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Cosmic Dimensions

Philip Gipson

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Blog Comments posted by Philip Gipson

  1. 29 minutes ago, Gwen said:

    Being nonbinary doesn't make Nonbinary Dad and Billy good people. Using a calm voice while chastising someone publicly is what someone does when they want to humiliate you and deflect so it appears as if you're the problem and they're only trying to help.

    Those two are most definitely a part of the problem.

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  2. 5 hours ago, GMileyCollier78 said:

    This is becoming frightening and I fear for the life of the trans woman. The way some of Patricia Silva's followers are talking, they're wanting the identity of the trans woman so they can spread it around. Considering how volatile the situation is getting. This could cost her her life.

    It's people like Patricia Silva that make me wanna destroy things just because they only care about clout.

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