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Cosmic Dimensions

Philip Gipson

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Blog Comments posted by Philip Gipson

  1. 1 hour ago, Spirit Squad said:

    Naomi will kiss a** to the right people, but if she sees you as beneath her, or she can use you to get attention or play victim, she won't hesitate to do so. 


    As a wrestler, she is a failure. She rides off the coattails of others. As a person, she is quick to gaslight her followers over petty sh*t. 


    The only skill Naomi has is being the nastiest bully on the playground. 


    CosmcDimensions of Twitter isn't the only victim that her followers attacked and falsely accused of being racist. Haven't you noticed that anytime Naomi doesn't like what a person says, her followers attack that person with false accusation of being racist? Consider how vicious the attacks got upon CosmcDimensions, I can't help but wonder if she DMed a few people to ask them to attack them online. It wouldn't surprise me. 


    I had a bad experience with Naomi too. I commented she needed a better theme. One more deserving of her. I was a fan then. She, yes Naomi herself, accused me of being racist! Next thing I know, I was getting hundreds of tweets and DMs accusing me of being racist. One person showed me a DM from Naomi claiming she was upset because I was being racist towards her and she wasn't in the mood to talk. The proof was in video form. Naomi asked this person to help her out. Luckily that person had the maturity to block her and ignore her.

    I'm deeply sorry you had a horrible experience with Naomi. She deserves to be blacklisted for life.

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