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Cosmic Dimensions

Sam LaRusso

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Everything posted by Sam LaRusso

  1. OMG! Are any of you watching football on FOX? My parents and I just saw a preview for Beverly Hills Cop 4!

    1. Elektra


      I am and I saw it. I could have sworn I saw Billy Rosewood and Taggert. Oh and Serge (did I spell it right).  Axel still being Axel... I love it.

    2. Simian Pathetica
    3. Tamara


      I saw it to! I'm so excited.

  2. Patrick Mahomes lost it and raged like a crazy guy. I understand his fine. Andy Reid didn't deserve a $100,000 fine! That is too much just for criticizing an official. This is so very wrong!
  3. I'm suspended from school for the rest of the week. This girl that's bullying me came behind me. She wouldn't stop hitting me. I defended myself by pushing her away. Teacher doesn't care! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luis Virgil

      Luis Virgil

      What the f**k? A bully was beating on you, but you get suspended for pushing her away. I hope that f**king bully got consequences.

    3. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      @Goldenforce772 Yes public school.


      @Cheerleader Vicky My parents are on my side.


      @Luis Virgil The bully only got 1 day detention. 

    4. Cheerleader Vicky

      Cheerleader Vicky

      Change schools. That school obviously values bullying.

  4. I wish I stayed home from school today. :sick1:

    1. Goldenforce772


      I'm about to have a month off from work.

  5. Why is it when I think about the blues it makes high school look so easy?
  6. Wow! They are worse than some of my classmates at my school.
  7. That family needs to be held responsible! It's stupid to have a wolf hybrid as a pet.
  8. Which cancelled shows because of SAG-AFTRA will you miss the most?
  9. Al Bundy is the lesser of 2 evils.
  10. until

    Heartwarming and special. Great for watching with parents or someone you're dating that's into Christmas.
  11. I had a cousin that did this. My parents gave them a quarter and the number of a therapist.
  12. What have these migrants in NYC done that is so special for our own elderly and vets to lose their residences to them?

    1. Goldenforce772


      I could say something about certain pro-Hamas protesters ruining the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting, but that would be too easy. 

    2. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      I picked a terrible time to visit family in NYC with my parents.

  13. That elderly man, and many more, have done alot for this country. What have the migrants done?
  14. Why are we mistreating our vets for people that chose to invade our country?
  15. I use to adore her. I looked up to her. Why didn't she care enough To make sure everything was okay? Why is she only helping Ana's family after so many pointed out she was focusing too much on herself?
  16. Mine was turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, Texas toast.
  17. Working Black Friday is so frustrating!

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