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Everything posted by CEDAvsFan

  1. until

    The season opener was amazing as hell! Still wish the season was longer, but it still should be a nice sprint!
  2. until

    You can never go wrong with a "Wrong" movie; they are always so awesome! This film is no exception!
  3. until

    I enjoyed this! It was very gripping and dramatic!
  4. Super Wild Card Weekend is over, and after the dust settled, eight teams remain standing in the NFL. The 2023 Divisional Playoff matchups are all set, and the second round will take place this Saturday and Sunday, with the round serving as the last bastian for Saturday NFL action this season. The games are as follows: In the AFC, the top seeded Baltimore Ravens will host the Houston Texans on Saturday. The Ravens received a bye into this round due to having the best record in the conference, while the Houston Texans won their Wild Card Playoff matchup over the Cleveland Browns. In the other game, the Buffalo Bills will host the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday; the Chiefs defeated the Dolphins in their Wild Card Playoff, while the Bills defeated the Steelers in theirs. In the NFC, the top seeded San Francisco 49ers will host the Green Bay Packers on Saturday. The Niners received a bye into this round due to having the best record in the conference, while the Packers won in Dallas over the Cowboys--the first #7 seed to win a playoff game and the only road team to win during Super Wild Card Weekend. In the other game, the Detroit Lions will host the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday; the Lions defeated the Los Angeles Rams in their Wild Card Playoff, while the Buccaneers won over the Philadelphia Eagles in theirs. When the AFL and NFL merged in 1970, the Divisional Playoff served as the opening round of the playoffs until 1978, when the addition of a second Wild Card in each conference resulted in the debut of the Wild Card Playoff. In each conference, the winners of the Divisional Playoff will face each other in the Conference Championship.
  5. Same. He's not only an abuser, he's also a delusional gaslighter. I hope Grace Jabbari sues the sh*t out of him.
  6. A retired actress (Kate Drummond) hires a tutor (Barbie Blank) to help her daughter's (Chiara Aurelia) grades improve, with Barbie being elated to help due to being a fan of an action packed show that Kate starred on. However, a series of mishaps occur, with Kate learning that the mastermind of the misdeeds is Athena, a masked villainess who appears on a computer screen with a pair of henchwomen (Charlette and Robyn Williamson), and is also a villainess from Kate's show. Chiara's life is threatened by Athena, leading to Kate enlisting Barbie to watch over Chiara along with her tutoring duties. However, Athena's twin henchwomen suddenly corner Barbie and Chiara, and in a sudden twist, Barbie turned heel and knocked out Chiara. Chiara wakes up at an abandoned warehouse and sees Robyn, Charlette, and Barbie standing over her. Barbie is in her disguise and reveals herself as Athena, while also revealing that she had been seeking revenge on Kate, who she accused of stealing the lead role on her show from her sister (Adrianne Palicki in flashbacks). After Adrianne committed suicide over losing the role, Barbie blamed Kate and decided to get hired as a tutor in order to steal everything from her, and it's up to Kate so save Chiara from the evil Barbie and her henchwomen. Additional cast includes Jazlyn Sward as Chiara's BFF, Brennan Elliott as Kate's husband and Chiara's father. Mercedes Martinez as the lead detective, and Sallie Glaner as Adrianne and Barbie's mother, who is not part of Barbie's villainous plot and is worried about Barbie. Distributor: Reel One Entertainment EP: Lindsay Hartley Director: Brittany Underwood
  7. You know, just when I couldn't hate Next Door any more than I already do, they couldn't even let me enjoy a Green Bay Packers playoff game. Dirty b*st**ds! So yesterday, as I was watching the Packers/Cowboys game, I learned that another Next Door mod is behaving like a deranged psychopath. This one is known as Cynthia B, and she posted comments advocating for animal cruelty, and later tried to dance her way out of it. The comment was right there: "They come on my property, they will leave injured." Yet she later tried to say that she "doesn't have a problem with animals, but she will keep them off her property." What she really doesn't have a problem with is harming animals. She also doesn't have a problem with abusing her power, as she had a comment hidden in response to being rightfully called out. And Next Door also doesn't have a problem using a "parental finger wag" and telling people to follow their rules, even though Next Door knows good and damn well that their mods don't even come close to following the rules. Once I found out about this, I called out Next Door's behavior in this video: I wasn't alone in this; Miley called out the behavior as well. She had been harassed by Cynthia and another mod, Mendy S., over this whole thing. Drama Queening Mods on NextDoor Miley also went to YouTube regarding this ordeal as well Others have reported Cynthia's comments as well, and here's the evidence: https://imgur.com/a/o65IOfu And if Cynthia did nothing wrong, as she continues to claim and even attacked people over it, her post would not have been removed for illegal activity. Advocating for animal cruelty is illegal. Next Door actually did something for a change, they removed the comments. If Cynthia did nothing wrong, then her comments would have been removed. But she was in the wrong. Big time: https://imgur.com/k7vIFv6 https://imgur.com/a/76r5Brb https://imgur.com/jCMPu3e
  8. Next Door's mods are absolutely deranged. So is Next Door themselves for enabling them.
  9. I see she's one of those mothers who think their kids can do no wrong, even when they obviously do. Those are the worst parents. Kids like that grow up to be entitled as hell, and even become criminals (some of them do, at least). I think that owner was too nice when they threw out that family. Hell, those kids were disturbing the peace. That's a crime.
  10. The main trope we usually see in Lifetime films is the incompetent cops. A vast majority of LT/LMN movies feature cops who either don't do their job, do a p**s poor job, or get so easily taken in by the baddie(s). And then, Lifetime gave us Girl in the Video. In this film, Krissy, after being told by her widowed mother, Mo, that she can't go to a party with her friends, sneaks out of the house to meet up with Toby, who she had been chatting with. However, Krissy ends up being abducted by "Toby," who is actually a man named Jack Sweeney. Now, this is where the game changes. When Mo goes to the police, something strange happens. The police...are actually helping. They're being helpful. They're competent. They actually care. They are going all out. And this is all for a missing Black girl at that. We all know the story when it comes to missing people of color. The families usually get the usual tone deaf responses from police, with the main go to being, "Wait and see what turns up." In addition, the missing POCs get labeled as runaways or "just acting out," or worse, they're vilified as possible criminals. We not only see that in movies, but in real life as well. Yet in this film, the police are actually going beyond the call of duty and working their a**es off to actually find Krissy. The film, overall, was a good one, as I expected it would be. But I just want to say how delighted and surprised I was to see this. Honestly, it gives me hope that we'll see actual diligence in real-life cases regarding missing people of color.
  11. Next Door is so lax and hideously incompetent when it comes to their bigoted bully mods that it's given said mods such a superiority complex. The worst of the worst is Autumn Leigh Martin, who established her racism with her comments about a Latinx woman whose area was vandalized by a young White child. Even worse, she can't handle being called out or being exposed, because she'll go on racist tirades against those who do. I am a recent victim of Autumn's psychotic behavior. On TikTok, Autumn called me a thug on two occasions, she made a number of threats towards me, and she even went as far as falsely accusing me of sexually assaulting her! I have the receipts to prove it; here's my video on YouTube detailing my ordeal: A Racist Karen Harassed Me on TikTok!
  12. I liked it for the most part, but something told me this would get axed
  13. Next Door is soft and full of f**king sh*t. They're also biased pricks
  14. That Mets team was something else in 1969. Fell behind the Cubs by 10 games, only to end up winning the National League East by 8 games and going on to win the pennant. Amazing feat, and Harrelson was a big part of that Series, and the 1973 pennant run.
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