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Cosmic Dimensions

Sam LaRusso

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Status Replies posted by Sam LaRusso

  1. I'm so excited to be going to the SuperBowl tonight! 

  2. WWE 2k24's pre-orders just went live. And judging by what I read, this is a top priority for me.

    1. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      If you know what's good for you, you will pre-order the "Forty Years of Wrestlemania" edition.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. It is now 2024. For me, I got a lot of fights to fight this year. 

  4. End of the year housecleaning is such a pain, but it must be done.

  5. I'm suspended from school for the rest of the week. This girl that's bullying me came behind me. She wouldn't stop hitting me. I defended myself by pushing her away. Teacher doesn't care! 

    1. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      @Goldenforce772 Yes public school.


      @Cheerleader Vicky My parents are on my side.


      @Luis Virgil The bully only got 1 day detention. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. GFU Maxima Update: The Falcon Club, my universe's second oldest team, are about to come out of hiding at least. However, this is a fifth generation version of the team, and GF Prime and the MMPR's do not know what to expect from this team. 

  7. The last of the Testaments have arrived.

  8. What have these migrants in NYC done that is so special for our own elderly and vets to lose their residences to them?

    1. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      I picked a terrible time to visit family in NYC with my parents.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Having watched the return of CM Punk to Monday Night RAW, I can't help but think that his theme music most definitely applies to someone else: Agent Zero. 

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