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Cheerleader Vicky

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Everything posted by Cheerleader Vicky

  1. Election season is so stressful. Are you okay?

    1. Goldenforce772


      WWE 2k24 is seeing me through that.

    2. Keri


      @Goldenforce772 How's it helping?

    3. Goldenforce772


      I just got my universe mode started, so it's helping a whole lot. 

  2. Oh I get it! Their grip is security for our nation when they complain about TikTok. But they will let it every illegal that wants in and give their all these freebies!
  3. Something is very wrong with that psycho! Did he destroy your forum website?
  4. I absolutely adore James McGibney. He was a major reason why Hunter Moore's revenge porn site went away.
    I've seen better cellphone made movies.
  5. until

    What's with the boring "one night stand gets murdered" theme for Lifetime movies? Are they trying to p**s off what little fanbase they have left?
  6. https://bnnbreaking.com/arts/disney-channel-cancels-secrets-of-sulphur-springs-after-three-seasons/ This is heartbreaking! This show had potential to last a few more seasons.
  7. I want to hear what everyone thinks. Cheerleaders, athletes or no?
  8. This hurts me because I was saving up to go to the next Payperview to see her in action.
  9. I am with you. We need consequences for bigots and racists; all around hateful people and their hate. But if hospitals deny people care over it, they open themselves up to expensive lawsuits that can hurt many. So, I'm stuck on what can and should be done.
  10. Every election year there is a big deal made about a disease or two that later turns out to be a glorified flu.
  11. We were mislead a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic. Masks did nothing. They talk about science, but forget the science. When we are stressed out, it compromises our immune system. So does lack of proper rest and nutrition. Masks won't help get past that.
  12. Next Door needs to get it's act together and stop pampering these entitled mods.
  13. I bet so many adults are so jealous right now.
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