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Cosmic Dimensions

Philip Gipson

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Everything posted by Philip Gipson

  1. Elon Musk isn't a creative talent -- he's a hack!
  2. This news is really and truly exciting. I bet this movie is gonna conjure up plenty of plot and characterization.
  3. Hopefully everyone in Texas is doing alright during Beryl.
  4. R.I.P., Doug Sheehan. You were another bright spot in this world whose legacy will be everlasting.
  5. Tragedy strikes everywhere in this world, even unexpectedly. I send prayers to Khryee Jackson's loved ones.
  6. This is a true blessing in disguise. I wish nothing but the best for LeBron James' son.
  7. That's pretty sad. I'd have liked to see what this series was truly capable of. :(
  8. until

    The movie was fine despite its faults. I was especially glad to see Corin Nemec back on Lifetime, because his presence was very much missed.
  9. I'm deeply sorry you had a horrible experience with Naomi. She deserves to be blacklisted for life.
  10. The clout Kool-Aid that Joey Camp is constantly drinking will no doubt catch up with him someday, somehow.
  11. until

    I'll be honest -- I mainly tuned in for the movie simply because of Ryan McPartlin. He really nailed the sleaziness of the Aaron character.
  12. I think that Daniel and Johnny will have to be extra prepared for Kreese.
    It was kind of a weird movie for me, but the twists and turns kept me glued.
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