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Cosmic Dimensions

Philip Gipson

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Everything posted by Philip Gipson

  1. Leyla did redeem herself in the end, but it's a real shame that her and Izzy's time together was short-lived. :(
  2. Bailey's Gym is run by nothing but criminals, and should pay dearly for their shadiness.
  3. until

    Alissa Filoramo as Violet truly stole the show here. This has been her fifth overall movie for the Lifetimeverse, and she continues to prove why she's an important part of the Lifetime community as a whole. The one thing I didn't like about the movie was how clueless the Hawkinses were about Violet until halfway through, especially Garrett.
  4. I've seen some episodes of Arrow, so I believe I'll give this show a chance.
  5. I feel so disappointed in Leyla for what she did to Izzy. :(
  6. I don't care about politics. Period. To me it's all just hot air. Politicians claim they wanna help out our world, yet we get the complete opposite. Your new blog definitely hit home here.
  7. Travis Kelce is a literal egomaniac. Why he's still playing football is a sign that there's nepotism.
  8. I'm pretty happy that everyone got to enjoy the Super Bowl last night. :)
  9. I feel completely empowered by your latest blog and video. I'm counting on you and Miley to continue to document NextDoor and their moderators.
  10. What a literal twist! I saw the original Twister film and will gladly check out this new one!
  11. That article is insanely right on the mark about teen women from 1989 movies.
  12. That Swiftie magic can work anywhere it wants, as long as it's for the right reasons.
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