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Cosmic Dimensions

Juliet Starling

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About Juliet Starling

  • Birthday 12/08/2002

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  1. One of these days she will go too far and someone will kill themselves because of her.
  2. Word about this jerk is getting around! I made a post in an LGBT groups on Facebook too. There's 128 comments condemning him about how he uses the LGBT community. Atleast 3 of those commenters appear to know him personally.
  3. I dislike the price hikes, but it's better than movie theater prices.
  4. Because of him I lost my job and a good place to live because I didn't get vaccinated. I had good reason. But that d**che nozzle doesn't understand allergies.
  5. All anger about Fauci is justified. He ruined lives! He cost people their businesses and jobs. People suffered because of him.
  6. That is a big dream. They should really work on quality of food too.
  7. I was excited, but the movie wasn't as good as the previews made it look.
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