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Elektra last won the day on October 17

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About Elektra

  • Birthday 07/21/1978

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  1. Killer mom Susan Smith disciplined behind bars weeks before parole hearing I hope this woman is never released.
  2. A series of earthquakes has Southern California shook. Is a big one coming? Oh goodness I hope not.
  3. 'Cobra Kai's Final Season Call Sheet Adds Three More WOW!
  4. The next 3 hours are about Candace Cameron Bure and Shannon Doherty.

    1. Spirit Squad

      Spirit Squad

      What's this about?

  5. Just as I was enjoying "PEACE" without NextDoor mods messing with me, I realized that they were at it again. I speak of it in the video below, which is on TikTok AND YouTube. The screenshots from the video. What I posted was in no way "personal fundraising". NextDoor never ceases to amaze me with how I keep getting targeted by their mods for one bogus reason after another. Ever since I reported Autumn Leigh Martin in April of 2023 for racial profiling of a Latina woman, mods have been targeting me and messing with my account. They don't care WHY she was reported. They just see that a mod was reported and the person (me) reporting her needs to pay.
  6. Husband of Boston nurse Lindsay Clancy, accused of killing their 3 kids, says he wasn’t married to ‘monster’ If I was him I wouldn't be defending that MONSTER. She ad mental health issues yes. But she WAS A MONSTER. See? MONSTER!
  7. I remember seeing that event. Lucifer was in it. But those 4 episodes weren't the true crisis. There was an episode of Black Lightning that was involved, but yet it's not acknowledged as part of the event.
  8. This blog is a follow up to my 2 prior blogs on this same matter. So much evidence in the 2 previous blogs. Video about the matter; on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. I got into detail about Brian's harassment, threats, and now stalking. Screenshots from the video above. I also have screenshots of my notifications shown in the above video. So many claims and things said... All of which I will address. CLAIM#1: "No one is harassing you." BULLsh*t! I've more than proven that Brian Joel Kemp has harassed and threaten me with my past 2 blogs in the subject. Each of which has undeniable proof. CLAIM#2: "Clyde should have never crossed paths with my threads" AND "Clyde came to my threads. That is how I found your stuff." AND "Clyde, this is on you. You commented on my thread, before that, I didn't even know or case about her video." AND "I bet she won't tell that part in her blog. You're the bully, clyde. I left you all alone but you had to come lurking on my threads bud." It looks like Brian Joel Kemp is trying to put a wedge between me and my friend Clyde. He wants me to blame him for his (Brian Joel Kemp's) attacks on me. He wants to isolate me from him. That is a well known tactic of abusers and bullies. CLAIM#3: "you're playing the victim. You run your mouth for 30 minutes and didn't think I would find out?" I'm not the one "playing" victim. That would be Brian Joel Kemp. He did so with those 2 Instagram stories in which he showed only bits and pieces and worded things in such a way so as to imply something completely different. The most disturbing part of this is the last 6 words, "and didn't think I would find out.". That is a phrase commonly used by an angry bully/abuser when their victim does something they don't want them to. It's also an intimidation tactic to guilt the person into keeping quiet. CLAIM#4: "I just plan to dissect you 30 min repetitive rant and offer why I said what I said in the comments." Brian likes to show bits and pieces and word things how he wants people to see it, even if it is a little (OR FAR) from the truth. That is likely what he will do there. He continues to play the victim. And very badly too. CLAIM#5: "Calling me a sociopath and clout chaser? Based on what? I have fewer followers than you" A commenter said those things and those things ARE accurate. The way Brian Joel Kemp has acted in regards to me and Clyde, only makes "sociopath" look more true. Just because he has few followers doesn't mean he isn't a clout chaser. The way he is trying to play victim...kinda makes him one. CLAIM#6: "Me is a revelation of who y'all are. I spent the last week and a half for 12 hours a day, delivering food and balloons, for $150 to 200" Distraction and deflection is STRONG with this one... CLAIM#7: "I am honored I live rent free in all of your heads. You all talk s*** the run away and block me. Cute." What's true about Brian Joel Kemp, he claims is true about me and Clyde. He doesn't live rent free in my head or Clyde's. We live rent free in his. I don't even talk about or speak about this matter unless I absolutely need to. I did the first blog and video only after Brian came after me. Then I dropped the matter once I spoke my piecee. I wasn't going to bring it up or talk about it again unless necessary. It became necessary when he targted me and gave me a veiled threat, which is still a threat. CLAIM#8: "Lawyer. And I do know a few. So... turnabout is fair play, and karma is a b**** and I am her b*st**d son." Big time veiled threat and intimidation. Brian Joel Kemp is hoping I will get so scared I will delete all my standing up to him and speaking up about his bs against me. Nope. Not happening. Not falling for it. If I did, I'd be enabling him to do it to others. CLAIM#9: "No You started it. And you know it." No I didn't start anything.He came at me. I more than proved it in my prior blogs and prior videos regarding this subject matter. CLAIM#10: "No no no... you are not giving the whole story. Clyde came to my threads. That is how I found your stuff." Untrue. He attacked me on Threads. Clyde stood up for me. So Brian Joel Kemp is twisting the truth and trying to act like he's a victim. Again, what's true about him, he claims is true about me. CLAIM#11: "And this account here, this private one I have is an open apology about things I have done. Which I will circle back to in my retort." A few things wrong here. For one, he knows I have his main Tiktok account, "bcomplexmh", blocked. So he uses a back up against to SPAM nasty comments, harass me, threaten me, intimidate me, and to try and silence me. It's very against the TOS of Tiktok to circumvent being blocked. It's considered harassment. And he tries to mildly intimidate me and scare me with the last sentence hoping I will get so scared I delete everything and all the evidence I've shared proving he came after me, threatened me, harassed me, and intimidated me. I'm not deleting anything. I won't let him intimdate me into silence. If he comes at me, harasses me, threatens me... I have every right to defend myself and speak my piece. If Brian Joel Kemp doesn't want me speaking up, I have a real cool idea for him. It's called "If you don't harass and stalk me, I won't have anything to say about your behavior." Brian Joel Kemp has become obsessed with bothering me in an unhealthy way. I've said many times that he needs to leave me alone. If he doesn't want me mentioning him, he should try not harassing and bothering and stalking me. What would I have to say if he left me alone. nothing. He needs to grow up.
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