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Sam LaRusso

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  1. I'm suspended from school for the rest of the week. This girl that's bullying me came behind me. She wouldn't stop hitting me. I defended myself by pushing her away. Teacher doesn't care! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luis Virgil

      Luis Virgil

      What the f**k? A bully was beating on you, but you get suspended for pushing her away. I hope that f**king bully got consequences.

    3. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      @Goldenforce772 Yes public school.


      @Cheerleader Vicky My parents are on my side.


      @Luis Virgil The bully only got 1 day detention. 

    4. Cheerleader Vicky

      Cheerleader Vicky

      Change schools. That school obviously values bullying.

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