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Cosmic Dimensions

Philip Gipson

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Event Reviews posted by Philip Gipson

  1. I'm sorry, but this movie disappointed me on so many levels. The Serena Harris character should've been Gina Vitori's chance to shine as a Lifetime villainess. Instead the entire movie was a typical by-the-numbers thing. It especially should've done more with its cult subplot.

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  2. This movie sure did take me on the ride of a lifetime. Its story of a detective/mother struggling to hold her own against all odds was something I could genuinely relate to, because I have a mom whose family loyalty doesn't have any boundaries.

  3. This movie was a mess -- a complete and utter mess. The "affair" part of the movie could've been handled properly, but there was just too much going on all at once. The movie's only bright spot for me was Ashley Leggat, who's done three other Lifetime movies prior to this one. I hope that, if she chooses to do another LT movie, it'll be as a villainess, because that's what I wanna see the most from her.

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  4. I went into this movie thinking that the Lucy character would be an anti-villainess. It would've been Kathryn Kohut's second villainous role for Lifetime following Danger in the House. But with this movie I was just disappointed.

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  5. What bugged me the most about this movie is that Jessica didn't inform her husband, Dylan, of her suspicions about Dr. Bellamy, and together they could've acted quicker about Bellamy. But what we got was Jessica snooping around behind Dylan's back with him assuming the worst about her. The rest of the movie was alright.

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    I was disappointed in the movie's execution. I figured we'd see more than one kill and that the overall plot would actually go somewhere. Rising Lifetime star Nancy Harding is the only good thing about the movie.

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