogs about me to try to make their false claim of "CaseyN77215" being me look more true. They're using me and "AvsPackersFan" to hurt her.
    Both "AvsPackersFan" and myself each posted videos about this matter for the sole purpose of putting "Blabette_'s" "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PERSON" claim to rest.
    ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFans" tweet: https://archive.is/84BAr
    ARCHIVE of my video response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/W6AED
    Definitive proof. That "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PERSON" claim by "Blabette_" is invalid.
    In conclusion?
    Each of these people, whom I've never interacted with before, decided to come at/after me because I'm friends with someone they dislike. They've tried to justify it by claiming me, "CaseyN77215" are the same person. They've dug up old slanderous blogs about you and have passed them around. Not one of these people ("Blabette_", "iamhersheisyou", "dizzyophelia", "depp_head93"), whom all act like they're "all about the facts", even tried to get all the facts. They attacked me, my character, out of spite and the fact I'm friends with someone they hate. They didn't even try to get my side regarding those slanderous blogs. Had they tried, they'd see understand it's all slander about me and understand what I been through. My blogs that I wrote about it all (all the ones posted before this one) are all here. But then again, they've shown themselves to be full of hate in how they treated me. I wouldn't doubt it if they continued their slander spree, but I won't worry about that. I got my own life to live.
  7. Elektra

    Playing With Fire / Burning Bridges
    Joey Camp is no longer in Belize. He's in Mexico. He's still continuing his online assault of Police Commissioner Chester Williams of the Belize PD, "ThatDaneshGuy", and Dr James McGibney of Bullyville. One of his most common claims about the latter 2 is his false claim that they're pedophiles. Dr James McGibney and "ThatDaneshGuy" are not pedophiles. He's also continuously making bold claims of things he claims responsibility in order to make himself appear powerful.
    Some of Joey Camp's bragging and bold claims to make himself appear more powerful. Joey Camp is known for manipulation, lying, twisting words, and boasting.
    Joey Camp's attempts to play victim.
    Obviously twisted words and false claims made by Joey Camp.
    Joey Camp's attempts at distraction and deflection. Also what gives the impression he has something to hide.
    Joey Camp's threats against the country of Belize and/or to cripple (hurt) its economy.
    Joey Camp's attempts to threaten and/or intimidate "ThatDaneshGuy", Dr James McGibney of Bullyville, and police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams of the Belize PD.
    Joey Camp using children, or "putting them out there", for his own personal agenda.
    What I have shown above is only a tiny portion of misdeeds, harassment, threats, and stalking that Joey Camp has been up to since my last blog.
    There's ALOT to Joey Camp. For further, more up to date, and more detailed information regarding his criminal activity... keep an eye on the following individuals's social media accounts.
  8. Elektra

    Bad Business Practices
    The PapaJohns restaurant at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" should be avoided at all costs. Watch the below videos for the gist of it. You don't have to be logged into Tiktok to watch them.
    I've made efforts to contact the PapaJohns store at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" only to be met with an unwillingness to help. Another attempt I made to try and work things out was met with being called the racist N word, "Don't act like such a N*****" and I was told that it's not their responsibility or problem once it is in the hands of DoorDash. I explained I placed the order via PapaJohns website. The one I spoke with repeated themselves and I told them I also didn't appreciate the use of racist language. I was called a hostile c**t and was hung up on. Considering the low background noise, I assume they were in back of the restaurant.
    I've tried to work things out by talking to PapaJohns via Twitter (aka "X"), but they've shown an unwillingness to even try to help. Their solution is to try to send me in a neverending loop hoping I would shut up and drop it. It's heavily implied. They tell me they put in my request for a refund for that pizza. In an email they tell me it's the restaurant's problem and to talk to them. I was told this despite them known full well how the restaurant treated me. PapaJohns is pretty much trying to get out of giving me a refund for that pizza.
    Here's the email, in question, that I was sent that was shown in the second TikTok and spoke of above.
    This email is so scripted!
    For the heck of it, I took a look at the reviews for the PapaJohns at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" on Facebook.
    There's something odd about the few good ones. So few words. Very little detail about why they recommend that store. The reviews that contain complaints gave reason and some details.
    I've had issues with PapaJohns before. But I've always let it go after resolution and tried to be adult about it. I've given them chance after chance. To be honest, it's mainly because of this one driver there that's delivered for them for the last 30 (or close) years. That guy was always awesome and decent.
    I've seen other drivers speed through my neighborhood. One of them did so (white car) as he mowed down a mama duck and her babies. I complained about it. I was lied to claiming their systems show their driver wasn't speeding. They dodged the issue. The area manager (Nick Arturo) got in contact with me and accused me, and a neighbor of mine, of lying. I blogged about it on a friend's forum site (similar to this one). Nick Arturo joined there. He made nasty comments toward me. Also towards my friend, whom he's been rude to before. Luckily he was banned. Eventually my friend had to shut down her forum site due to severe harassment and attacks. Much of which came from those known to Nick Arturo. Some from him. My only dealings with him was a few nasty comments. Others dealt with worse.
    Back in May 2024, I made a big order. I couldn't eat any of it because my big male tabby got sick. After I tended to him the order was stone cold. A friend of mine felt sorry for me and was going to let me use her card to place the same order the next day. As I was placing it I was asked why the same order before. I explained it was because my big tabby male got sick and tending to him was a priority. Guy laughed and called him a stupid cat. So I hung up. I tried contacting PapaJohns via Twitter (aka "X"). They pretty much blew me off because an order was not placed.
    I could go on, but I would be here all night. Of all the employees at the Papa Johns at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" I would say they only got 2 good employees left. This one female manager (forgot her name) and this one driver that has delivered for them for about 3 decades. The chances of those 2 good souls working when I have a craving are slim to almost none. Calling the store to ask, considering how many rude crude employees are there, is not a good idea. So this might be the final nail in the coffin for me regarding that particular PapaJohns. Maybe PapaJohns altogether considering how their customer support treats customers.
  9. Elektra
    Yesterday as I was browsing NextDoor, I came upon something that was so disgusting and vile that I couldn't believe it was up on Next Door. I posted a single tweet about it and left out censored the very very graphic pictures that Katie Pierce had posted.
    Today when I go on NextDoor, I get this.
    I posted a tweet about it. I felt I had no choice but to give a basic description of the horrific pictures posted by Katie Pierce considering NextDoor is REFUSING to do anything about it.
    The pictures from the tweet I posted today at 6:24pm ET.
    So, Katie Pierce hasn't broken the guidelines according to NextDoor. It is beyond sick and depraved that NextDoor would allow someone to post such graphic pictures on NextDoor and do nothing about it. Even worse that they'd refuse to remove them. It's bad enough that NextDoor protects moderators engaging in shady behavior and censoring others. But NextDoor allowing very graphic pictures of a dead cat to be posted is way beyond depraved.
    By NextDoor's own rules, the content should be removed. I've seen people suspended for so much less. Yet, no consequences for Katie Pierce. I guess she has friends on the mod team protecting her, and her account, that are okay with very graphic pics of a dead cat.
    NextDoor use to be a great place to converse and get to know neighbors. The direction it's heading in...is not a good one...to put it mildly.
  10. Elektra

    Playing With Fire / Burning Bridges
    Just like the Energizer Bunny, Joey Camp keeps going and going... Only this time he's showing his extremely unhealthy obsession with the Belize police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams. He's also developing an unhealthy obsession with his attempts to affect the economy in Belize. The archives below speak volumes of my claims.
    MY COMMENTS: The obsession here is STRONG!
    A few people I know have have been pointing out QUITE ALOT about Joey Camp. Very good examples below.
    MY COMMENTS: Joey Camp is mostly talk and his most bold claims are being proven to be full of sh*t.
    As evident by Joey Camp's behavior, he is becoming more and more unhinged. What kind of person would target a police commissioner (Clyde Chester Williams). He's being careless with numerous tales he tells. His actions are becoming more and more "telling".
  11. Elektra
    Slightly over a few days ago, I came upon some anti-AmberHeard behavior. Here's the gist of it.
    The screenshots from the video above from slightly over a few days ago.
    Now, fast forward to TODAY. Here's the gist of it.
    The screenshots from the video above from today.
    I spoke my piece (1st video above) a slight bit over a few days ago. I was moving on. I even stuck around in the "TeamCarryMe" and went on as if a few days ago didn't happen; being "the bigger person". I was also trying to not judge an entire LS over a few bad apples.
    Now. TODAY. It happened again. But this time it was just "Risc" (of the Asura server on Final Fantasy XI). Over a simple joke that had nothing to do with him, he came at me. Considering a few day ago, it's obvious it was because he hates the name I chose for my character. I didn't respond to him or give him any attention. So he decided to lie about me acting like I was sending him whispers; in game chats only seen by that person. I wasn't and never have. The very way he went about this in public LS (linkshell) view was as if he was hoping others would join in and come at me for the name I chose for my character or... hassle over Risc's false claim that I bothered him in whispers. He closed it off with acting as if everyone (or most) witnessing this display would have his back. No one did. Only comment about this was someone saying "oooh fun ls drama". Risc's attempt to involve others, failed.
    I play video games to have fun; to enjoy. To see that anti-AmberHeard behavior is now starting to infect our videogames, it's disheartening. The best way to handle this is to move on, continue to support Amber Heard, and not give haters more attention than they deserve.
  12. Elektra
    The video below (which is on YouTube and TikTok) shows how NextDoor is doing their best to censor the truth on X (aka Twitter).
    My Comments: This is only a tiny portion of the censorship NextDoor engages in on X (aka Twitter).
    If you pay close attention to the replies that NextDoor chose to click "hide reply" on, you'll see that it's mainly replies that speak of the following:
    1) Wrongful censorship of posts that don't break the guidelines on NextDoor.
    2) Abusive mods & staff.
    3) Wrongful suspensions.
    4) Questions about abusive practices.
    5) Wrongful labels.
    Apparently NextDoor isn't too big on the truth unless it suits and benefits them. They'd rather hide the truth and stifle our voices than work to fix the various problems on/with their site and app.
  13. Elektra
    It now seems that I have been SUSPENDED from NextDoor. Video below details why.
    My Comments: Yep! I've been suspended from NextDoor. Apparently standing up for myself in a civil manner (PRIVATELY) and speaking up (PUBLICLY) about ABUSE by NextDoor staff and mods... is some high crime! NextDoor doesn't like it at all when people stand up to their mods and staff and/or speak up about it publicly.
    Proof of the NextDoor suspension that was shown in the above video.
    My Comments: Yep! Yep! it's "disrespectful" and "unneighborly" to dare stand up for myself in a civil/polite manner AND... to speak up online about ABUSE from NextDoor staff and moderators.
    Why am I not surprised? 
    NextDoor does next to nothing about mods that: behave poorly, pick fights, engage in racial profiling, advocate FOR animal cruelty, harass people, stalk people...
    But yet they suspend those who stand up for themselves (politely & civilly) AND speak up about it.
    If NextDoor thinks they will silence/censor me, they are sorely mistaken.
  14. Elektra

    Joey Camp's Legal Troubles
    Joey Camp has taken it upon himself to continuously engage in online attacks against the Belize PD police commissioner Chester Williams and the Belize PD...amongst other things. The video below gives the gist of it. (Video on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram)
    Screenshot, from the video above, showing the links to multiple ARCHIVE lists.
    Each and every archive from the archive lists shown above.
    COMMENTS: Joey Camp is playing with fire and burning many bridges. All while slandering and defaming many people regarding him and all he's done. He's attacked Police Commissioner Clyde Chester Williams multiple times online. Alot of which he has deleted, but it's been archived.
    Joey Camp has 23,000 followers on Gab.com. He's linked this on Gab. See how many views it has?
    COMMENTS: For someone with 23,000 followers on Gab, acts like he is "Mr popularity" among his people, and acts like the people oh so love him... shouldn't the video have alot more views?
    Joey Camp's GiveSendGo page that he is always advertising. I highly suggest NOT DONATING. To donate to Joey Camp's GiveSendGo, would be supporting his harassment of others, the trouble he causes, and funding any and all criminal acts he commits when he committs them.
    COMMENTS: For someone that keeps giving out his GiveSendGo and has 23,000 followers on Gab... he isn't getting many donors. He doesn't work. He won't get a job. Who is behind funding him?
    Joey Camp has been making lots of little mistakes lately. He's been overly bragging with claims of being part of the "mainstream media". He keeps blaming the Belize PD for his choice to knowingly spread fake news knowing it was fake. He keeps attacking police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams online. He's trying to make himself seem more powerful than he is. He's made veiled threats. He's tried to play victim. He's showing ALOT of narcissistic tendancies.
    Everywhere Joey Camp goes, he burns bridges when he doesn't get his way. One day it will all catch up to him.
    Some food for thought
    The only reason Joey Camp is putting forth so much effort to help Jaylon Jones appear innocent and help him is so his family, which includes his (Joey Camp) wife, will be "forever greatful and in his debt". Joey Camp loves when people "owe" him. I wouldn't put it past him to hold this over the heads of Jaylon Jones's family for a long time. Considering how Joey Camp is a woman beater, I wouldn't doubt it if he used whatever he is doing (and has already done) for Jaylon Jones... to hold it over his own wife's head. Possibly use it to abuse her...if he hasn't/isn't already...
  15. Elektra

    Joey Camp's Legal Troubles
    Thanks to "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)", not too long ago I learned that Joey Camp had been arrested.
    Of course I've spoken my thoughts under many of the tweets posted by "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)" about the situation with Joey Camp being arrested AND about Joey Camp's brother in law, Jaylon Jones, being charged with murder. I also spoke some of my thoughts, and curiosities, in the video below (on YouTube, TikTok, & Instagram).
    My Comments: In simple terms, I spoke my peace in the above video which is on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
    In seeing all this unfold, I've and seeing so many speak up about all this, I noticed one of the people that has; "ZileAndBea of Twitter". He's the one that runs irontroll.com.
    When I use to see his name pop up here and there, it use to hurt and remind me of the blogs about me and how they've affected me and my life. But now when I see "ZileAndBea of Twitter" here and there I, more or less, think about the trouble Joey Camp caused in my name and how far he went that lead to all that's happened to me off and on in the last near decade. All of which I've blogged about. Yes, it hurts that those blogs about me exist and are up. But the person to blame here for them is not "ZileAndBea of Twitter". The person to blame is Joey Camp. If he hadn't pretended to be me, had others pretend to be me, lied about me on the level he did... then the blogs about me on irontroll.com wouldn't exist. So while I have a right to feel hurt about the blogs, it wouldn't be fair to blame "ZileAndBea of Twitter". I'm not sure how he thinks of me NOW or what he does and doesn't believe
    I've come to think about all the bullying that came my way because of Joey Camp and all he's pulled. I remember when he steered Vinnie Spina and her friends in my direction. Details explained throughout various blog entries prior to this one. Vinnie Spina and her friends have stuck to me and have continued to mess with me. They have been, off and on, for about half a decade. Like Joey Camp, they've tried to mess with me in many ways. Their reason...I figured out, too late, what kind of people they were and that Vinnie Spina wasn't this "Antonella Mollica" (not sure if I spelled it right) she claimed she was. Plus they didn't like that they failed to use me in the way Joey Camp failed to use me.
    All this has gotten me to think about all those who have been hurtful towards me because of Joey Camp and all he's pulled. Some have come to me and apologized. ALOT have not, but just started being decent to me. That's fine by me. While I will never ask for an apology from anyone, I'll be happy for "civil and decent". But if not, I can understand. Joey Camp did do ALOT of damage while pretending to be me, having others pretend to be me, spreading lies and rumors, and manipulating others to come after me.
    Joey Camp has affected many lives. Not for the better. I am just one of his many victims He has many more. More he's done the same, OR WORSE, to. For Joey Camp to feel the need to affect people's lives the way he does/has, that man has got to be a natural born psychopath.
    Another thing I can't help but think about is how Joey Camp was behaving on the night his brother in law, Jaylon Jones, murdered Charles James. All evidence by his own videos. He was harassing the police. He kept telling them what and where to and not to look. Then there was his VIRAL, VERY VIRAL, broadcast in which he spread false news that Jaylon Jones was shot in a case of mistaken identity...amongst other things. All this combined together, to me, is MAJOR DISTRACTION AND DEFLECTION. This brings about MANY QUESTIONS. One being...could Joey Camp possibly be involved in the murder of Charles James? Another being...Could Joey Camp know Jaylon Jones is guilty and be trying to help cover it up? Yet another being...Did Joey Camp do or say something that caused Jaylon James to murder Charles James and he hopes to cover THAT up?
    There's many more questions and possibilities. But there is one thing I know for sure. Joey Camp is definitely hiding something and covering up.
    2 ways to keep up with all things Joey Camp.
    Keep an eye on...
    "CredibleIntel of Twitter (X)" and his Twitter(X) page.
    "Bullyville of Instagram" and his Instagram page.
  16. Elektra

    Playing With Fire / Burning Bridges
    After Joey plead GUILTY to "spreading false news", he has taken it upon himself to viciously attack Belize Police Commissioner Chester Williams online with slanderous and defamatory remarks. He's gone on to blame the police for his own choice in spreading fake/false news. I speak about it in the video below, which is on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.
    My Comments: Joey Camp keeps digging himself into some deep sh*t.
    The screenshots FROM the video above are below.
    As time goes on...
    Joey Camp becomes more and more unhinged.
    On the night of the murder of Charles James by Jaylon Jones (Joey Camp's brother in law), he kept harassing the police. He kept telling them where to and not to look; distracting and deflecting. Then there's that viral fake news broadcast, which is even more distraction and deflection. Joey Camp's behavior that night was very shady and suspicious as evidenced by his own online videos and live broadcast. He's definitely hiding something. Very likely covering something up regarding the murder that Jaylon Jones committed.
    Let's not forget the NUMEROUS public online attacks upon the Belize police commissioner Chester Williams by Joey Camp.
    Let's not forget to add the following to the mix... Joey Camp is now blaming the Belize Police Department for his choice to knowingly spread fake/false news.
    As Joey Camp continues his online attacks upon Belize police commissioner Chester Williams, he's trying to falsely portray himself as some victim of the system that is in fear for his life. All while asking for monetary donations. The way he puts it all, he's heavily implying that police commissioner is trying to have him killed.
    Joey Camp continuously posts only pieces of a situation as he puts his own spin on it; the story he wants people to believe.
    What's next for Joey Camp? Hopefully time in a prison cell. He keeps playing with fire and burning bridges.
  17. Elektra
    The video below (on TikTok and YouTube) gives the gist of what's going on...
    My Comments: I try to make a comment on 4/23/2024 to someone's comment about their cute cat, and I get this pop up from NextDoor that chastises me like I'm some low life habitual troublemaker that committed some high offense.
    The little mistake I made, which was AWHILE AGO, was I forgot to uncheck the circle by ANYONE. So, not only did my cat picture post in this cat group, but also the main feed. Both posts are gone. I could understand if the one in the main feed was deleted. But the one in the cat group too? SERIOUSLY???
    The way NextDoor mods & staff feel the need to continue to mess with people is disgusting!
  18. Elektra
    NOTICE: Right as I was working on this blog, I took noticed of a "Account not found" error regarding the profile of "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". The only profile that came up for her was a backup, "spiritualsquirrel of TikTok". But "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)"  showed up in a search when I was logged out. Simply put, she changed her username. Good thing someone remains blocked even if they change their username.
    On Saturday Match 23, 2024, I approached "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" about a Tiktok she made about me. It was because her video was very hurtful. It made me look like I was very stupid and extremely ignorant and she was my only hope of understanding anything. She jumped down my throat from the start and seemed to ease up a little bit. Not by much. While I didn't converse with her much, or for long, I felt like she was talking to me like I was inferior, stupid, and beneath her.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/b4uUc
    My Comments: I approached "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" after I noticed a very hurtful video she posted about me that portrayed me as extremely stupid and ignorant. She made me look like I am not a "trans ally" and that I'm some transphobe. A mere statement of how things look; not how they are. She did it worse than "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok". I would have mentioned how she made me look, but considering her initial response, I thought it would be a bad idea. I thought I would see how the conversation goes before passing judgement.
    The way "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" replied to me by saying "you don't need to tell me what they're like" had implied to me that what she says matters and what I say doesn't. It also implies she could care less how someone else is affected. I continued to try and explain myself that I wasn't "othering" anyone.
    I also politely called her out on how her video was causing me to be slandered.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/70zbX
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" attempts to justify her hurtful video while trying to get me to think I said something oh so horribly wrong. She then twists my words and acts as if I said she was slandering me. I never said that. I said I was being slandered because of her video. Then she falsely accuses me of tone policing her! What she said after that, "who the hell are you to do that" is implying to me I have no right to speak up about how she made me look without trying to look further. I started to tell her "They deleted my comments so you won't see me explaining myself.", but I sent the message too early so it read as "They deleted my comments so you won't". While she says she will redo a video, she also accuses me of accusing her of slander at the same time, despite me saying no such thing.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/leFNw
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" continues to act like I said she slandered me and accused her of it. Then she says she took the video down. I try to explain to her that if those slandering me because of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" had seen it (meant to say "more of them"), things would be worse for me. She then talks to me like I'm too stupid to comprehend anything she says. Example, "hold on please I don't think you understand my position".
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/NpW1u
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" then goes on to tell me about her experience with "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok". I explain to her again, since she implies she wasn't listening, that I was referring to myself and what I was born as. Then, again, I explain I wasn't accusing her of slander.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/z8jtJ
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" seemed to ease up here, while somewhat blowing off what I was saying. I say somewhat because she seemed to calm down as I was explaining. So I was assuming maybe she was listening, but didn't want to address. One thing struck me as odd though. She said "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" was transphobic. That made me wonder because if they were transphobic, then why get on my case acting like I was?
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/dzrag
    My Comments: To let "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" I was listening I tell her I try to be understanding to all and I know how it feels to be bullied. The way she speaks here, it's hard to know if she genuinely cares or if she is out for revenge.  I'd have asked, but earlier she had accused me of things and I didn't want her going into a tirade again saying I was accusing her of something.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/iKYKD
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" goes on about "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok". Then she has the nerve to tell me what to do; what to post. She tells me to make my videos regarding "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" to friends only. And that's just okay. But I explain myself earlier and got accused of all sorts of stuff. This made me wonder something. That something being, she says she is a victim of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok", right. Then shouldn't she want as much victim stories out there as possible? Very suspicious.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/7RoiC
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" confronts me asking why @CEDAvsFan blocked her. Perhaps it's because of the hurtful video she did have up about me. At this point I began to think maybe "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" was genuine, but maybe stressed. So I talked to @CEDAvsFan and he unblocked her. But eventually he ended up reblocking her. notice how "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" kind of almost brushes me off when I mention butthurt displayed by "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok"...
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/Fvwf4
    My Comments: The top part of this part of my message exchange with "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" has me very suspicious. the very way she says what she says what she does, she implies "Stay in your place or what I will do to Bowzer, will be done to you". I certainly got that vibe. She mentions a friend of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" by the name of "billynomates.1988 of TikTok". That's the Billy she was speaking of. When she spoke of holding "billynomates.1988 of TikTok" accountable, I easily found out what she meant. I saw a video she had posted shortly after her one about "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and how they targeted me. "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" had referred to me as "extremely neurodivergent. The way she said it implied I am very ignorant, stupid, dumb, and can't comprehend anything. The vibe I got was that of she thought that without her, I'd be worse off.
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/AgrJv
    My Comments: "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" and the way she says she hates "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" is a bit disturbing. The way he treated me and @CEDAvsFan and his friend @Amber Mera was twisted, but I do not hate him. She seems to change her tune a little bit when I link something to her to give her a heads up on something. Shortly after she said "I don't care if they defend bowser", I had decided to block her. To some that may seem like I am blocking her for petty reasons, but too much just seemed off. Plus @CEDAvsFan and @Angie had made good points as to why. The best point being she was using us (Me and @CEDAvsFan) to make what she says look more true.
    Now that I've tackled the DMs, now on to tackling an issue that popped up while i was working on this blog.
    Not long ago, I had an issue on Tiktok that was a bit odd. One of my videos was muted for "copyright", despite the only sound being my voice. Video with proof below. Uploaded on 3/21/2024.
    I was looking around Tiktok and came upon someone that also had a weird Tiktok issue. That person being "bournemouthmetal of TikTok". They had something removed because of an innocent emoji comment. I recorded a few seconds of me looking at their Tiktok about it. So I made one of my own and tagged them. Seemed right since I was showing their content. Before that, I never interacted with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok". Beyond them liking my video, we've had no interaction together; public and private.
    Not too long after that video, I began to get harassed on Twitter by an account I highly suspect is..."SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". Credit to @Angie for the screenshots and archiving. I was busy paying attention to the Yankees vs Astros game on ESPN+. I didn't see the notifications. "boredatworkfem of twitter" has now been blocked. Not sure why I never got their notifications.
    My Comments: The very first tweet treats me like I buddy buddied up with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok". I've never spoken with them. But apparently a video pointing out someone that's also had odd TikTok issue is some grand conspiracy it's being treated like.
    The 2nd tweet was replying to a tweet of mine about a part in a game I'm playing (Final Fantasy XI). I sense alot of anger and butthurt. They are assuming I'm friends with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok" because I point out we are both having odd TikTok issues.
    The 3rd tweet is very telling. "boredatworkfem of twitter". I know they're talking about "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". But the way they are, it' as if that IS "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". If not then it would be someone very close to her. I have not in any way, shape, or form abuse "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok". Me blocking "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" is not abuse. But apparently it's being twisted to such and me blocking "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" first is being twisted to "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" blocking me first. The very way they claim I am friends with "bournemouthmetal of TikTok", it's as if that if it was true, it would be a great threat to them. "bournemouthmetal of TikTok" hasn't even tried to reach out to me in any form other than living my video pointing out that I'm also having odd TikTok issues. By their logic, if I make a video and tag someone, that means I'm friends with them. Flawed logic.
    I was going to close this blog off with the above, but a few new things popped up. I received this DM on Tiktok.
    My Comments: I do not know the person who sent this to me. They said I could show/share it. I honored their request to cover up their name.
    I had sent a few messages to people about my Tiktok issue. I decided to check my TikTok DMs to see if anyone else had responded. No one else had. But I did take a second look at 2 replies I had gotten do far. Both of which, said it was "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" and their friends mass reporting. I know here it says 2 videos and I uploaded proof of only one. I felt it unnecessary to post proof of the second one since it was the same video that got taken down again.
    My Comments: While one of the DMs was up, my big male tabby (large sized, NOT FAT) cat jumped up on my desk and began meowing at the screen. I did a video call with @CEDAvsFan to show him how cute this handsome kitty was. As I was, he took notice of one of the DMs. He then asked me when I uploaded proof of the issue to my YouTube account. I told him it was on the early AM hours of March 22, 2024. That was when he pointed something out to me. "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad of TikTok" didn't start in on us until MUCH LATER on March 22, 2024. While I do not like how they came at me, @CEDAvsFan, and his friend @Amber Mera... I will not blame them for something they couldn't have possibly been responsible for.
    At the start of this blog, I mentioned that going to "SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok" main profile gave an error and that she changed her username. Below is just proof of my claim.
    My Comments: Since I took the first screenshot, she's followed a few people and lost one follower. I highly doubt the new username is a fake.
    This blog is meant only for me to speak my peace. Nothing more. I am not encouraging or endorsing harassment of any kind on anyone. I can't help but think about the 3 known videos that "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)" had up about me. 1 is for sure CONFIRMED to be deleted. That which is the first one. The other 2 are either private or for "friends only". "SpiritualTatas of TikTok (formerly SpiritualSquirrelVox of TikTok)" had claimed she was trying to help me, stand up for me, but I can't help but wonder... was she really? Considering how she made me look in each of her videos and engaged in some microaggressions herself, I do have my doubts.
  19. Elektra

    Addressing "IronTroll".
    (Originally posted on my Wordpress on 9/18/2023)
    Some may not believe this, but I have been oblivious to some things mentioned/claimed by "ZileAndBea" (aka the owner of irontroll.com) from 2017-2020. I shall address them here. Please keep in mind that he was falsely and grossly mislead by Vincenza, Vincenza's friends, and Joey A Camp regarding me. Those people have made profiles trying to be me and profiles in which they would claim I've said and done things I would never say or do.
    I think I will start with what "ZileAndBea" has said about me and the Maria Lauterbach tribute page I once had up on MySpace.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/DBY5O
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/kYyGX
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/spFzr
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/3wZVX
    When "ZileAndBea" is talking about the Maria Lauterbach page I had up and his claims I took part of it down... I never claimed the cops took part of it down. The only way the police would is if there was threats to someone's life or something on it was a danger to others.
    In the 2nd tweet by "ZileAndBea", he speaks as if the Jacksonville he is talking about is Jacksonville, Florida since, as of that tweet, I lived in Jacksonville, Florida. Nope! The Jacksonville I was in at the time I created the Maria Lauterbach memorial page was in North Carolina. Oops!
    In the 3rd tweet "ZileAndBea" claims I faked the death threats from 2 marines that I received when I operated that memorial page. The way he's saying I faked those death threats, he says it like it is a proven fact. When something is said like this it is to get more people to believing what is said. Also in the 3rd tweet, a friend of mine defends me. "ZileAndBea" tried to make it seem as if it is me on another profile.
    About the 4th tweet. I never got "busted" for faking death threats. Those are just twisted words twisting the truth.
    This is a copy and paste of a news article that was up regarding the death threats I received.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/r8mqk
    There is one line in particular that I want to address.
    "The section of the memorial site with the posts under investigation has been removed from the Web. Collier said she did not take the posts down but was informed by law-enforcement officials that portion of her site might be temporarily taken down during the investigation."
    See! I never said the cops took down portions of the memorial site for Maria Lauterbach. I said I was told portions of it might be. The police officer that told me portions might be is if people report the death threats by those 2 marines and if MySpace took them down or chose to hide them temporarily. Somehow that got twisted by "ZileAndBea" to me faking everything and this means I have some sordid history of faking things against people.
    This tweet came out of nowhere.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/bXAqN
    When I saw it, I blocked him. I was trying to live my life and wanted to push away the negativity. Considering the blogs written about me, I felt no good would have come of responding.
    Here I will address some tweets by "ZileAndBea" to "l00zahsuzy".
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/Z9OLI
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/cvvDj
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/spFzr
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/THPXJ
    "ZileAndBea" speaks to "l00zahsuzy" as if he is sure it is me. It is not. He speaks to them as if it is fact that I am so psychotic that I will engage in pointless rants to claim a sock isn't me. As I previously said, "l00zahsuzy" is not me. I am unsure who it is or what they said since that profile is now suspended. Likely it is someone pretending to be me.
    Now I will address the claims by "ZileAndBea" in which he claims I am using some kind of service to massively retweet him.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/fwqM0
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/Iqd14
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/NayKs
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/LwrA3
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/Pomzt
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/9cVME
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/kntPV
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/Hj15b
    "ZileAndBea" spends time in a series of tweets blaming me for a large number of retweets and likes he received. He did so in a way like he is sure it is me. It wasn't. I don't spend time on sites to get anyone or myself retweets and likes. I prefer authentic engagement.
    A Twitter profile that "ZileAndBea" claims is me.
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/j9HC0
    I remember the profile shown here. It was never me. It was a spare account made and managed by Vincenza's friend Brandon K.
    Addressing the tagless rants towards and about me by "ZileAndBea".
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/r0fUn
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/XHxD4
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/cR8Vx
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/9hbyn
    The Archive: https://archive.ph/2fv4M
    Regarding the first tweet, "ZileAndBea" states that he's blocked me like I am guilty of trolling his timeline and messing with him. I've never went after him, but he's been quick to claim I did when it was someone pretending to be me.
    In the 2nd tweet, it gets cruel. "ZileAndBea" tries to claim my former friend Carl is imaginary. Same about Shawn. He also claims I made up rape threats! That is something I'd never do. Those who know me know how against "lying about rape" I am and how I think anyone proven (without a doubt) to have lied about it, should get the same amount of time as one committing the crime. I also never confessed to anything. That supposed apology pastebin where it's claimed I admit to this and that, was not done by me. But yet "ZileAndBea" and others are acting as if it is, beyond a doubt.
    In the 3rd tweet, "ZileAndBea" claims I've posted his personal info and had it retweeted. That's something I would never do to another person. He just says it. No proof is shown. He could have shown said proof and censored out identifying information. But he didn't.
    Regarding the 4th one, I never had 1800 tweets sent to "ZileAndBea" timeline on Twitter.
    Now about the 5th tweet. "ZileAndBea" posts a screenshot of supposed conversation between me and a friend of mine while claiming it's all me and that I'm talking to myself. That supposed conversation never happened. It was photoshopped. It doesn't take a genius to notice. See how the coloring is different?
    In Summary...
    I keep telling myself that "ZileAndBea" had said all he has, and done all he has, regarding me because he was badly mislead by Vincenza, Vincenza's friends, and Joey A Camp. While he has been mislead, he's not once tried to actually talk to the real me except for trying to antagonize me. Times he's accused others of being me, doesn't count as talking to me. He hasn't tried to know the real me. He's gone on as if I have terrorized and victimized him in some huge way. One day I hope he opens his eyes and realizes how wrong he was in his assumptions about me, but I won't hold my breath. I don't wish him any ill will. I just wish he knew the difference between what is real and what is fake.
  20. Elektra

    Addressing "IronTroll".
    (Originally posted on my Wordpress on 11/16/2022)
    I would like to take some time to address the blogs on irontroll.com about me. There are 2 sides to every story. The blogs about me on irontroll.com is one side. Now I'll tell my side.
    When I do a search on IronTroll for my full name, I see this.
    Archive: https://archive.ph/GDbJq
    Of course there are other blogs where I am mentioned that don't show here, but I'll address those later in this blog.
    First, I'll start by addressing the basic page about me.
    Archive: https://archive.ph/1EFd1
    It starts off with the claim that I have a supposed "long history" of harassing people. The only reason I do is because of Vincenza, possibly Joey A Camp, some of Vincenza's friends, and some associated with them making profiles pretending to be me. Sometimes those pretending to be me would attack the IronTroll website owner and others. Sometimes random people.
    I ended up getting attacked on my real Twitter profile by people accusing me of things I would never say or do and accusing me of being Twitter accounts I never was. I always reported every profile that came at me and never engaged.
    It's next said that I spend alot of time on role playing games and try to live out those fantasies by creating multiple Twitter profiles to talk to myself. For one, I do not have many Twitter profiles. Just a couple (2). One for my normal social media. Another for my cats.
    I do not , and never have, used multiple Twitter accounts to hold conversations with myself. There's better things to do with my time.
    I am also falsely accused of doxxing a 7 year old child. I would never do something like that to a child. Also, if I did something like that, I'd have a criminal record. If I was truly guilty of that, why didn't the mother file charges or a restraining order?
    I'm also accused of calling the police to report someone as a terrorist regarding that one Orlando tragedy at that club. I never did such a thing. Only a malicious person would do such a thing to an innocent person. If I was guilty of falsely reporting someone as a terrorist, I'd have been charged and there would be a record. There is none.
    Some anonymous commenter acts as if the horrible way I am portrayed is how I am. That is very far from the truth. I don't have multiple accounts I use to talk to myself. The sad truth is that whenever friends of mine would stand up for me and vouch for me, they often got accused of being me.
    One way to hurt a bully victim is to accuse them of being those that defend them. The purpose of this maneuver is to make them look unstable. Also to help decrease the number of those standing up for them by either getting them to go away and/or shun the victim. It is my strong belief that Vincenza, or one of her friends, on a fake profile is what started the rumor that I have multiple profiles I use to talk to myself. Sometimes Joey A Camp came to mind as well.
    Now I'll address the blog titled "Disbarred New Jersey Attorney Solicited Forged Tweets".
    Archive: https://archive.ph/fekKq
    The first part about me is saying I should stick with imaginary friends. This is a jab at the horrible rumors that I have multiple profiles I use to talk to myself.
    When it was mentioned I had the original post taken down. I only filed a complaint with Google, the host at the time. I was aware of it for awhile before I filed the complaint. I originally wasn't going to. I only did after I kept getting attacked online because of it.
    Then there is a copy and paste of what was supposedly in a Pastebin. As to if the copy and paste was a part of a Pastebin at one point, I do not know. But what I do know is it wasn't written by me or my former friend Carl.
    Judging by the entire copy and paste of the supposed Pastebin, it was likely typed up by someone Vincenza convinced to do it. In it this phony speaks of my appendix rupturing. Odd. Last I checked, I still have my appendix. The entire thing was all over the place. I also NEVER had the chicken pox. Not even as a kid. I've also never had a heart attack. Not even a mild one. This supposed pastebin apology was obviously written by Vincenza or someone known to her that chose to make assumptions. It also could have possibly been written by Joey A Camp.
    Now to address the blog titled "New Jersey Attorney Disbarred; September, 2008".
    Archive: https://archive.ph/ZOUCt
    Not much to say about this one. I am mentioned once and it pokes fun at me for even knowing Vincenza.
    Addressing the blog "A Conversation With Miley And Her Friends"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/chjOB
    The first paragraph starts with some sarcasm. I never created harassment websites. I never doxxed anyone. I never did anything to justify the possibility of being named in a lawsuit. I also never forged any tweets. It was all Vincenza and some associated with her that created profiles pretending to be me. Possibly Joey A Camp. I say possibly because I do have some doubts. A long time later, I realized that Vincenza was not a woman named Antonella like she claimed that is falsely being accused of being Vincenza. I also learned that she and her friends Sharon (aka sometimes known as "Shax" in some form) and Brandon were the ones that were mostly behind the fake profiles pretending to be me. Sometimes their friend Suzi helped them out.
    The part where it says I am "well known" for creating sock puppets (extra Twitter accounts) is a false impression given by Vincenza, her friends, and possibly Joey A Camp pretending to be me on multiple profiles.
    Where it talks about Shawn and his brother. I never said they were first responders during 9/11/2001. Shawn's brother Rick is dead. But that was of a heart attack back in the mid 2010s. Also Shawn didn't have his left arm amputated because of 9/11/2001 or on 9/11/2001. It was back in the mid 2010s awhile after his brother died. Shawn, also never killed himself. That was his other brother who lived with his father in Australia. The false impression regarding them all was thanks to Vincenza, her friends, and possibly Joey A Camp.
    Where my old online name is mentioned "Dark Heart Angel", that was the display name I had on Twitter. The actual username was "DarkHeartAngel3". While using that name I learned a valuable lesson. That lesson being, be careful when changing Twitter username. When I changed it, someone (likely Vincenza, Brandon, Suzi, Sharon/Shax, or maybe Joey A Camp) created a profile with the same username I just ditched. Same thing happened to Shawn when he ditched "Thor541". It shocks me as to why no one questioned how Shawn's account creation date changed from mid 2015 to May 2011. Easy explanation. Someone changed their throwaway account to his old account name. The account still exists, but it's obviously been abandoned. Whomever (Vincenza, Brandon, Suzi, Sharon/Shax, or maybe Joey A Camp) made the account with my old "DarkHeartAngel3" name went too far with it and got it suspended. My former friend Carl simply ditched (deactivated for more than 30 days) his account and didn't make another one. Sadly someone created an account with his old username and stirred some trouble.
    Looking at this copy and paste of the Twitter DM, it's hard to tell Which one of Vincenza's friends were pretending to be me, Shawn, and who stole Carl's Twitter.
    One mistake made by the person pretending to be Shawn was the real Shawn never referred to me as "My sweet Miley" and never spoke in all caps. Also the talk of me being suicidal.....I was never suicidal over all the bullying. Vincenza and her bunch assumed I would be and said things based on their assumptions.
    Now to touch on the blog titled "Miley And Vinnie, PasteBin Apology; 2015"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/lKExB
    This is just a reposting of the claimed Pastebin apology in the blog titled "Disbarred New Jersey Attorney Solicited Forged Tweets". But the text beforehand is different.
    Here it makes it look like being a gamer is some bad thing and that being a gamer means I'm addicted to fantasy games. If I was addicted to gaming of the level claimed here, I'd be putting aside friends and personal hygiene to game. I'd be neglecting my cat Dakota and her health if I was addicted to gaming on the level claimed here.
    I also do not have "numerous blogs". At the time this was going on and I thought Vincenza was a woman named Antonella, all I did was occasionally tweet with her about subjects not related to whatever fight I thought others pulled her in, but later turned out to be fights she started. She never liked it when I would avoid talking about 9riest or Zile or others they knew. I was just trying to go on with my life. I was trying to show her I could be a friend, but at the same time, I won't be pulled into what she has going on. Apparently that got twisted to me thinking I'm some superhero and so addicted to fantasy games that I have alot of "sock puppets" on Twitter.
    Now for "Catch 22; Brandon And Wacky Jets Miley".
    Archive: https://archive.ph/32Pg3
    Brandon making fun of me is no surprise. I had no idea about this until this blog was passed around and screenshots were DMed to me. At that point I began to think ALOT and if what Vincenza told me about Zile was true or if he was a victim of hers telling his story while being falsely lead to believe things about me that were not true. At that point was when I made the choice to slowly pull away from Vincenza. Delay replying. Reply only if necessary. Eventually communications would cease altogether.
    Now for the "Siggys Publicist Served With Cease And Desist" blog
    Archive: https://archive.ph/uBKOI
    I'm only mentioned near the bottom with a bunch of Twitter accounts that aren't and never have been me except 1. I abandoned "SamusAran2020" back in 2019. A couple of those accounts, I have no clue who they are. A few of those accounts were friends of mine that have either changed their handles or left Twitter just so they wouldn't have to deal with any of this. I don't blame them.
    Now to touch on the blog titled "Miley Apologizes To CityOf Flint; 2016"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/3Sest
    Again I'm painted as having all these imaginary friends. If this copy and paste existed somewhere, it was definitely not written by me.
    Now to touch base on the blog "Another Cease And Desist Order Delivered To Siggy’s Publicist"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/ZWMxR
    I am only mentioned once here as being "social engineered" by Brandon to write complaints. The only complaints I did write against Zile was whenever a blog was written that was posted with stuff about me that wasn't true and painted me as some sort of terrible person out of my character. I was never guilty of anything I was accused of. The horrible way I was portrayed was courtesy of Vincenza, her friends, and possibly Joey A Camp.
    Touching on the blog "Miley And Friends, Part 1; October 2015"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/UxsKz
    Dang that was long. Looks like I have alot to tackle.
    First, Whenever I shortened my first name "Glen", it was NEVER to Len. On Facebook, I never use chat with anyone I don't know and haven't for awhile.
    The person who I supposedly had the conversation with had their part of the conversation remove to "protect their identity". Well, why not just replace their name with "-REDACTED-"?
    Regarding "Jo Jo Camp", he is just someone I occasionally interacted with regarding the weather in some areas and I got several DMs about him wanting me to help report this woman he said was stalking him. As previously said, I never reported this woman on Twitter. I only said I did to shut him up.
    I also do not have a cousin named Alexa. I never had an account on Twitter called "SacriLegends".
    The supposed giving of info on friends. The info given here.....All of it is false. Whomever pretended to be me, did a very poor job.
    Back when this supposedly took place, I wasn't into playing World Of Warcraft. I talked about it. But I wasn't playing it. I quit in May 2011.
    The name "DerWilleZurMacht" was never the name of a Zetaboards forums I ran then. I also never spoke with this Marcie person. While I do make spelling, grammatical, and typo errors.....I don't make as many that was in this whole copy and paste of this supposed Facebook conversation. There is many others mentioned, supposedly by me, that I never knew or associated with.....but Vincenza and those she knew were.
    I never had a mild heart attack. I also have never referred to this McGibney person as "McGiblets". The only person I knew of, at that time, that referred to this McGibney as "McGiblets" was Joey A Camp. The info on "Patricia" was false. It wasn't 200mph. It was 215mph.
    Also Marcie never sent a topless pic to Shawn. She did try to send one to me. I never responded. I only blocked her. I also don't refer to a dentist as Satan. Jokingly simply as "the devil", but not Satan. Also I have ALOT more than 3 natural teeth in my mouth.
    I never talked to Marcie on the phone. Shawn's brother Rick never tried to manipulate me for anything when I did know him. I did not meet Shawn when I was 6. I was 16 and it was when I was rollerblading through his neighborhood.
    Shawn has never been to New York City. So how could he have been in the twin towers or close?
    As of the moment of this supposed conversation, only 2 people knew how my baby, that I put up for adoption, was conceived (unreported rape): Vincenza and Sharon/Shax.
    The video linked in this supposed conversation was not made by me or anyone I know.
    Now for the blog "Miley And Friends Part 2; October 2015"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/wEgJr
    This is the supposed rest of the supposed Facebook conversation I had with someone. As I previously said, I never shortened my first legal name to Len. It's all very much peddling the same BS as above. Also, as I said above, why completely remove the other person speaking to protect their identity? Why not just put "REDACTED" in place of their name?
    Now about blog "Zile Ohai; Iron Troll 2015!"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/norSY
    The only mention about me here is when he refers to me as a sociopath. Sociopaths are unfeeling and cruel people. Those who have taken the time to know me, know I am a good, kind, decent, honest, and empathetic person.
    Now about the blog "BREAKING: I Am Not Dead"
    Archive: https://archive.ph/YkN9e
    I remember Kathy. She was someone I thought was a victim of bullying like me that was misjudged. But I began to question that when she kept trying to involve me in whatever fights and argument she had going. She frequently asked if I would be willing to testify for her if she went after Zile legally and I could really help her case and without me she wouldn't have one. She hated it when I either didn't answer or asked to be kept out of it. She tried to use me to go after others and hated it when I'd brush her off. Eventually she began to lash out at me. But that was long after this blog by Zile and that's another blog for another day. Kathy attempted to use my situation to her advantage.
    But regarding this blog, I am getting the impression that Kathy was hoping to antagonize Zile so he'd come after me in hopes I'd be so desperate for relief I'd go to her.
    The effect it's had on me
    I've mentioned some of the effects this has had on me.
    Last few times I tried dating, it doesn't last. Last 3 times, I was shown the IronTroll blogs. 2 of the people said they didn't want anything to do with a horrible person like me. 1 of them said that while they see I am being massively trolled, they don't want to risk getting attacked too.
    I was around 165lbs when this all started. The shaming, doxxing (by 9riest), the sharing of the links leading to my personal info and the IronTroll blogs by friends of 9riest, and the photoshopping of my head on naked bodies by those that took these blogs seriously.....has effected me to the point that I began to gain a huge amount of weight. I stopped going to the gym because of the dirty looks I would get. I stopped walking around the neighborhood. I can't go to Church because of the few that have seen them. I've been stalked and harassed online to the extent it's hard to live my life beyond the inside of my home. I've binged eaten to drown the hurt. The heaviest I got up to was 275.
    Despite how all this has effected me, I've never once been suicidal.
    In closing.....
    The way Zile reacted about me and regarding me in the blogs is him reacting to how I was falsely portrayed by Vincenza, her friends, and possibly Joey A Camp. Mostly Sharon and Suzi, whom were behind many fake profiles pretending to be me.
    I could stay mad or hold a grudge, but I'm not. Like me, he was a victim of Vincenza.
    WELL..... I've touched upon all blogs about me on irontroll.com that I could find. I would have spoken my piece alot sooner, but I wanted to let the dust settle from all the damage Vincenza, her friends, and possibly Joey A Camp have done. I said all I'm going to say about the blogs about me. So subject closed on that.
  21. Elektra

    Joey Camp DIRECTLY On Me
    Joey Camp is still intent on trying to shut me up via his weak intimidation tactics. One of them being bashing my looks. Another being purposely misgendering me. He's also resorting to attacking friends of mine in hopes of isolating me by scaring them off.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112045582952544636
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/ympqX
    My Comments: Joey Camp continues to bash my looks and go on about saying he doesn't break the law.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112045614845549992
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/QonG6
    My Comments: Typical Joey Camp twists what I've said in order to falsely portray himself as a victim. One of the commenters is wishing death on me.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112050245620023425
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/IM1xT
    My Comments: Joey Camp is mostly bullying 2 of my friend here with hateful remarks.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112099864338689339
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/rILq0
    My Comments: As per usual, Joey Camp takes another one of my video replies to CredibleIntel on Twitter(X), posts it on Gab, and tries to make himself out to be the victim. All while bashing my looks and purposely misgendering me.
    The way Joey Camp carries on and on and how he keeps poking fun at me is very telling of a person that wants me to shut up. He's not shutting me up. I will continue to speak out about his harassment.
  22. Elektra

    Joey Camp DIRECTLY On Me
    Tonight I ended up with 3 rather aggressive people on SnapChat that approached me out of the blue. Not a coincidence this is now happening since Joey Camp began to harass me again. Now it seems that others are harassing me on behalf of Joey Camp (JoeyCamp2020 on Gab)... or these 3 below could be him.
    "Sendnud2007" of SnapChat approaches me at random as if I spoke to him before as he keeps encouraging me to unalive myself.
    My Comments: Someone I never spoke to got really nasty really quick and kept telling me to unalive myself as if they hated me. Their very actions make it obvious that they've been listening to someone that does. The only person I know of that hates me that much to get someone to come at me like this is Joey Camp.
    "sexylexii2024" of SnapChat sent me a violent sexual image, which I had to censor. Another was sent after the rape threat I received.
    My Comments: "sexylexii2024" tells me to shut up despite me never speaking to them. So what that means is they want me to shut up about something I've been speaking up about. What I've been speaking up about lately is Joey Camp's past and current bullying of me.
    A supposed random message from a pervert, "kkcool69lol" of SnapChat, telling me to suck his d**k.
    My Comments: Someone I never spoke with before is telling me to chill out as if he isn't happy with something I'm speaking up about. Joey Camp is very unhappy with me speaking up about how he's treated me. This could either be Joey Camp himself or one of his many followers that keeps drinking the Joey Camp kool-aid.
    If Joey Camp, or any of his followers think this will shut me up, it won't. I have every right to speak up about what he has, and does, put me through.
  23. Elektra

    Joey Camp DIRECTLY On Me
    Joey Camp continues his harassment of me in an attempt to silence me from speaking up about what he has put me through so far, and is now.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112003887756984255
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/fONeJ
    My Comments: In simple terms, Joey Camp is trying to make it look like I am on some crusade against him over him fat shaming me. He attempts to play innocent as if he honestly doesn't know if I am male or female. that's his way of implying I am so ugly that it's hard to tell. As usual, his commenters bash my looks. They heavily imply I'm stupid and try to pass me off as disturbed..
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112009094776588194
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/ktPxP
    My Comments: Joey Camp hurls racial slurs at @CEDAvsFan for his Tiktok where he defends me. Commenters pretty much do the same thing.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112011464314918954
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/dU8pj
    My Comments: Joey Camp pretty much makes fun of me because I support Amber Heard and is trying to entice his followers to making nasty comment about me. The commenters mostly make racist comments about a black friend of mine and spew forth slurs on top of making fun of me for supporting Amber Heard.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112020894835403516
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/Tu63q
    My Comments: Joey Camp attempts to portray me speaking up about his harassment and abuse as defamation that is actionable. He continues to hurt hateful slurs way way at the same time he tries to play "poor innocent injured victim". The commenters also hurl hateful slurs my way on top of trying to portray me as mentally ill.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112027011244305003
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/XFK6c
    My Comments: Joey Camp attempts to make it appear as if @Philip Gipson was making a death threat towards/about him. If the comment Joey Camp portrays as such is examined closely, it is seen as making a point that one day Joey Camp will make the wrong person very angry, which could bring about awful consequences. No one commented to this as of now.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112026992664778344
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/0NJ8h
    My Comments: Joey Camp attempts to claim that my friend @CEDAvsFan wouldn't get any attention if it wasn't for him. The commenters mostly make fun of him.
    Gab Post: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112026599092537990
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/ZTyVd
    My Comments: Joey Camp hurls racial slurs at my friend @CEDAvsFan  for defending me and speaking up for himself. The commenters also hurl racial slurs at him.
    While Joey Camp continues to come at me in hopes of silencing me, via scare tactics... He begins to attack my friends @Philip Gipson and @CEDAvsFan with some more focus on them. When a bully/stalker/harasser does this, this is to isolate their victim. In this case me. The bully/stalker/harasser hopes to annoy the friends to the point they blame their friend (Joey Camp's victim) for what's happening to them and/or abandon them as a friend. Joey Camp has done this before and gotten others to do this before as well.
    Joey Camp also speaks of "defamation" as if I am defaming and slandering him. Truth is not defamation or slander. As for his reputation... He is doing a good job of ruining that all by himself with his racism. Also by harassing people for stupid reasons.
  24. Elektra
    And the shaming by Joey Camp continues. While going extra hard on the fat shaming, he's also attempting to fault me for his abuse of me.
    The videos below give the gist of it.
    (Same one on TikTok and Instagram as on YouTube in each section)
    The 3 below "quotes"... Each is dedicated to a recent post by JoeyCamp2020 on Gab about me slandering, defaming, fat shaming, and victim blaming me.
    In each post, and ones prior, Joey Camp attempts to make himself out to be the victim; like I wronged him. He tries to justify his abuse of me by saying he isn't altering my content and only adding commentary. He crosses some serious lines when he purposely misgenders me, fat shames me, encourages vile comments about me, and tries to silence me from speaking up. The way Joey Camp has acted proves he is no victim, but doing a very poor job at pretending to be. Victims don't behave the way Joey Camp treats me.
    Below I will highlight some of the comments from the about post that Joey Camp has encouraged.
    It's mostly comments bashing my looks, but one of Johnny Luke's comments was sexually violent in nature.

    Some might say it's just him saying I am ugly. If it was just a plainly said "...wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole", then that's what it would be. But see how he went into detail? Comments like this is what Joey Camp is encouraging because I choose to speak up about the bullying he got started against me and I refuse to be scared offline by him or his friends. He's tried to dress this as opinions, thoughts, and comments. But it is more than that. So many of these people cross alot of lines. By him trying to make like of comments that go too far, it say alot about him. ALOT.
    Joey Camp keeps trying to justify his abuse of me. Saying he's just adding commentary is his worst attempt yet. Fat shaming, intentional misgendering, veiled threats, attempts to silence are all signs he is most definitely not the victim he portrays himself to be.The only people that can't/won't/don't see that, are those just like him. And that's not good.
  25. Elektra

    Joey Camp DIRECTLY On Me
    Not much has happened since I last spoke of how the massive bullying against me began, what transpired because of it, and other things pertaining to it. But I have done alot of thinking. What got me thinking was looking at the Twitter(X) timeline for "CredibleIntel". Especially the posts about Joey Camp. by evidence of what he was showing, it's been made obvious that Joey Camp isn't just living his life and trying to rebuild (or rebrand). He's still the same troublemaker. I've also recently decided to start replying to tweets about Joey Camp by "CredibleIntel". One of the biggest reasons is because I wanted to raise awareness regarding the trouble Joey Camp can cause. Plus part of me hoped others, that might have been affected by Joey Camp would speak up.
    In retaliation for speaking up about how Joey Camp has affected my life, Joey Camp has decided to retaliate by downloading my video responses to tweets by  "CredibleIntel" and then post them on Gab for his following to make mean, crude, and vile comments. Each post (7 so far) has been archived, as has the responses. I shall tackle each one individually below.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111943421497440202
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/2WzWi
    My Comments: Joey Camp pretends to not know me or of me as he indirectly hints he wants his following to gather up information about me as if I was some kind of threat. Those responding mostly bashed my looks and falsely claimed I don't bathe. I also get fat shamed and called all sorts of names.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111944879887857819
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/rCcco
    My Comments: Basic excuses and bs from Joey Camp. He also fat shames me by calling me a whale. Deleted posts can be authenticated IF archived before they were deleted. Those commenting mostly call me a tranny and an obsessive stalker. My looks get bashed.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111960041279760291
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/hJvhY
    My Comments: Joey indirectly and sarcastically implies something is wrong with me. He also fat shames me by calling me a whale. Those commenting mostly shame me acting like I'm so ugly I could be a man. My looks get bashed again. I also get fat shamed by those posting pics of whales.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111978480078630582
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/is5Gs
    My Comments: Joey Camp continues to fat shame me by calling me a whale. He's falsely claims he's broken no laws. He falsely claims he doesn't break the law while using it to his advantage. One commenter says he looks forward to the day I die. Some claim I'm a stalker. One person even makes a threat regarding me. In responses to others, Joey Camp falsely claims I'm a stalker while fat shaming me. Another commenter adds some dramatics by claiming I am crazy and he needs a restraining order against me. Several commenters call me a dude as they try to go along with commenters from previous posts that implied I'm so ugly I'm a man.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111981765095562348
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/UekKu
    My Comments: Joey Camp fat shames me as he falsely claims that James McGibney of Bullyville is a revenge pornographer. Joey Camp falsely claimed that James McGibney's Cheaterville was a revenge porn site.  There isn't many comments to this one, except to insult me by calling me a glowie.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111981791593254588
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/aAqn8
    My Comments: Joey continues to fat shame me by calling me a whale as he makes snippy/snarky remarks about me. Commenters make fun of my looks, claim I'm balding (I'm not), and call me creepy.
    Gab Post Link: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/111984185968912302
    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/wip/4JTIR
    My Comments: Joey Camp fat shames me while calling me a dude. Commenters basically call me crazy and ugly. One goes into some long long psychoanalysis making a bad attempt to psychoanalyze me while talking like it's some hardcore proven fact.
    The basics of what is going on here is this. Joey Camp trolls/stalks the Twitter(X) timeline of "CredibleIntel". He sees me respond. He takes my video response, posts it on his Gab page, and then puts his own spin on it for the attention and comments. a** kissing to him and nasty comments about me.
    His commenters have:
    1) fat shamed me.
    2) threatened me (only 1).
    3) bashed my looks.
    4) made false claims about me.
    5) made fun of me.
    6) have told me to shut up.
    7) called me names.
    8) falsely called me a stalker.
    9) made poor attempts to make me appear unstable.
    10) wished me death.
    11) misgendering me.
    12) attempting to scare me offline.
    What it looks like here, overall, is I firmly believe that Joey Camp hopes to make me feel so bad and hurt that I shut up and hide in hopes it will stop; NOPE. Not happening. He probably hopes I will shut up and stop speaking up about all the crap he caused to be stirred against me; NOPE. Not happening. Nothing he says or does will get me to shut up, go offline for a long time, or deactivate my social media. I'm here to stay. I'm not going anywhere.
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