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Cosmic Dimensions

Philip Gipson

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Everything posted by Philip Gipson

  1. This is very sad and disappointing. North Korea should know better than to harrass a couple of teenagers for something they like.
  2. Drama is everywhere in the world. Both woman should've handled this properly.
  3. Brooke Burns definitely deserves to do more Lifetime movies other than the 6 she did.
  4. This kinda stuff is really heavy. It may end with potential sequel rights not happening at all.
  5. I am definitely worried that Ty will screw up the timeline.
  6. They most definitely need to be punished for their wrongdoings.
  7. The WHO just have no business determining how people should live their lives.
  8. NextDoor and its moderators must not be allowed to win at any costs. They deserve to be called out so much for their vulgarity towards the innocent.
  9. until

    Other than the camping scene, I literally enjoyed this movie. I know the lead actress, Laci J. Mailey, from Chesapeake Shores.
  10. If these criminals were super evil, we'd be pretty fearful. But I'm grateful that they're not.
  11. until

    This movie should've really meant something as I was watching it. I believe that it was just a letdown. On the bright side, I enjoyed seeing Rebecca Liddiard in another Lifetime movie after Danger in the House.
  12. This is sure to feel like a definite Baywatch-like show. I'll try to give it a chance.
  13. until

    This movie broke me. The pain and suffering that Morgan endured was tough to watch, but I couldn't stop watching. I'm glad Morgan's mom realized the error of her ways in the end and got her daughter the help that she needed.
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