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Sam LaRusso

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Status Updates posted by Sam LaRusso

  1. Home sick from school.  :barf1:

    1. Elektra


      Are you feeling any better?

  2. Fran Drescher is trying to ruin the gaming world. I hate her!

    1. Goldenforce772


      She already ruined TV and movies by causing streaming subscriptions to spike like mad. 

    2. Princess Meghan

      Princess Meghan

      I'm boycotting everything Fran Drescher is in.

    3. Angie


      What Fran touches, turns to sh*t. 

  3. I wish I could skip school today. Calculus test!

    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      How did you do?

  4. I think I will go to Planet Fitness for my usual workout.

    1. Elektra


      Try the hydromassage after your workout.

  5. I feel like our nation is in a second Civil War.

    1. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      It seems that way, yes.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Let's see. Turned my news off... don't read newspapers anymore... blocked any and all leftists I encounter... THAT'S how I preserve my sanity with statements like that one. 


    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      That win came so close to not happening. 

    2. Elektra


      That win was within seconds of not happening. It was just...WOW!

    3. CEDAvsFan


      That game was hella insane!!!

  7. I want Taylor Swift's Chiefs to win the Superbowl.

    1. Angie


      Go 49ers. :cheer1:

  8. Welcome. Hi!

  9. OMG! Migrants are taking over my high school. Hello remote learning.

    1. Goldenforce772


      That's exactly what happened to a high school here in New York. It's disgusting. 

    2. Elektra


      So sorry to hear that. So many young people are being robbed of the high school experience.

    3. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      I'm so terribly sorry about this.

  10. All this New Years partying and I'm so tired! (no alcohol, promise!)

    1. Angie


      With friends or family?

    2. Luis Virgil

      Luis Virgil

      At least you had fun. I had to work.

  11. I woke up an hour ago and can't get back to sleep. 

    1. Elektra


      Some calming tea can help.

  12. OMG! Are any of you watching football on FOX? My parents and I just saw a preview for Beverly Hills Cop 4!

    1. Elektra


      I am and I saw it. I could have sworn I saw Billy Rosewood and Taggert. Oh and Serge (did I spell it right).  Axel still being Axel... I love it.

    2. Simian Pathetica
    3. Tamara


      I saw it to! I'm so excited.

  13. I'm suspended from school for the rest of the week. This girl that's bullying me came behind me. She wouldn't stop hitting me. I defended myself by pushing her away. Teacher doesn't care! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luis Virgil

      Luis Virgil

      What the f**k? A bully was beating on you, but you get suspended for pushing her away. I hope that f**king bully got consequences.

    3. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      @Goldenforce772 Yes public school.


      @Cheerleader Vicky My parents are on my side.


      @Luis Virgil The bully only got 1 day detention. 

    4. Cheerleader Vicky

      Cheerleader Vicky

      Change schools. That school obviously values bullying.

  14. I wish I stayed home from school today. :sick1:

    1. Goldenforce772


      I'm about to have a month off from work.

  15. What have these migrants in NYC done that is so special for our own elderly and vets to lose their residences to them?

    1. Goldenforce772


      I could say something about certain pro-Hamas protesters ruining the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting, but that would be too easy. 

    2. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      I picked a terrible time to visit family in NYC with my parents.

  16. Working Black Friday is so frustrating!

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